(a)       Council Care Homes Property Review


(Having declared an interest, Mr D Knowles left the meeting during the consideration of this item)


The Executive considered a report on proposals for the future leasing and sale arrangements of Council-owned homes. Negotiations had been ongoing for nearly two years through independent professional advisers and legal advice had indicated that it would be prudent to seek the Secretary of State’s consent to the proposed transfers. The report also proposed that the Council disposed of its 19% share in Islecare 97 to ensure greater clarity on the provider/purchaser split for the provision of care homes on the Island.


The Portfolio Holder gave an undertaking that given the likely length of time before the Secretary of State’s decision was know this matter would not be implemented until after the Resources Select Committee had considered it if they so wished. Any comments that the Select Committee might make would be considered by the Portfolio Holder and implemented where appropriate but if this required a significant change then the matter would come back to the Executive.




           (a)       THAT the new lease and proposed sale arrangements as set out in the report be approved.


          (b)      THAT the Council dispose of its 19% shareholding in Islecare 97 on terms to be agreed by the Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources.