The Term of the Agreement was for an initial period of five years commencing 16 July 1997 but was automatically renewed for a further term of two years as notice to terminate was not served or received by either party between the period 16 January 2002 – 16 March 2002.  The next period available to serve notice to terminate the Agreement will be 16 January 2004 – 16 March 2004.  If notice to terminate is not served or received during this period, the Agreement will automatically renew itself for a further two years.


There are however, two mechanisms in the Agreement which may provide an opportunity to terminate the Agreement. The first exists under clause 12.2 and requires either party to have committed a material breach or defaulted on one or more of the terms of the Agreement.  A material breach usually results in consequences that are incapable of being rectified by the offending party, however clause 12.2 provides the offending party with an opportunity to rectify the breach before any termination of the Agreement is permitted.  To date, we are not aware of any possible material breach of the Agreement by MBNA which would permit the Council to terminate the Agreement without penalty.


The second mechanism which may allow the Agreement to be terminated exists in clause 12.3.  To rely upon this mechanism either party must be able to demonstrate that the other committed an act of a criminal, immoral, indecent or materially prejudicial nature.  If such an act can be demonstrated to have been committed, then the non offending other party may terminate the Agreement immediately.   Aside from acts of a criminal nature, an act that is immoral, indecent or materially prejudicial is difficult to define as each of these terms are designed to be wide ranging in their effect.  Accordingly, any act which may constitute one that falls into any of the above categories will have to be judged on its own merits before a decision in this regard can be made.  To date, we are not aware of any act which may be classified as criminal, immoral, indecent or materially prejudicial to the Council and which would thereby permit it to terminate the Agreement without penalty.


It must also be noted that clause 12.3 must be read in conjunction with clause 12.1 which requires the parties to meet at least once with a view to reaching a mutually agreeable resolution of any dispute or disagreement between the parties pursuant to the Agreement.  Accordingly, prior to terminating the Agreement pursuant to a breach of clause 12.3, the Council may first have to satisfy the requirements of clause 12.1


In summary therefore, unless there has occurred any act which constitutes a material breach of the Agreement or an act described above, the Isle of Wight Council will be required to continue to adhere to the terms of the Agreement until at least 16 July 2004 and no further provided of course that it serves notice of termination at any time between 16 January 2004 and 16 March 2004.


On the basis of the above, the legal implications of each of the identified options are as follows:-


1.         Proceed with further promotion campaigns based on the present formats until such time as the present contract ends.


            Given the criticisms received by the Council in respect of the distribution of promotional materials we do not believe this to be an appropriate option to pursue.


2.         Seek changes to the current promotional arrangements for the remainder of the current contract


            This is one option which should be explored.  In particular, we note that under clause 3.2 the Council has the right of prior approval of all Programme advertising and solicitation materials to be used by MBNA.  We recommend that on the basis of this clause, the Council seek written amendment to the Agreement to avoid the problems concerning the distribution of promotional material.


3.         Not to enter any further arrangement at the end of the current contract.


            This is a decision which Council will need to make prior to the next notice of termination period (16 January 2004 – 16 March 2004).


4.         To negotiate a new contract for the commencement at the end of the existing arrangements.


            MBNA will be reluctant to negotiate a new contract which amends those terms in their favour in the Agreement and given that there is approximately 18months to run on the existing Agreement, this may be a futile exercise as it may take as much time to negotiate a new Agreement and once concluded, MBNA will most likely request an extension of the present term.


5.         To negotiate an immediate end to the current arrangement and not enter into any further arrangements.


It is doubtful that MBNA will agree to a termination of the Agreement unless it can be suitably compensated by the Isle of Wight Council.  Should this option be pursued, negotiations should commence as soon as possible, given the expected termination date of the Agreement.


Finally, it should be noted that as a measure of first resort, the Council should write to MBNA noting that despite the recent expiry of the period for termination of the Agreement under clause 11.2, the Council is desirous of terminating the Agreement and requests that MBNA agree to formally termination effective from three months of the date of the notice.  If this is rejected, then one or more of the above 5 options should be considered.