Date of Meeting

Agenda items and purpose

Lead Officer



20 March 2003


Great Access to Great Services

To assist in developing a Project Plan Timetable.


E Government Task Group

To receive a report on matters discussed by the Task Group.


Best Value Procurement

To consider the scope of the Best Value Review.


Workplan 2003/04

To approve the Workplan for 2003/04.


John Bentley



Alistair Drain



Steve Milford



Alistair Drain







24 April 2003


Great Access to Great Services

To consider Workforce Planning in relation to GAGS.



To undertake a review of the action taken since the matter was considered at the 24 January 2002 meeting.


CPA Action Plan

To monitor the budget.



Max Burton



Paul Wilkinson




Paul Wilkinson



Date of Meeting

Agenda items and purpose

Lead Officer



22 May 2003


Great Access to Great Services

To consider property in relation to GAGS.


Outside Bodies

To review the Council’s involvement with Outside Bodies.


Performance Management

To discuss arrangements for tracking Select Committee decisions.


Tony Flower



Alistair Drain



Alistair Drain








19 June 2003


Great Access to Great Services

To consider ICT, E Government, CRM in relation to GAGS.


CPA Action Plan

To evaluate Best Value Performance Indicators.


David Price



John Bentley/Bob Streets







24 July 2003


Great Access to Great Services

To consider a Public Relations Strategy in relation to GAGS.


Review Polling Station Accessibility

To consider the review of Polling Station Accessibility as agreed at the 9 October 2002 meeting.



John Bentley



Chris Mathews



Last updated:  12 March 2003