This report is for Members information and sets out details of those Service Level Agreements that are currently administered by the Policy and Communications Unit. The Policy Unit is unable to comment on the detail of those SLA’s managed by other departments of the Council. The report recommends a review of the way in which the Council currently manages Service Level Agreements and Contracts that should focus on the benefits a centralised approach would bring.





Members to note the content of this report and to consider a recommendation for a wide ranging review of the current SLA and Contract management and monitoring arrangements adopted by the Council.






1.                  Members requested information as to the number and detail of Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) the Isle of Wight Council has and how performance is monitored and managed. This report sets out details of those SLA’s, which are managed by the Policy and Communications unit only. The request highlighted a fragmented approach to the management of SLA’s and Contracts throughout the Council. It has also identified a non-standard approach to the drafting of agreements. The Policy and Communications Unit are therefore unable to provide information on those agreements that are managed within other areas of the Council.


2.                  The total annual sum of the three Service Level Agreements managed by the Policy and Communications Unit is £266,528.00. These comprise the Rural Community Council (RCC) £136,990, the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) £125,028, and Relate Solent £4,510. Both the RCC and the CAB agreements are valid until 2006 with annual reviews. The agreement with Relate Solent terminates in March 2005 and will then need to be renegotiated. 


3.                  Two of the agreements, CAB and Relate, are subject to an inflationary increase/reduction by a percentage equivalent to the increase/reduction of the “All Item Index of Retail Prices. The RCC agreement is subject to an inflationary increase/reduction by a percentage equivalent to the increase/reduction shown by the annualised percentage pay increase, if any, shown by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.


4.                  Management of these agreements was transferred to the Community Partnership Team in the early part of 2004 and prior to this monitoring had been spasmodic. Since the transfer there has been a review of the templates used for the SLA’s in order to standardise the content. Quarterly monitoring meetings have been set up and initial meetings have taken place. Outputs have been renegotiated and quarterly reports now form part of the monitoring procedure. In addition, supplementary meetings take place to further develop the potential of the outcomes. 


5.                  Rural Community Council (RCC)


a.                  Period of agreement for this SLA is 1st April 2003 – 31st March 2006 subject to annual review and confirmation. The total annual value is £136,990 paid in equal quarterly instalments.


b.                  The RCC acts as the voluntary and community sectors infrastructure body in working towards the achievement of the Council’s corporate objectives. In particular the core functions of the RCC in its role as Council for Voluntary Services (CVS), for the Isle of Wight are:


                                             i.                        To give encouragement, advice and practical help to volunteer organisations throughout the Isle of Wight


                                           ii.                        To undertake development initiatives in local communities and in the voluntary sector, including establishing new organisations and setting up projects


                                          iii.                        To facilitate links between voluntary organisations and the RCC, and between statutory organisations and the voluntary sector, including participation in consultation


                                         iv.                        To maximise representation of the voluntary sector on statutory bodies and at other county, regional and national levels


c.                  The activities that are funded under this agreement to help achieve these aims include the following:


                                             i.                        Liaison with the voluntary and community sector through the use of the internet, newsletters, conferences and other methods


                                           ii.                        Support to access information on funding, legislative and governance matters


                                          iii.                        Lobbying and representation on behalf of the voluntary and community sector, including soliciting the views of these sectors to feed back to local, regional and national levels.


                                         iv.                        Capacity building initiatives:


1.                  Within the community


2.                  Within the voluntary sector, to enable them to deliver service agreements, and


3.                  With individuals and groups to assist in accessing funding and improve project delivery


                                           v.                        Ongoing development of RCC staff


d.                  A review of the required outputs for this agreement is currently under discussion.


6.                  Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB)


a.                  The period of agreement for this SLA is 1st April 2003 – 31st March 2006 subject to annual review and confirmation. The total annual value before review is £125,028 paid in equal quarterly instalments.

b.                  The CAB is independent and provides free, confidential, impartial advice to all regardless of race, gender, sexuality or disability. They aim to:


                                             i.                        Ensure that individuals do not suffer from a lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities, or of the services available to them through an inability to express their needs effectively


                                           ii.                        Exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and service both on a local and a national basis


c.                  The activities funded under this agreement are:


                                             i.                        Provision of free, confidential and independent generalist advice, information and services to the public covering the following subject areas defined by NACAB. The list is not exhaustive:


1.            Welfare Benefits            2. Housing

3.      Debt                               4. Employment

5.      Tax                                 6. Utilities

7.      Legal                              8. Consumer advice

9.      Relationships


                                           ii.                        Provision of specialist debt counselling and Welfare benefits representation. The Community Fund funds the debt outreach service provided until November 2005


                                          iii.                        The CAB also provide representation at:


1.                  County Court hearings

2.                  Housing Benefit reviews

3.                  Social Security Appeal tribunals

4.                  Medical Appeal Tribunals

5.                  Child Support Agency Appeals

6.                  Appeals to Social security Commissioners


7.                  Relate Solent


a.                  The period of agreement for this SLA is 1st April 2002 – 31st March 2005. The total annual value before review is £4,510 paid in two half yearly instalments.


b.                  Relate Solent provide a counselling service to the public in accordance with the aims and principles of the Relate Federation.


c.                  The activities funded under this agreement are:


                                             i.                        To ensure that a confidential couple counselling and psychosexual service is available to all adults who require it and irrespective of their ability to pay


8.                  Conclusion


a.                  Service Level Agreements and Contracts are managed by a large number of departments across the Council. There is evidence of inconsistency in the format of templates adopted for these agreements and a non-standard approach to monitoring arrangements.


b.                  If the Council is to manage its Service Level Agreements and Contracts in line with the principles of Best Value, then a wide-ranging review that considers a centralised approach into management and monitoring arrangements is recommended.



Contact Details :         Sue Chilton ( 823632 e mail – [email protected]




Portfolio Holder for Resources