3.1 Review of the Impact and Effectiveness of Overview & Scrutiny Arrangements (Select Committees) – Isle of Wight Council


This review investigates the effectiveness and the role of Members of the Select Committees at the Isle of Wight Council.   This will lead to the development of an improvement plan for Select Committees containing a specific training & development programme based on needs.  This review has been formulated after discussions with the South East Employer Organisation who have experience in this area.


Review Scope


A comprehensive review of the Select Committees focusing on


       -    Structures                                     

-          Public engagement

-          Impact and outcomes

-          Current approaches of members to policy development, review and external scrutiny and options for improvement

-          Effectiveness of the work programme and evaluating outcomes

-          Skills of Members including questioning, listening and project management

-          Relationship with the executive/cabinet

-          Other key areas




-          Observation of 1 or 2 Select Committees to allow for an initial assessment of style, how they function and ascertain culture of the meetings

-          Analysis of Select Committee reviews/ work programme and agendas /reports

-          Circulation and analysis of a Questionnaire to all Members and Key Officers/stakeholders and partners

-          One to one interviews with a selected group of Members / Officers and partners including Select Committee Chairs, Leader /Executive members

-          Workshop with Members and Officers to outline key findings and areas for improvement and an opportunity to discuss and take forward the key outcomes

-          Development of an action / improvement plan for the Select Committees including key development and training outcomes specific to the Select Committees




The costs are based on a daily rate of £650 per day and excludes travel costs

(Southampton to Newport)


-          Preperation including design of the questionnaire     (1 day)

-          Observation of Select Committees and analysis      (1 day)

-          One to one interviews ( 5 per day)                             (2 days)

-          Analysis of questionnaire /interviews and workshop development /action plan           (2 days)

-          Workshop ( upto 2 half day workshops )                   (i.5 days)


Total 7.5 days @  £650 per day                                = £4,875/VAT



3.2  Personal Development and Individual Development Action Plans for Elected Members


The following is a programme to analyse individual member training needs and work with members to put together Individual Development Action Plans.


The programme also includes a detailed report outlining key recommendations where changes or improvements could be made to the support provided to members.  This has been formulated after discussions with the South East Employer Organisation who have experience in this area.


Personal Development Programme

The programme is based on carrying out the following for between 10 and 40 members .


·               Two, half day induction sessions on the aims of the project and the benefits to Members of developing a Personal Development & Individual Development Actions Plans. The introductory sessions will last between 2-2½ hours and will be interactive sessions.


·               Undertake a Learning Styles Analysis of each member. Provide Members with individual written and oral feedback on their learning style and what it means with regard to their preferred learning methods. This analysis can also be used to assist effective team development and planning approaches.


·               Undertake a one-to-one session with each Member to:


Þ  identify their role

Þ  expectations

Þ  learning goals/objectives

Þ  skills and new competencies required for the role

Þ  assisting Members to put together an Individual Development Action Plan

    (Each session will last 1½ to 2 hours)


·              Work with Members to assist them to complete a Leadership Development Audit.  Assist Members to undertake a Peer-to-Peer analysis/assessment of their Leadership Development requirements. The Leadership Development Audit has been designed specifically for Elected Members and based around core competencies for both an Executive/non Executive Member working within the new political management arrangements.


·              Additional feedback sessions with Members to assist them in the completion of their Individual Development Plans. This will usually be through telephone or e-mail, but additional meetings with Members can be arranged should they be necessary. Additional sessions with newly elected members following the May elections can also be arranged within the costs outlined.


·          Final report and Individual Development Plans for all Members.


·          Workshop on key findings and recommendations to Members and implementing/taking forward the recommendations.




The costs do not include travel and it is not expected that any overnight accommodation will be required.


The costs are based on the following participation:


1.            10 members

2.            20 members

3.            30 members

4.            40 members


·               Two half-day induction sessions @ £350 x2 = £700


·               Member one-to-one sessions (3 per day to include evening) @ £600 per day:


10 members   =          £2400  (4 days)

20 members   =          £4200 (7 days)

30 members   =          £6000 (10 days)

40 members   =          £7800 (13 days)


·               Two half-day workshop presentations on the Key Findings:


      @ £350 x 2            =          £700


·               Pre-programme preparation, production of final report. Analysis and development of Individual Personal Development Plans, Leadership Development Audit, Learning Styles questionnaire and Belbin profile.

Also to include any further assistance to members that is required:


10 members   =          £3000 (5 days)

20 members   =          £4200 (7 days)

30 members   =          £4800 (8 days)

40 members   =          £5400 (9 days)


Total Costs


10 members               =          £  6,800 + VAT

20 members               =          £10,800 + VAT

30 members               =          £12,200 + VAT

40 members               =          £14,600 + VAT