1.      This paper provides a summary update of progress on the Great Access to Great Services (GAGS) agenda prepared at the request of the Committee.




That the report be noted.





2.      The overall objective of the GAGS agenda is to deliver an outstanding, customer centred local authority. The project aims to bring this about by:

·         Separating out customer facing and technical specialist services

·         Challenging and changing the way we work

·         Using new technology to support the new ways of working

·         Developing a can-do, customer centred culture


3.      This is underpinned by four key objectives:



Current Position


4.      The GAGS agenda was first approved by Full Council in February 2003. More recently, GAGS has been discussed by the Resources Select Committee, the Executive and by Full Council and over the past couple of months all have supported the proposed way forward.

5.      At Full Council’s request, the project won’t be committing any expenditure for future years until next year’s budget is known in February / March.

Contact Centre


6.      As previously announced, the council is planning to establish a telephone contact centre for the council, and in the longer term, potentially for other island organisations. This is now on hold whilst next year’s budget is being sorted but it is still intended to progress this part of the project and the project team is ready to begin implementation as soon as the money is released.

7.      If the go-ahead is given in March, it is currently expected that the first phase of the contact centre will be up and running by the end of August.

GAGS Rollout


8.      Other work on the GAGS project is continuing in the meantime. The council has just started implementing its new document imaging / electronic document management system (DIP) and the plan is to use this as the vehicle for implementing GAGS until we can progress the contact centre.


9.      We will be working with staff in each area to:


10.  Work on this has already started in Planning, Registrars and Highways and the next part of the roll-out will be decided once this work has been completed.

Hearts and Minds


11.  In addition to the above, we are developing plans to build wider understanding and commitment to the GAGS agenda amongst staff and Members. This is likely to include road shows and workshops across the organisation and the aim will be to build a shared vision of what we want the organisation to look like in the future. As part of this, we want to build a shared level of ambition about how quickly we can bring such change around.


Contact Management System


12.  In parallel with the above, we will be rolling out the in-house contact management system to Customer Services and to those services where DIP is being installed. This will allow us to begin recording customer activity in detail and to support the introduction of front office / back office working with appropriate technology.




13.  The national target for e-government is to provide all services electronically by 2005. The definition of what this means in practice has been extended since the target was first introduced and now includes things like electronic voting and smart cards.

14.  Following the delay to the contact centre, we intend to make all services available on-line by providing electronic forms and similar features via the internet and we will progress as many of the other things on the list as fast as we can within the resources available.

Strategic Partnering


15.  The changes required to turn the organisation into an outstanding, customer centred authority are challenging and the organisation may not be able to manage on its own. Work is in progress to see how commercial partner may be able to help with this and a report on this matter is due by Christmas.




1.                  Great Access to Great Services (February 2003)

2.                  Business Case for Document Image Processing Project (August, 2003)



Contact Point:             David Price, Head of Organisational Development

                                    Telephone 01983 823502

                                    Email: [email protected]