Present :


Mrs M J Lloyd (Chairman), Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J F Howe, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs B Lawson, Mr A J Mellor (deputising for Mr R A Sutton), Mr V J Morey, Mr K Pearson, Mr R C Richards (deputising for Mrs M J Miller), Mr I R Stephens


Apologies :


Mrs M J Miller, Mr G P Price, Mr R A Sutton, Mr D T Yates


Portfolio Holder :


Mr R R Barry


Also Present (non voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs D Gardiner, Mrs S A Smart



34.       MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2003 be confirmed.




Mrs B Lawson declared a personal interest as a member of the GAGS Programme Board in any item directly related to GAGS.


36.              FORWARD PLAN


The Select Committee considered the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services outlining the statutory requirements for a Forward Plan, its role in the Council’s Constitution and planned development of its format.  The legislation gave responsibility for preparation of the Plan to the Leader of the Council although in practical terms this was undertaken by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


The Select Committee was advised of recently introduced changes to the format of the Forward Plan.  This included specifying a contact officer, the relevant Select Committee, reasons for any slippage and pending issues.


Members considered that some additional information was required on the decision to be taken.  This would assist Select Committees in identifying whether to undertake any pre decision scrutiny.




THAT additional information be included in the Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken column of the Forward Plan to help explain the background to items.




The Select Committee had requested, at its meeting on 8 May 2002, the results of a review undertaken on Polling Stations within the Island with particular emphasis on accessibility.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services, together with the Electoral Services Officer, outlined the results of a consultation exercise regarding existing buildings that were utilised as Polling Stations.  Where problems had been highlighted a range of actions had been recommended.  Due to a number of the buildings utilised not being in Council ownership, it was not always possible to ensure that appropriate works were undertaken.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services indicated that it had recently been announced that the Government intended to introduce arrangements for pilot electronic voting for the European Elections which were due to be held in 2004.


Where Polling Stations were to be utilised in the future members considered that special arrangements should be agreed between the Police and Highways to assist those with mobility problems to park close to Polling Stations or free parking should be made available in any adjacent on street/off street parking places.




(a)   THAT the recommendations arising from the review of Polling Stations and implementation of relevant action be noted.


(b)   THAT the Electoral Services Officer discuss, with the Head of Engineering Services and the Police, ways of assisting with parking arrangements adjacent to Polling Stations for those with disabilities.




The Chief Financial Officer reported on revenue and capital expenditure for services within the Select Committee’s remit as at the end of August 2003.


Revenue expenditure appeared on target except for land charges income.  This was below that normally expected, mainly as a result of a static housing market.  With regard to members training expenses and travelling it was noted that a more detailed report on this would be considered at the Select Committees next meeting.  The Chief Financial Officer clarified a number of issues relating to revenue expenditure on Help Centres and Forums and capital schemes on disability discrimination and water supplies.




THAT the budget monitoring report be accepted.


39.              MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


Mr P D Joyce asked a question in relation to questions asked by Mr Wortham at the Full Council meeting on 17 September 2003, connected to Terry Hall’s report on Wight Leisure, to which no response had been made.  An appropriate reply was given on behalf of the Chief Financial Officer.


Mrs D Gardiner asked a question in connection with the lack of women at a senior level in the Council.  The Chairman indicated that this was an issue to be raised when considering the Human Resources Service Plan.


40.              SERVICE PLANS


The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support gave a brief introduction on the Select Committee’s role in scrutinising Service Plans.  He indicated that the format of these were different to previous years and were also being used to indicate revenue bids for 2004/05.  An abridged version of each Service Plan was being presented to members.


(a)               Human Resources


The Head of Human Resources indicated that a number of issues contained in the Service Plan had arisen from the Best Value Review Action Plan recently considered by the Select Committee.


The main areas warranting attention related to women in the top 5% of earners and number of working days per employee lost due to sickness.  Members debated aspects connected with those two issues.  It was noted that changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme could impact on the Council’s workforce.  The ability of the Council to develop its own senior officers was discussed and the possibility of secondments with the private sector could be part of a management development programme.


The Select Committee noted that there was no mention within the Service Plan of close working arrangements with Health.




(i)                  THAT the Statement of Intent be incorporated into the Service Plan in the aims and objectives for 2004.


(ii)        THAT additional publicity be given to promote the Council’s Healthy Workforce Strategy.


(b)               Property Services


The Head of Property Services indicated how his service supported the whole Authority in ensuring that all assets were utilised to their maximum.  His Service Plan incorporated a specific bid for career path planning and also costs associated with markets.  The Select Committee noted that where possible Property Services worked in collaboration with the Health Service, Prison Service and Private Partners.


Members noted the Head of Property Services concern as to the rising cost of vandalism to Council property which was now estimated at £50,000.  There was also a need for the Council to ensure where possible it owned the buildings that it occupied.




(i)      THAT bids for staff career planning should be incorporated within the Human Resource Service Plan as a shared corporate requirement.


(ii)  THAT Service Plans be shared between Heads of Service to ensure that cross cutting issues are not duplicated or overlapped to ensure that service bids are more realistic.




The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support outlined the key achievements that the newly formed section had achieved in 2003/04.  Members noted that officers had commenced clerking meetings of the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust on a rechargeable basis.  He indicated that there was a need to review the timing of Select Committee Awaydays so to take into account any changes that may arise from the Annual Council meeting.


Members noted that it was proposed to make Best Value Reviews more rigorous and challenging by making more use of independent witnesses.


The training programme for members was discussed and the Select Committee would be considering a report at its meeting on 23 October 2003.




THAT the Service Plan be noted.




The Select Committee considered the Service Plan for Finance and Business Services.  A major area that could create difficulties related to the Local Government Pension Scheme.  The fund would be re-evaluated in March 2004 and this could lead to a significant increase in the employers contribution.


Members debated the mandatory targets especially set in respect of processing benefit claims.  The Head of Finance and Business Services was confident that all targets would be achieved.  He would circulate details of how the targets were calculated to all members of the Select Committee.




THAT the Service Plan be noted.




The Service Plan prepared by the Head of Corporate Policy and Communications was circulated.  In the absence of the Head of Service a brief background to its contents were given by the Community Partnership Manager.


Concern was expressed by the Select Committee as to the absence of information within the targets for the Annual Action Statement 2004/05, Mandatory Targets 2004/05 and Resource bids.  The Select Committee requested that the Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support take this matter up with the Chief Executive Officer.




THAT the Select Committee consider the Service Plan when this had been fully completed.




The Head of Legal and Democratic Services referred to two major issues facing his service area.  One related to European Elections in 2004 and the other, the transfer of the liquor licensing function from the Magistrates Court to the Council.


The work involved in the CPA reassessment process was raised together with the objective of achieving recognised standards for various elements of service delivery.


The Select Committee was made aware that Directorates were able to buy in outside legal advice.  This would normally be in respect of specialist/technical advice not available within the Council’s Legal Team or at times when existing staff were fully committed. Members considered that it was important for the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to be made aware of instances where Directorates intended to seek external advice. This would enable expenditure to be monitored to ensure value for money was being achieved.




THAT the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be advised by Directorates of all instances where external legal advice is being sought so to monitor expenditure.




The Select Committee noted the range of issues contained within the Head of Organisational Development’s Service Plan, a number of which related to GAGS.


Members debated the availability of some systems during normal working hours.  The Head of Organisational Development indicated the different problems that could be encountered with the software and hardware elements of any system.  Business continuity was also a major issue that was slowly being addressed.


It was noted that there were ongoing discussions with the Health Trust on joint working arrangements and this centred mainly around one stop shops where a range of public services could be accessed.




THAT the Service Plan be noted.



