County Constituency Of The Isle Of Wight


Polling Places / Stations Review



1.            Aim Of The Review:


1.1    “To ensure as far as possible that all Island residents have access to a polling station which is convenient to them and which is fully accessible to all.”


2.            Introduction:


2.1    Many of the Polling Places within the County Constituency of the Isle Of Wight have been in use for many years, having served a useful purpose and have been considered more than adequate, given the requirements and attitudes of society prevailing at the time of their inception.


2.2    It is recognised that not only do members of the public now expect modern surroundings and facilities, but that all members of society should now be able to access all of our public buildings without hindrance or impairment, and that those buildings should present a safe environment. Indeed, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 will, from the 1st October 2004, require the “Service Provider”, (in this sense the Isle of Wight Council or the owners of the premises) to make permanent reasonable adjustments to buildings in order to facilitate disabled access. Staff working within those buildings should also be able to access the basic necessities required during a long working day, such as hygiene and eating facilities.


2.3    The locations of our Polling Places have, in many cases, remained unaltered for decades, and it may be the case that these locations are no longer best suited to the demands of modern lifestyles and working practises.


2.4    With these factors in mind, the Electoral Services Office of the Isle of Wight Council initiated a Health and Safety review of all of its Polling Places in November 1999 which gave a broad overview of basic standards in our Polling Places.  This review was not felt to have been wide ranging enough, and certainly it did not address the question of location, nor the detailed requirements of access for all members of the community, particularly disabled persons.


2.5 Paper C1 placed before the Resources Select Committee on the 8th May 2002 recommended that a full review of our current Polling Places be carried out, with a view that all relevant criteria be satisfied in advance of the next planned elections in 2004, to the European Parliament. To this end a review was initiated immediately, with the first stage of implementation taking place at the end of May 2002 with the distribution of detailed questionnaires.


3.            Methodology:


3.1    The review was conducted in two stages. In order to ascertain the views of those directly involved in the electoral process a detailed questionnaire was sent to all those persons who used a Polling Place other than for voting in the June 2001 combined elections. Due to the differing natures of their involvement, the questionnaires were tailored to those aspects of the building the individual concerned would have been involved with. Copies of these questionnaires are attached as Appendices A, B and C.


3.2    The three groups to receive these questionnaires were the caretakers (or other such person responsible for the building) along with the local contact for the building, such as club secretaries; all candidates at the 2001 Parish and Isle of Wight Council elections, and Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks.  The questionnaires were kept as straightforward as possible, with simple tick boxes used to record answers, which enabled detailed interrogation of the replies to take place.


3.4    Analysis of the detailed questionnaires was undertaken by creating Microsoft Access databases, with subsequent output converted into Excel spreadsheets to allow ranked tables to be created. Separate tables were created for all of the subject areas for each version of the questionnaires, which in turn fed into a master table for that form.


3.5    During the course of input it was noted that some forms for the same building were contradictory, and that some were only partially completed; as a result of this, analysis was not solely based upon a Polling Places’ rank in the table, but also upon any comments added to the forms, along with personal experiences of the Electoral Services office staff.


4.            Analysis.


4.1    One of the most striking points to come out of the initial analysis was that different individuals ranked some Polling Places at very different levels. In one case two different candidates ranked one building at both the very bottom and near the top of the table concerned.  This shows that many of the answers given were subjective, and that opinions could be divided as to whether, for example, a building had internal doors or not.


4.2    However, a number of sites fell regularly into the lower end of the tables, regardless of who had completed the form; also, analysis of those buildings that were regarded as “unsuitable” for use as a Polling Place revealed that a number of sites again came up more than once, in some cases a number of times. It is these buildings to which we have devoted the majority of our attention, along with those that were noted as having poor levels of access, especially for disabled persons. In some of these cases disabled access has been put in place, but it may not be totally satisfactory, and needs to be reviewed.

4.3    Of the 75 buildings currently used as a Polling Place, 38 were highlighted as having some sort of deficiency, and these have been the subject of our attentions. It may well be the case that others will subsequently come to light, especially as every Polling Place will receive an inspection from a Visiting Officer on the day of the European Parliamentary elections, and each Presiding Officer will be asked to provide a brief report on the condition of their Polling Station. Any such instances will be dealt with as they arise, and certainly in time for the elections to the Isle Of Wight Council and Town and Parish elections in 2005.


5.            Wight Insight Responses.


5.1    In order to ascertain the views of the general public, an article was published in the 28th February 2003 issue of Wight Insight magazine, which is widely circulated on the Isle of Wight via the Isle of Wight County Press and various other local sources. This questionnaire was kept very simple in order not to deter people from replying, and involved a tear off slip that could be returned to a Freepost address. (See appendix D for an outline of the contents). It would have been useful to have had this in an earlier issue of Wight Insight, but a delay of two months between issues and pressure of space in the pre-Christmas issues rendered this impossible.


5.2    The article in the Wight Insight magazine dated February 28th produced 150 replies, and was well placed within the magazine, appearing as it did on the outside back cover.


5.3    The last section of the reply pro-forma asked people if they wished to apply for a Postal Vote; a total of 58 persons chose to apply, a figure of 38.67 percent.


5.4    Analysing the responses in relation to the Polling Places, we find that 112 people were satisfied with their existing arrangements, whilst 4 chose to leave that part of the form blank as they simply wanted a postal vote. This equates to a satisfaction quotient of 77.33 percent, a high figure given that respondents to this type of survey tend to be those who are dissatisfied with current provisions, and wish to make their voice heard.


5.5    A further three respondents had used a postal vote at the last election, and made no further comment, whilst of those experiencing problems with their allocated venue 19 could suggest no alternatives, whilst 16 were able to make a suggestion. The “problems” fell very evenly into two categories; those who had access problems to the buildings, and those who simply found the location inconvenient, mainly due to the distance they had to travel.


5.6 It was pleasing to note that almost all of the building that had access problems had been highlighted in our earlier survey, thus emphasising the need to tackle these issues.


6.            The Next Step.


6.1    Having produced the list of buildings which were felt to be unsatisfactory, the next step was to consider how to overcome these problems, either by making enquiries as to whether the building has since been or will soon be adapted (the initial Health and Safety Report is now well over three years old), or to proceed with finding alternative venues if access for all stakeholders cannot be ensured.


6.2    Some venues have reported problems with funding for permanent alterations, despite the fact that the DDA puts the onus on them to implement the necessary changes by October 2004. There have been fears of venues having to close if they cannot meet the necessary requirements, although this is now being played down by central government, with the emphasis now being put on the use of the word “reasonable” in the legislation.


6.3    In other cases the building may be in such a position that adaptations are unlikely to be satisfactorily implemented, or that the venue is thought to be inappropriate (which applies only to one or two locations) and that other venues in the locality need to be sought.  The last two or three years have seen the opening of some excellent community centres, which will comply with all existing and imminent legislation, and these will be considered where appropriate.


7.            Results


7.1    The combined results of our surveys produced a total of 38 venues that had some sort of perceived problem, either in terms of access or suitability and location. Of these, 21 were deemed to have more serious problems, either because they had been mentioned by more than one respondent or because the nature of the problem warranted immediate investigation.


7.2    In order to thoroughly investigate the full extent and nature of the problems with these 38 buildings, it was decided to visit all of them in person. In each case the caretaker or keyholder was contacted in advance so that may offer any comments or attend on site as applicable.


7.3    The results of these visits are attached as appendix E, which provides a comprehensive breakdown of the nature of the problem, along with recommendations as to a solution. These results are summarised in appendix F, which splits the locations into four groups:

·  Those which now meet the expected criteria;

·  Those which should be retained as Polling Stations but may require additional signage (for disabled access) or the provision of a threshold ramp;

·  Those which should be relocated to an alternative premises, and

·  Those which present ongoing problems, with no immediate solutions, and for which short term alternatives are suggested.

7.4       The candidates questionnaire also asked if alternative methods of voting would have been preferred, had they been available. Of the 206 candidates who replied, 153 (74.27%) expressed an opinion. Of these, 94 (61.44%) would have preferred to vote by post (an option which is, in fact, already available to every elector); 19 (12.42%) would have used a telephone voting system, and 40 (26.14%) would have cast their vote over the internet. These responses highlight the point that perhaps more promotion of the existence of “on-demand” postal votes could be made, both at a national and local level.


8.            Recommendations:


8.1    The recommendations are those set out with the Polling Station details in Appendix F.


8.2    It should be noted that Electoral Services do not see this report or the implementation of its recommendations as the end of the matter. This process is simply the start of an on-going process of constant review to improve both access to the electoral system and the quality of the buildings used to deliver that system to the electorate.



Contact Point: Clive Joynes, Electoral Services Officer. Tel 823341

                          [email protected]

























Appendix A






Polling station: «Company_Name», «Polling_Station»                                          


Presiding Officer at last election: «Title» «First_Name» «Last_Name»           


Please answer all questions by ticking either the “yes” or “no” box.





Geographical Location of Polling Station






Pedestrian/Wheelchair access

Are there routes to the polling station with:




q       paths/pavements with hard, even, non-slip surfaces, at least wide enough for wheelchairs/ prams/ pushchairs



q       lowered kerbs (if relevant)



q       level ground at site entrance



q       adequate lighting



q       pedestrian crossings (if on main road)



Vehicle Access

Does the polling station have:




q       parking facilities on level ground within easy reach of the polling station



q       parking facilities with adequate lighting




q       signposts to the venue




Physical Attributes of the Building




Do the Entrance/Exit doors have:




q       level access through doors easily opened by frail or wheelchair bound voters.



q       ramped access with handrails through doors easily opened by frail or wheelchair-bound voters.



q       steps with handrails




q       steps without handrails








Inside the building, are there:




q       hard, even, non-slip surface, at least 1.2 metres wide




q       any trip hazards or loose flooring – for example rugs, mats etc




q       effective lights




q       internal doors




q       steps or stairs




q       If ‘yes’, is there a stairlift




Staff Facilities / Health & Safety




Polling station staff are not allowed to leave the building during the hours of poll.

Do the kitchen facilities include:




q       A Sink




q       Hot and Cold Water (including drinking water)




q       A kettle




q       An oven




q       A hob




q       A microwave oven




q       A fridge




q       Crockery and Cutlery





Toilet facilities




q       Are there w/c’s available for staff use?




q       Is there a disabled toilet?




q       Are there separate w/c’s for men and women?




q       Do all the toilets have washbasins?






Appendix B





Polling Station:  «Polling_Station_Name» «Election_Area»


Candidate:  «Title» «Forename» «Surname»


Please answer all questions by ticking either the “yes” or “no” box [as appropriate].







Geographical Location of Polling Station




q       Do you go to this building at any other time for other reasons than for elections?




q       How did you get to the polling station?

§         Car

§         Public transport

§         On foot







q       Was there adequate signposting outside the polling station?



q       Did the polling station have parking facilities with adequate lighting, on level ground within easy reach of the polling station?




q       Did you have to cross a main road to get into the polling station?

q       If yes, is there a pedestrian crossing nearby?






q       Would you prefer to vote by another means? [tick preference]

§         By post

§         By telephone

§         Via the internet









Pedestrian/Wheelchair access

Are there routes to the polling station with:




q       paths/pavements with hard, even, non-slip surfaces, at least wide enough for wheelchairs/ prams/ pushchairs?



q       lowered kerbs or level ground at polling station entrance?



q       adequate lighting?




Physical Attributes of the Building


Do the Entrance/Exit doors have:




q       level access through doors easily opened by frail or wheelchair bound voters?




q       ramped access with handrails through doors easily opened by frail or wheelchair-bound voters?




q       steps with handrails?




q       steps without handrails?







Inside the building:




q       Are there any trip hazards or loose flooring – for example rugs, mats etc?




q       Is there adequate lighting?




q       Are there internal doors?




q       Are there steps or stairs?




q       If ‘yes’, is there a stairlift?




q       Is there seating located in the polling area for voters who are frail or disabled?




Alternative Venues




q       Overall did you consider this venue to be suitable as a polling station?



q       If ‘No’ – do you know of any other suitable venues in the area [Please give details below]




Any other information or comments:



General Health and Safety Matters




q       Does the building have adequate provision for heating




q       Is the building equipped with suitable tables and chairs for use by the polling station staff



q       Is there a working telephone in the building




q       Is there respite seating appropriately located in the polling area for voters who are frail or disabled






Fire Safety




q       Does the building have adequate fire exits




q       Are there suitable signs for the fire exits




q       Is the building equipped with adequate numbers of CO² fire extinguishers



q       Do you know the location of the designated muster point in the event of fire





Control of the Polling Station




q       At the last election did you have complete control of the Polling Station [if No please give details below]






Alternative Venues




q       Overall did you consider this venue to be suitable as a polling station



q       If ‘No’ – do you know of any other suitable venues in the area [Please give details below]






Any other information or comments:







Appendix C





Polling station: «Company_Name»                                                             

Contact: «Title» «First_Name» «Last_Name»                                                          


Please answer all questions by ticking either the “yes” or “no” box.






Geographical Location of Polling Station






Pedestrian/Wheelchair access

Are there routes to the polling station with:




q       paths/pavements with hard, even, non-slip surfaces, at least wide enough for wheelchairs/ prams/ pushchairs



q       lowered kerbs (if relevant)



q       level ground at site entrance



q       adequate lighting



q       pedestrian crossings (if on main road)



Vehicle Access

Does the polling station have:




q       parking facilities on level ground within easy reach of the polling station



q       parking facilities with adequate lighting




q       signposts to the venue




Physical Attributes of the Building




Do the Entrance/Exit doors have:




q       level access through doors easily opened by frail or wheelchair bound voters.



q       ramped access with handrails through doors easily opened by frail or wheelchair-bound voters.



q       steps with handrails




q       steps without handrails







Inside the building, are there:




q       hard, even, non-slip surface, at least 1.2 metres wide




q       any trip hazards or loose flooring – for example rugs, mats etc




q       effective lights




q       internal doors




q       steps or stairs




q       if yes, is there a stairlift




Staff Facilities / Health & Safety




Polling station staff are not allowed to leave the building during the hours of poll.

Do the kitchen facilities include:




q       A Sink




q       Hot and Cold Water (including drinking water)




q       A kettle




q       An oven




q       A hob




q       A microwave oven




q       A fridge




q       Crockery and Cutlery




Toilet facilities




q       Are there w/c’s available for staff use?




q       Is there a disabled toilet?




q       Are there separate w/c’s for men and women?




q       Do all the toilets have washbasins?







General Health and Safety Matters




q       Does the building have adequate provision for heating




q       Does the building possess a current Electrical Inspection Certificate both for the Installation and Portable Appliances



q       Is there a working telephone in the building




q       Is the building equipped with tables and chairs for use by the polling station staff






Fire Safety




q       Does the building have adequate fire exits




q       Are there suitable signs for the fire exits




q       Is the building equipped with adequate numbers of CO² fire extinguishers



q       Is there emergency lighting installed




q       Is there a designated muster point in the event of fire





Control of the Polling Station




q       On polling day the presiding officer must have complete control of the polling station.  Please confirm that this can be achieved.





Disability Discrimination Act




q       Will there be any adaptations to the building in order to comply with the access requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act to come in to force in 2004  [Please give details below]





The Venue as a Community Resource




q       It would be helpful if you could indicate the type and number of the community groups that use this venue on a regular basis  [Please give details below]





Any other information or comments:

Appendix D    Wight Insight Questionnaire


1)     The IOWC is keen to promote open and accessible democracy to all.


2)     To this end we are undertaking a review of all of our Polling Stations to ensure that they are:


i)                    Suitable buildings in convenient locations

ii)                  Accessible to every member of the community


Some venues may have unsuitable disabled access, others may be in inconvenient locations or they are only rarely used by many members of the local population. Newer more suitable buildings may have been recently built in some areas, which could supersede older premises that have been used as Polling stations for many years.


3)     We would welcome YOUR views on YOUR Polling Station.


4)     The Electoral Services pages on the IOWC’s website have just been updated, and you can now download a range of documents including Voter Registration forms and Postal Voting forms


5)     Anyone can now Vote By Post; either for a set period, a particular election, or indefinitely – just contact Electoral Services to request an application form, or download it from







Road and Town where you live…..

Polling Station last used…..

Is this Polling Station convenient for you?…

Do you have any problems gaining access to the building?…

Would you prefer to use a different building?  If so, where?…

Would you like to apply for a Postal Vote? If so, please supply full name and address….


Please return to:

Electoral Services

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


Telephone 01983 823341/2    Fax 01983 823344

e-mail   [email protected]

Appendix E


Results of visits to Polling Stations noted as being less than satisfactory.



LOCATION: Trinity Middle School, Wellington Road, Newport (G)


Problem reported: One 100mm step


Observations: Visited on 14th May 2003.  The main school hall is used as the Polling Station, with access via a set of double doors opening straight to the outside of the building.  There is a step as described, but suitable disabled access is readily available to the side of the hall, via similar doors that are permanently ramped with concrete. The school bursar noted that the hall is some distance from the car park, and that one elector asked for use of a wheelchair (in 2001), which was not available. The school does not shut on Polling Day.


Action: Ensure alternative access is well signed with Disabled Access signage, and investigate provision of wheelchair. The issue then arises of who is available to push it, given distances involved, and any liability in the event of an accident with it – would staff need Manual Handling training?



LOCATION: St. Thomas of Canterbury Primary School, Carisbrooke (H1)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited on 14th May, 2003. A new library extension has very recently been built next to the hall used as a Polling Station, and this has gently ramped access through double doors into the hall.


Action: None, the building is now accessible.



LOCATION: Gunville Methodist Schoolroom, Gunville Road, Carisbrooke (H2)


Problem reported: Three steps and no disabled access.


Observations: Visited on 14th May 2003. There is no suitable access to the room used as a Polling Station via the front of the building, as three steps must be negotiated. It is not possible to ramp these due to the steep angle involved, and the proximity of the door to the road.  There is a double door at the rear of the building, and can be reached via a gravel car park to the side of the building, through a wooden gate. This double door has a single step to negotiate, which could be bridged with a temporary ramp.


Action: There is little alternative in this area. All the other buildings in the area are commercial, and of these the National Farmers Union building would seem to be the best of a poor selection, however, it is further away from the population mass, and closer to the Polling Station in the adjacent Polling District. Approaches will be made to the owners if this is deemed to be a suitable venue, but there is not yet an assurance that the building will be available.  In the long term, the Methodist Church are raising money to rebuild the premises, but this is still some years away from actually happening. (Update – the NFU have agreed that their premises can be used as a Polling Station, as have the Islandwide Carpets Store; this is subject to a site visit, but both offer better disabled access to the building.)



LOCATION: Northwood House, Albert & Victoria Rooms, Cowes (K & L)


Problem reported: Loose mats creating trip hazards.


Observations: Visited on 14th May 2003.  The caretaker showed me around this council owned building. There is ramped access from the car park to the main entrance, where there is a large and heavy doormat – this can be removed if required. No other loose mats were noted, but one internal doorway does have a very small threshold, of less than 25mm. Disabled visitors regularly use the premises, and no complaints have been received by the caretaker. Any loose mats within the premises are certainly not in evidence.


Action: Presiding Officer to remove doormat after consultation with caretaker if deemed necessary.



LOCATION: East Cowes Methodist Hall, East Cowes (P)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access


Observations: Visited 4th September 2003. The main door into the church itself is level, and access can be obtained to the hall if necessary. The side door from Adelaide Grove also affords disabled access.


Action: Ensure that the disabled access route is signposted from the front of the building.



LOCATION: Gurnard Methodist Schoolroom, Gurnard (T)


Problem reported: Two steps and sharp left turn


Observations: Visited 14th May 2003. Access to the schoolroom at the rear of the church is indeed via two steps and a sharp left hand turn in a confined space. The church is looking at ways of solving this, but it is unlikely to be in the short term.  Access can be gained to the schoolroom via the church itself, which involves a small step of some 35mm, and then through a doorway into the Polling Station. The church are happy for this route to be taken by disabled persons.

Alternatively, there is the WI Hall further down the road; but this is accessed via an unmade gravel drive, and itself has a step of similar proportions to that at the front of the Methodist Church. There are no other possible venues known, with the exception of Gurnard Pines, which is not nearly so well placed in the centre of the population mass.


Action: Continue to use the Methodist schoolroom, and ensure that the front door of the church has adequate disabled access signage.



LOCATION: Methodist Hall, Birmingham Road, Cowes (M)


Problem reported: Steps at entrance.


Observations: The hall has full disabled access to the right-hand side of the building, constructed specifically for the purpose, and to regulations then in force, in approximately 1993.


Action: Ensure disabled access signage is in place, and that Polling Station staff are aware of the need to use this route if necessary.



LOCATION: St. Helens Youth Club, Lower Green Road, St. Helens (E2)


Problem reported: Very poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited 21st May 2003. The disabled access is indeed poor. Electors have to walk down a relatively narrow passageway between two brick walls, which is uneven, badly lit and at the time of the visit, slightly overgrown. This means of access still has one 75mm step to be negotiated.


Action: St. Helens has a new community centre, located just at the Eastern end of the green, which has full disabled access via a shallow ramp and two pairs of double doors. Vigorously investigate using this venue. (Agreed in principle, Aug 03).



LOCATION: Nettlestone Primary School, Nettlestone (MM2)


Problem reported: No disabled access; steps both inside and out.


Observations: Visited 21st May 2003. There is one step outside the building, whose access also uses a fairly narrow walled pathway. There is one further step inside the building between the main doors and the school hall. The school closes on Polling Day, and there are no alternative venues.


Action: The pathway is due to be widened within one year, and the outside step is also due to be removed at this time. Within three years an extension is due to be built, which will incorporate full disabled access. The inner step could be removed by use of a ramp, or by using a classroom as the Polling Station, as opposed to the hall.

LOCATION: Binstead Methodist Schoolroom, Chapel Road, Binstead (D)


Problem reported: Steps and no disabled access.


Observations: Visited 21st May 2003. The only access to the building is via two sets of steps, one from the road to the front of the building, and another up to the doorway. Parking is limited as it is on the road with no pull in. There seems to be no easy way to facilitate disabled access.


Action: The relatively new Binstead Community Centre is but a short distance away, although it is slightly less central to the population mass. Being a new building, disabled access is very good, and there is ample parking just outside the doors. This venue would prove to be a very good alternative, and its use should be investigated. (Agreed in principle, Aug 03).



LOCATION: St. Michaels Church Hall, St. Michaels Avenue, Ryde (GG2).


Problem reported: Four steps, poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited 21st May, 2003. The access to this room is via internal steps from the pavement. There is a side door, but it is not suitable for wheelchairs, and involves negotiating a narrow internal doorway.


Action: There is no immediate likelihood of any alterations taking place, and as it stands the building is not suitable for disabled access. Other venues in the area need to be investigated, the most obvious of which is the nearby Swanmore Middle School.



LOCATION: Village Hall, High Street, Bembridge (B)


Problem reported: One step.


Observations: Visited 21st May, 2003. There is indeed one step of about 100mm at the outside doors. There are two sets of double doors, both of which can be propped open, and allow level access to the main hall.


Action: The key holder states that a removable ramp is available, and if so this should prove satisfactory, provided that it is made available to the Presiding Officer, and a sign is placed stating that it is available. The ramp cannot be left in place all day, as it infringes on the pavement.



LOCATION: All Saints Church Hall, Queens Road, Ryde (HH1)


Problem reported: Gravel Car Park.


Observations: Visited 21st May, 2003. The main car park to the West of the church and hall is of gravel, but the entrance to the hall itself is from West Street. Full disabled access to the building is in place, and a disabled toilet will be added shortly.


Action: The venue appears satisfactory in terms of access, but the car park itself may be difficult for some to negotiate. There is a concrete path leading to the door, however. It is proposed that use of this venue continues.



LOCATION: Elmfield Congregational Church Hall, Marlborough Rd, Ryde (II)


Problem reported: Gravel car park and poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited 21st May, 2003.  There is no car park at this venue, so the gravel is not an issue.  The entrance to the Church Hall is up one small 50mm step, which could easily be ramped, either permanently as the church itself has been, or with a temporary ramp. Given the modest nature of the problem, and the lack of alternative venues, the provision of a ramp, or access through the church will be looked at.



LOCATION: Ryde Youth Centre, High Street, Ryde (GG1)


Problem reported: Too many steps.


Observations: Visited 21st May, 2003. The actual hall used is fine, but it is reached by seven steps, with no other form of access. The lower ground floor hall has level access of sorts, but this is itself poor.


Action: In its present condition, there is no disabled access to the part of the building that can be used as a Polling Station. Property Services, in conjunction with Youth Services are looking at disabled access in all of the IOWC Youth Centres, in order to comply with the DDA, and funding is being sought to put this in place. There is now a proposal to create disabled access to the Ground Floor. (Aug 03).



LOCATION: Methodist Schoolroom, Garfield Road, Ryde (FF)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited 21st May, 2003. There is disabled access to the side of the building, along a slight incline, that has full handrails. The side door leads into the side of the Polling Station. Disabled toilets are also provided. This access has been especially built in the last few years.


Action: Clearly, adequate disabled access exists, although it is probable that better signage needs to be in place on Polling Day.



LOCATION: St. Rhadagunds CE Holiday Home, St. Lawrence (TT3)


Problem reported: Unsuitable location and poor access.


Observations: Visited 10th June, 2003.  The “hotel” is reached off the main road via a driveway which inclines fairly steeply in parts, and leads to a small parking area. The games room is used as the Polling Station, and access is straight from this parking area, via two steps, one around 125mm, with the other being the threshold of the double doors.


Action: The manager informs us that works are due to commence this winter on some disabled alterations, which he hopes will include disabled access via this doorway. If this is completed, then the venue will be suitable for our purposes. The fact it is a hotel does not appear to disadvantage the building, as we have full use of the room in question, and access to nearby toilets, etc. An alternative venue would be the newly renovated Village Hall in St. Lawrence. However, whilst this has no steps, the access ramp to the building is very steep (a common feature of many buildings in this area), and vehicles cannot reach the doors, making access more difficult than at St. Rhadagunds. Provided that access is improved, or a ramp installed, it is proposed that St. Rhadagunds is retained as a Polling Station.



LOCATION: WI Hall, Newport Road, Chale (J1)


Problem reported: Five steps, with no disabled access.


Observations: Visited 10th June, 2003. There is indeed no disabled access at this location. The WI would like to put in a ramp, but this is not likely to happen in the near future, given that one estimate for the works came to £9,000. The Parish Council use this venue for their meetings, and are also seeking alternatives.


Action: Chale Primary School agreed in February 2001 that the school could be used as a Polling Station, but the school was not used in the 2001 General Election. There is full disabled access from the car park. It is recommended that the school be used in the future.


NB: The Methodist schoolroom in Chale Green that is also used as a Polling Station has been sold, and will no longer be available. The clerk to the Parish Council is unaware of any other suitable premises in the area. Given the low electorate in both Polling Districts, it may be possible to combine the two Districts, although this would mean a journey along a road with no footpaths for those living in Chale Green. The school does, however, provide a focus for both ends of the community, and many children from Chale Green already travel to the school on a daily basis.



LOCATION: Chillerton Village Hall, Main Road, Chillerton (I4)


Problem reported: Steep ramp.


Observations: Visited 10th June,2003. The Village Hall has a number of steps to the front, and a ramp to the side, but this is fairly steep at the road end, and ends in a single step by the main doors. This single step could be ramped, but the main series of steps could not.


Action: Either some form of permanent alteration needs to be effected to the ramped access, or an alternative venue sought. The Chillerton Club has even poorer access, leaving only the primary school, which has disabled access. It is recommended that the school be used as a Polling Station.



LOCATION: Shanklin Football Club, Green Lane, Shanklin (PP)


Problem reported: One step.


Observations: Visited 10th June, 2003. There is one step through the door threshold of about 50mm. The building itself is of a non-descript appearance, and I am informed it is likely to be re-built in the next two years.


Action: The building is not an attractive one, but it is near a free car park, and is central to the population mass of this Electoral Division. The only other viable alternative is Gatten and Lake primary school, but this is further off-centre, and may involve closing the school for the day. Given the nature of the step, and the likely rebuilding, it is believed that this building should continue to be used.



LOCATION: Newchurch Parish Hall, High Street, Newchurch (X1)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access.


Observations: Not visited, as the Parish Clerk confirms that there is no disabled access at present, but that a ramp is due to be installed in August 2003.


Action: None; the building will be checked again after installation of the ramp to check that all is satisfactory.



LOCATION: Whitwell Village Hall, Ventnor Road, Whitwell (J4)


Problem reported: Step on disabled access route.


Observations: Visited on 10th June 2003. The 100mm step has now been removed, having been ramped with concrete in the last twelve months.


Action: None; the location now has satisfactory disabled access.

LOCATION: Methodist Schoolroom, Apse Heath (X2)


Problem reported: No disabled access.


Observations: Visited on 10th June 2003. The schoolroom has a number of steps leading up to it. An alternative room has been offered at the rear of the Chapel, but this itself has two steps.


Action: Whilst the steps could be permanently ramped, I understand this is not likely to happen in the short term. No alternatives sites are known, and the building does not lend itself to the use of a temporary ramp due to the nature of the steps, and the rake of the ground.



LOCATION: Ventnor Youth Centre, Victoria Street, Ventnor (SS1)


Problem reported: Two steps at main entrance.


Observations: Visited on 10th June. There are indeed two steps outside the main entrance to this IOWC property. Property Services have confirmed that disabled access will be provided, and that this should be in place before May 2004.


Action: Retain the use of this building as a Polling Station, as access is likely to be suitable in the near future.



LOCATION: Methodist Schoolroom, Niton Road, Rookley (I2/I5)


Problem reported: Poorly ramped access.


Observations: Visited on 10th June, 2003. The ramp referred to is a temporary wooden ramp, placed over two stone steps. In use it is rather steep, and a wheelchair user would not be able to propel themselves up it.


Action: The parish clerk tells me that the installation of a permanent ramp with a gentler angle is a real possibility, subject to funding. The only alternative is the new Village Hall, but this is sited in a sports field outside the main housing area, and is accessed via a gravel drive. Using this venue could cause further accessibility problems due to its more remote location. The installation of a permanent ramp at the Methodist Schoolroom should be pursued.



LOCATION: Yaverland Sailing Club, Sandown (KK2)


Problem reported: Gravel car park


Observations: Visited on 10th June 2003. There is indeed a gravel car park, and one 50mm step to be negioiated.


Action: The step itself could easily be ramped, leaving the gravel car park, which may prove difficult for some to cross. Access has also been put in directly from the main Yaverland road, removing the need for electors to cross the public car park. However, there is a lack of suitable alternatives in this area. Some that could be considered are Dinosaur Isle, or the Grand Hotel; however both of these would have to remain open to the general public, as well as to electors. It is possible, given that this polling station serves an electorate of 386 as opposed to the 1922 of the other station in Sandown North, that the Polling Districts be combined, but this would only be a last resort if no suitable alternatives could be found, and it was thought that the Sailing Club was not suitable.  It is of note that the Sailing Club is used for other community events (a Summer Fayre was due to be held the day following my visit), and as such it seems to provide a focus for the Yaverland community. A temporary ramp needs to be made available.



LOCATION: Church Hall, Bonchuch Village Road, Bonchurch (SS2)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited on 10th June 2003. Access into the Church hall is via a level concrete pathway from the road, with one 50mm step in the main doorway. Whilst access into the hall itself is not difficult to ramp, the road only has a narrow pavement, and the hall is located on a steep hill.


Action: Steep hills are a feature of the Bonchurch area, and moving from one location to another may solve access problems for some, but will cause problems for others. As it is, the hall is reasonably central to the population of the area, and this Polling Station should continue to be used, unless another central location, with better access can be found. This would probably have to be in the form of a guest house or hotel given the lack of public buildings in the area.



LOCATION: Ventnor Winter Gardens, Shore Hill, Ventnor (TT1)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited on 10th June, 2003. The room used as a Polling Station is accessed via two sets of multiple double doors, with the outer one having a step of no more than 50mm at its deepest point.


Action: There is no need to change this venue. The Winter Gardens are often used by disabled visitors, and there is a disabled toilet next to the Polling Station.


LOCATION: St. Johns Church Hall, High Street, Wroxall (VV1)


Problem reported: Narrow doorway and sharp turn on disabled access route.


Observations:  Visited on 10th June, 2003. The access does have a small concrete ramp, but the doorway appears narrow with a sharp turn inside. This is an older building, constructed of corrugated sheets.


Action: Wroxall has a community centre, which was built a few years ago, and is only a very short distance away from the Church Hall. This building has fully ramped access to double doors, and is located in a side road, which affords better parking. A change to use of this venue is recommended. (Agreed in principle, Aug 03).



LOCATION: Masonic Hall, Solent Hill, Freshwater (S2)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access, Poor location, Improper venue.


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003. The hall has ten steps to the front, and a side, ramped, access that leads to a side door. This door is narrow and can only be reached after negotiating a 125mm step. This could be ramped, but access is still restricted for wheelchair users. The hall is located towards the edge of the Polling District.


Action: To continue using this venue either the disabled access needs to be improved, or a large ramp built at the front, which given the limited public use of this building is not likely in the short term. One respondent also raised a question as to whether the Masonic Hall is a suitable location, given the perception of the buildings main users in the eyes of some members of the public. Alternative locations could include either the lodge at the Savoy Holiday Village, or a room at Warners Holiday Village. Both options are to be investigated. (The use of the Mansion House at the Savoy has been agreed in principle, Aug 03).



LOCATION: Yarmouth Guide & Scout HG, Mill Rd, Yarmouth (NN4/5)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003. This is not the most visually appealing of buildings, and access is hindered by the presence of one 100mm step into the doorways.


Action: The step could be ramped by a temporary ramp, or a change of location could be sought, most likely to the Yarmouth Institute, which has ramped access to the main doors at the side, and is used for many community events. The nearby primary school also presents an alternative, but this also has access which needs to be ramped.



LOCATION: Wesley Hall, Brookside Road, Freshwater (R)


Problem reported: Poor disabled access, poor location:


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003. The main doors to the front of the building can only be reached via two large steps, but another set of double doors further down the side is approached via a single 75mm step, which could be easily ramped, either temporarily, or permanently.


Action: If the door cannot be ramped, then the nearby West Wight Sports Centre could be used, which is accessed from the public car park, and has level access. The location of this Polling Station is near the centre of the village, but at the edge of the Polling District. A move to either the Parish Hall in Victoria Road, or the United Reformed Hall in Guyers Road would address the centricity of the Polling Station, but access at these venues needs to be assessed.



LOCATION: Totland Church Hall, Broadway, Totland (RR)


Problem reported: Many steps and fairly steep ramp.


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003.  There are indeed many steps to the front, and a ramp to the side of the building which is a little steep at the pavement end, the ramp is a little overgrown in places, and a wheelchair user would have a degree of difficulty accessing the building on their own. 


Action: Unless the ramp is realigned, access for the disabled remains a little difficult at this location.  The nearby Totland Bay Bowls Club has a new clubhouse with more parking and is newly built, with disabled access ramps near the green. (I am advised that the Bowls Club would not want the main clubhouse used as a Polling Station; the Lower Ground Floor may be available, subject to a new lease being drawn up shortly. However, this part of the building is further away from the road, and a step to the building needs to be overcome).



LOCATION: Shalfleet Chuch Hall, Church Lane, Shalfleet (NN2)


Problem reported: Two steps, poor disabled access.


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003. There is some building work currently being undertaken at the church hall, and one door has had a ramp installed to bridge the step outside. The ramp appears a little steep, but affords access to the building.


Action: Given the lack of any alternatives in this area, and that a ramp has been provided, use of this Polling Station should continue.



LOCATION: Wilberforce Hall, Brighstone (F3)


Problem reported: Ramped access said to be poor.


Observations: Visited 18th June, 2003. The access to the hall is fine, with a gently sloping ramp, with one 180 degree turn. There is a very small threshold step, which is acceptable. The hall has wide opening double doors.


Action: Given the good access, and the central location, this Polling Station should be retained.



LOCATION: Shorwell Parish Hall, Shorwell (I3)


Problem reported: One step.


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003. The access has been ramped since the survey (work carried out in early 2003), and an adequate ramp now exists, with a shallow gradient and a handrail.


Action: None, this venue should continue to be used.



LOCATION: Shalfleet School, Newbridge (NN3)


Problem reported: Poor parking.


Observations: Visited on 18th June, 2003. The parking here is limited, and this has been the subject of a local campaign to have it improved, especially for the normal functions of the school, when a large number of vehicles can converge twice a day.


Action: Although a little limited, the parking is considered adequate for the needs of the Polling Station, although as the school remains open for the day, it becomes congested at either end of the school day. A long term solution is being sought, and given the excellent disabled access, and lack of any alternatives, it is proposed to maintain use of this building.









Appendix F – Review Summary


No further action. These venues have been assessed and they now fully meet the criteria:



No change to venue, but some form of further action is required, such as the introduction of better signage and threshold ramps:



Change of venue recommended, as these venues are unlikely to meet the required criteria in the foreseeable future:



Problems to be resolved:





Fishbourne Area:


Since the closure of the WI Hall at the bottom of Kite Hill, the Fishbourne area has been without a Polling Station, and the electorate currently travel to Binstead in order to vote.


This situation is far from satisfactory, and several comments have been received from residents, with one writing to Andrew Turner MP to bring the matter to his attention.


To resolve this situation a new Polling District known as Fishbourne will be established, with a default Polling Station in Binstead; as soon as a suitable Polling Station in the Fishbourne area is identified then this will be changed. The garage in Fishbourne Lane has offered use of part of its showroom, and provided that part of it can be sectioned off and controlled adequately, then this is seen as a viable option.