(a)       Prestwood Grange Farm, Ryde


Members were informed that written advice had been received from Counsel, which gave regard to making a Discontinuance Order. This would require, subject to payment of compensation, the discontinuance of any use of land. The Development Control Committee would need to consider the making of such an order after giving consideration to the evidence as to the difficulties suffered by the local residents. The advantage would be that the Council would not need to purchase the land, and the compensation would accordingly be reduced. Based on this advice, it was advised that no further action was taken at present to pursue the proposed CPO, but that a report be presented to the Development Control Committee with a request that the Committee consider making a Discontinuance Order. Members stressed the importance of continuing to try and reach a negotiated settlement with the owner of the land.




           (i)        THAT the Development Control Committee be asked to consider making a Discontinuance Order


           (ii)       THAT no further action be taken to pursue the Compulsory Purchase Order for the time being