Appendix 1
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Democratic Representation & Management 1,231.9 1,225.4 -12.4 -7.9 1,219.5 1,217.5 This budget, which represents policy making and all member related activities, is on target. Some year-end income is still due.
Policy Unit 255.8 259.1 0.0 -0.1 255.8 259.0 Budget on target. Slight overspend related to production of Community Strategy.
Local Tax Collection 961.8 936.8 -605.6 -203.1 356.2 733.7 Expenditure is on target. Entries for income from NNDR cost of collection allowance and costs recovered are made at year-end.
Registration of Births Deaths & Marriages 145.6 140.2 -113.9 -121.4 31.7 18.8 Budget on target.
Registration of Electors 93.3 90.6 -2.8 -2.6 90.5 88.0 Budget on target.
Conducting Elections 24.6 7.0 0.0 -14.1 24.6 -7.1 This budget represents the annual cost of running elections and the expenditure is largely committed at the year-end as a contribution to the Elections Fund. Income is received from Parishes towards these costs.
Local Land Charges 170.2 152.7 -657.0 -659.7 -486.8 -507.0 The net underspend will be applied to fund the IT replacement project scheduled for 2003/04.
General Grants, Bequests & Donations 350.3 279.1 0.0 0.0 350.3 279.1 Budget for corporate grants is on target. Figures also include non-domestic rate discretionary relief for which entries are made at year-end
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Support Services - Financial Services 1,620.0 1,704.4 -218.6 -61.6 1,401.4 1,642.8 The administrative costs of the Pensions section & the Insurance section are recharged to the Pension Fund & the General Insurance Fund respectively at year-end.
Support Services - ICT 2,179.0 1,514.9 -0.2 -1.2 2,178.8 1,513.7 The budget and expenditure figures include ‘Invest to Save’ and ICT Strategy projects. All unspent budgets on these projects will be carried over to 2003/04.
Support Services - Property Services 484.7 502.5 -5.6 -4.0 479.1 498.5 Overspend is due to oustanding savings requirements not yet fully addressed.
Support Services  - Council Properties 144.7 143.8 -183.2 -142.9 -38.5 0.9 Budget on target to date. Some income has yet to be charged to external tenants & there is an rental income shortfall at Westridge due to an unforseen tenant vacancy.
Adminstrative Buildings 532.7 544.7 -77.6 -80.1 455.1 464.6 Budget on target. There are still a number of year-end adjustments to be made for rental prepayments and recharges to other revenue accounts.
Support Services - Legal Services 0.7 131.8 -5.0 -6.5 -4.3 125.3 The costs of Legal Services are recharged to client services quarterly in arrears under the terms of Service Level Agreements. The fourth quarter recharges are pending.
Support Services - Personnel & Training 805.3 846.7 -57.4 -73.2 747.9 773.5 Budget on target. There are still a number of year-end adjustments to be made for recharges to other revenue accounts.
Best Value Support 145.5 153.1 0.0 0.0 145.5 153.1 Budget on target. There is an appropriation from the best value reserve which will be a year end transaction.
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Support Services - Business Services 106.0 76.1 -22.2 -22.8 83.8 53.3 Budget on target.
Support Services - Communications 312.3 270.4 -13.9 -8.3 298.4 262.1 Carry over required for unspent Best Value Consultation activity and general Media/PR activities
Support Services - Corporate & Environment Services 231.6 206.5 -8.3 -1.6 223.3 204.9 Budget on target.
Customer Service Centre 144.6 142.4 0.0 -0.1 144.6 142.3 Budget on target.
Help Centres 258.5 230.9 -2.5 -4.5 256.0 226.4 Year end adjustments required - rent/utilities. Approx. final underspend £10,000
County Farms 3.6 0.3 -10.5 -10.5 -6.9 -10.2 Income received from farm cottage rents are received early in the year. All farms are now sold and all that remains are Farm Cottages and some plots of land.
Premises Development 39.8 102.4 -160.1 -161.3 -120.3 -58.9 Includes Industrial Estates, Samuel Whites Premises (now sold) and Markets. Overspend is due to existing savings requirements on the Market and some Industrial Estates.
Community Forums & Development 452.5 305.3 -129.8 -109.6 322.7 195.7 Carry over required for forums who are yet to utilise full grant.
Building Maintenance 1,108.5 1,047.7 0.0 0.0 1,108.5 1,047.7 Budgets across the whole authority are on target. There are a number of outstanding commitments still to be paid in April relating the old year.