Members ICT Survey Results


Please note that not every respondent completed every section.


Overall Results:

48 Forms were issued, with 15 returned, 10 in paper form and 5 by e-mail


Current Laptop Use:



Do you make use of the Laptop computer issued to you by the IOWC?



Roughly, how many pages per week do you print out on the printer that was issued with your Laptop?

Average of 35 pages p/w

Lowest was zero pages

Highest 100 plus.

If you do not use the Laptop or printer, please tell us why you do not use it, what may encourage you to use it, and what method of working you currently prefer to use instead of a computer:


Only two members commented here:  “Unable to make connection from home. Use printer with private PC. E-mails sent to my private e-mail address.”


I use a combination of my own home computer and laser printer with the council laptop and inkjet printer.

Being not in County Hall as much as some I find this form of electronic communication very adaptable.”

If you do use your Laptop, do you access “Outlook” (e-mail and diary) and the Internet from Home?





If you do use your Laptop, “Outlook” (e-mail and diary) and the Internet whilst you are in County Hall?





Do you use your IOWC Laptop for non-Council business?





Please list below the type of applications you currently use for IOWC business, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.


The vast majority of members who commented use Microsoft Office applications including Internet Explorer.

In addition the following were also listed:

Adobe Acrobat

3-Com Bluetooth

iPaq sync and Psion sync

Digital Image



Support for your Laptop:



When you were first issued with your Laptop, did you receive sufficient training in its use?





If you have asked for specific training since then, did you receive it?





Approximately how many times have you had to call the ICT helpdesk in the last 12 months?

Average of 5.19

Highest 12, Lowest zero, and one “Gave Up”

What has been the nature of your calls? (Please tick all that apply):


Hardware problems


Software problems


Requests for new software


How would you rate the help and support you received? Please circle:


Very Good








Very Poor


Are the any aspects of your training or ICT helpdesk support you would like changed, or would like to comment on?


Few members commented here, and all comments were positive, however one member commented: Problems at evenings and weekends should be recorded and picked up by staff when they are back in the office.”



Your future use of IT:



If you use your own PC or Laptop at home, would you rather use that to access IOWC services, instead of having a dedicated IOWC Laptop?





If the Call Centre were to be able to log all incoming calls and provide a breakdown of queries by type and electoral division, would you find this useful?






By the same token, would you be willing to log all enquiries made direct to you on your Laptop, so that these can be integrated with the Customer Relationship Management system?





What else would you like to be able to do with your Laptop, which you cannot do at present? Please add any other comments you may have on the provision of ICT to members.


This section received the most comments:


Two members commented directly on the slow speed of dial-up connections from home, with one commenting on the cost of this type of connection to the member.


One member commented on the lack of the system at times when they want to use it, e.g. weekends. Another would like to be able to use a Broadband air connection.


One member noted the need for flexibility in ICT delivery, and it was apparent that the simple provision of a laptop and printer does not always deliver this flexibility in the eyes of the member concerned.

“I would like to be able to switch between connectivity applications easily without hassle. So far I have been unable to achieve this in three years. I gave up.

The interface between real life and IT departments is something that affects all companies – and councils.

As a member I need to be able to give the IT bods a task in plain english and get that task performed.

I also need to understand what a member’s individual budget is. I currently have an IPAC, which I don’t really use – but when I wanted a cheap backup and data transfer system I was told I could not have it!”


A further member commented upon the training, which whilst useful, took up too much time at the start, and may have been too much to take in. Regular follow up sessions would have been useful, and the Learning Centre have provided such sessions.