The CPA Action Plan is a local response to the national policy objective of improving public services.  These plans complement the actions in the Annual Action Statement that deliver the Council’s corporate commitment to :


                   Strong political and managerial leadership

                   Strategically driven excellence in service delivery

                   Improving our community focus

                   Continuous organisational and staff development


The Select Committee on its Development Day, recognised that the CPA Action Plan is a key document as to how the Council proposes to improve its overall capability and capacity and how this will contribute towards the desired improved service levels, as listed by the Council’s six corporate objectives.  To this end, the Committee wanted to examine the actions contained in the plan as part of its work programme.




1.         The Select Committee approve the actions contained within the plan.


2.         The Select Committee will monitor the implementation of these actions.


3.         The Select Committee may decide to undertake further overview and scrutiny of the plan in the future.




Following the CPA grading of the Council as ‘fair’ in October 2002, the Council was required to put in place an Action Plan to address the areas of weakness and help ensure that performance continues to improve in future.  Members are requested to review the plan contained in Appendix 1.




The Plan outlines actions to be undertaken with regard to the five priority areas identified in consultation with the Audit Commission.  Furthermore, the Plan incorporates amendments to the Best Value Review programme, adding a review of Benefits as an explicit response to the unfavourable reference in the CPA report.  It also proposes that phase 1 of the Connecting with the Public Review, be incorporated into the work on Great Access to Great Services.




The CPA process involved extensive consultation by the Inspection Team with Elected Members, the public and Council officers.




Directors and Heads of Service believe that the majority of the actions identified in the Plan can be met from within existing resources with the exception of the development of a customer centred culture across the Council. The cost of this initiative and any other additional costs will have to be dealt with through the Council’s resource prioritisation framework. Any future costs will need to be subject to the usual budget processes of the Council and will need to be given some degree of priority. Progress against the improvement plan will be closely monitored and the achieving the benefits that would flow from a 'good' or even 'excellent' status, is dependent upon delivering the Plan.


The corporate response to the CPA is an essential element of the drive to deliver best value services as required by the Local Government Act 1999.




Appendix 1.




Report to Executive 26 March 2003 – CPA Improvement Plan.


Contact Point :John Bentley, Head Of Corporate Policy and Communications, F 823346, e-mail




Head of Corporate Policy and Communications




APPENDIX 1              CPA Improvement Plan


As is stated in its Corporate Plan, the Isle of Wight Council is committed to its vision ‘to improve Island Life’ and to becoming classified as a ‘high performing authority’ by the Government. It has clearly identified its 5 common values to help define and guide its actions and stated its 6 key objectives.


It is well placed to push forward and obtain its goals but is aware that improvements are still needed and that recent momentum must not be lost.


The recent Corporate Performance Assessment marked the Council as ‘fair’ and helped to provide a focus on those areas where improvements are needed.


In consultation with the Audit Commission five priorities for improvement have been identified by the Council and they are:


Ø      To ensure that the momentum of change is maintained

Ø      Performance Management

Ø      Organisational Development

Ø      Modernised Political Structures

Ø      Best Value Reviews


This Improvement Plan will focus on these five priorities and will:



In taking a strongly output-based approach, the improvement planning will not only act as a direct response to issues identified by the CPA assessment but also provide the action framework by which the Council is going to actively pursue its goals.


Quarterly reports on the delivery progress of the plan will be submitted to both the Executive and the Directors Group to ensure effective monitoring of actions against established criteria.


Best Value Review

What we want to achieve

What we will do


Who is responsible







An expanded and  vigorous Best Value Review process.

Actions to improve the Best Value Review Process

Ø      Better focusing of the review programme into corporate priorities

Ø      Deeper involvement of Members and Directors

Ø      The inclusion of external challenge in every review

Ø      Scrutiny of BV action plans by Select Committees


Timetable of Best Value Reviews


Youth Services Best Value Review (BVR)

Community Development

Connecting with the Public – phase 1



Planning Services



Connecting with the Public – phase 2 & 3

Drug related crime


Education Inclusion


Fire Service Training



Adopt March 03


Adopt March 03

Adopt March 03

Adopt March 03





Complete March 03

Complete April 03

Incorporated into Great Access to Great Services


Complete November 03

Complete March 04

Start May 03

Start Autumn 03

To be completed sequentially once above BVRs completed

Alistair Drain



Maintain Momentum of Change

What we want to achieve

What we will do


Who is responsible



An Annual Planning Cycle that standardises procedures, cements strategic linkages, increases consultation and incorporates improved management processes and better integrate service and financial planning.

Implement an Annual Planning Cycle

Ø      Based around Executive approval of the Annual Action Plan every April

Ø      Undertake annual prioritising review of resources within Annual Action Plan

Ø      Establish tracking mechanism for measuring successful delivery of improvements especially with regard to Performance Management, Project Management, Risk Management, and Procurement

Ø      Implement quarterly Executive and Directors Group review of CPA Improvement Plan, especially focusing on measuring progress against established targets


Adopt April 03


Adopt April 03


Complete Aug 03



Adopt April 03


John Bentley


John Bentley


John Bentley



Mike Fisher

Deliver Action Plan for Code of Audit Practice Assessment

Ø      See Appendix 2

See Appendix 2

Paul Wilkinson

Implement Action Plan in response to the District Audit letter

Ø      See Appendix 3

See Appendix 3

Paul Wilkinson

Conduct IDEA facilitated Peer Group Review

Complete Oct 03

John Bentley

Develop the role of key partners in consultation and delivery of services

Ø      Adopt formal consultation process with the Local Strategic Partnership re. setting of Service Plan priorities

Ø      Further development of the Community Partnerships role within the modernising agenda, linking to the Great Access to Great Services report

Ø      Develop Council Consultation Strategy

Ø      Review Voluntary Sector Compact

Ø      Initiate increased stakeholder involvement in Best Value and Select Committee consultations


Complete Sept 03


Complete May 04



Complete Nov 03

Complete Oct 03

Complete March 03


John Bentley


John Bentley



John Bentley

John Bentley

Alistair Drain

Improve Project Management

Ø      Review project management techniques

Ø      Complete and adopt new Project Management Development Programme


Complete March 04

Complete July 04

John Bentley



Improve Risk Management

Ø      Review and restructure strategic and operational risk groups

Ø      Set up a new computerised Risk Register

Ø      Embed Risk Management into service planning

Ø      Provide Risk Management training for key members and senior officers

Ø      Cascade Risk Management Training down through the Council


Completed Jan 03

Complete July 03

Complete Dec 04

Complete March 03


Complete Dec 04

Paul Wilkinson

Improve Procurement process

Ø      Implement new Procurement Strategy – tasks are grouped under 7 generic headings, each with specific target delivery dates.


Ø      Undertake Procurement peer group review through IDEA


First grouping to be completed Sept 03, last Dec 05

Complete Aug 03

Paul Wilkinson


Modernised Political Structures

What we want to achieve

What we will do


Who is responsible


A modernised political structure which:

  • ensures informed decision-making
  • has the confidence and trust of the community
  • is consistent, open and fair
  • is underpinned by effective scrutiny

Modernise political structures and processes

Ø      Modify Select Committee ‘call in’ procedure

Ø      Incorporate new tracking procedure to map all Select Committee decisions and recommendations.

Ø      Monitor and evaluate Select Committee structure through 6 consultation days

Ø      Review political structures including the effectiveness of the Executive, the effectiveness of links between the Executive and working groups and a technical review of the constitution.

Ø      Provide training and induction for Members for their new role in health scrutiny

Ø      Provide training for all Members under the Modern Members Programme

Ø      Initiate increased stakeholder involvement in Best Value and Select Committee consultations



Complete July 03

Complete July 03


Complete 6 per year

Complete Dec 03



Complete April 03


Complete Dec 03

Adopt Mar 03



Alistair Drain

Alistair Drain


Alistair Drain

John Lawson



Alistair Drain


John Lawson

Alistair Drain


Improve public confidence in the standards and ethics of the Council

Ø      Undergo ethical audit by Standards Committee and publicise results



John Lawson



Improve Organisational Development

What we want to achieve

What we will do


Who is responsible


  • Improved staff skills, performance and motivation
  • Fair treatment for all
  • Modern service delivery utilising the latest technology and best practice 




Improve People Management

Ø       Develop new Human Resource Management strategy and business plan

Ø       Identify and agree implementation priorities

Ø       Determine Action Plan

Ø       Develop positive action strategies to ensure greater diversity in senior management positions

Ø       Commence implementation/change programme

Ø       Progress leadership development of the senior management team through training and away days

Ø      Improve understanding of staff feelings and opinions through staff survey


Complete April 03

Complete May 03

Complete June 03

Complete July 03


Staged delivery to Dec 04

Staged delivery to Dec 04


First survey to be completed April 03


Max Burton









Review Corporate policies re. Diversity and equality

Ø       Review current Equalities and Diversities Strategy

Ø       Develop Equalities Training Programme

Ø       Deliver training programme throughout Council

Ø       Draft Race Equality Scheme with extensive consultation

Ø      Develop Race Equality training programme for Members and senior officers



Complete Sept 03

Complete Nov 03

Complete June 04

Complete Oct 03

Complete March 04



John Bentley

Develop a customer-centred culture across the Council and promote better access to services

Ø       Define customer-centred vision of the organisation

Ø       Establish Programme Board to oversee work

Ø       Appoint project team and develop Project Plan

Ø       Implement single co-located call centre

Ø       Achievement of e-government targets

Ø       Other implementation / change work

Ø      Confirm the additional resources to build on the funds already allocated to the E-government agenda.





Complete March 03

Complete March 03

Complete April 03

Complete April 04

Complete December 05

Staged completion to 2005 and beyond


Complete December 05




David Price


Improve Performance Management



What we want to achieve

What we will do


Who is responsible




A comprehensive Performance Management system to monitor the Council’s performance and guide its future decisions.

Improve Performance Management

Ø      Implement an enhanced Corporate Performance Management framework

Ø      Implement an improved performance monitoring system across all departments

Ø      Review and verify Best Value Performance Indicators annually

Ø      Develop a basket of key performance indicators focused on outcomes to be monitored on a quarterly basis by the Executive and Directors Group

Ø      To begin quarterly reporting to the Executive and Directors Group on the effectiveness of the framework against established targets

Ø      To use the corporate Performance Management system to identify remedial management action and to help set budget priorities for the Council


Complete July 03


Complete Mar 04


Adopt March 03


Adopt May 03


Adopt April 03


Adopt April 03


John Bentley