Appendix 1
REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of November 2003
Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date % Budget To Date % Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 Spent £000 £000 Rec'd £000 £000  
Democratic Representation & Management 1,302.6 941.0 72.2% -5.6 -3.8 67.9% 1,297.0 937.2 This budget, which represents policy making and all member related activities appears to be slightly over-spent due to annual corporate subscriptions being paid in April. The pressure on the Members Conference Expenses and Travelling budgets has eased but they are still overspending.
Policy Unit 700.3 302.6 43.2% -11.6 0.0 0.0% 688.7 302.6 Expenditure below target due to resources brought forward from previous years not yet utilised. Steps are now being taken to address this issue.
Local Tax Collection 1,033.1 723.0 70.0% -768.3 -504.6 65.7% 264.8 218.4 The total expenditure includes annual payments made in April relating to software maintenance (£87,000) and Document Image Processing (DIP) support and maintenance (£22,000).
Registration of Births Deaths & Marriages 161.4 106.7 66.1% -114.5 -88.8 77.6% 46.9 17.9 The majority of income from wedding fees tends to occur in the first six months of the financial year.
Registration of Electors 99.7 72.5 72.7% -2.1 -0.7 33.3% 97.6 71.8 Budget on target to date. Canvassing expenditure occurs in the autumn. Income levels should rise on receipt of electoral register sales.
Conducting Elections 24.6 5.4 22.0% 0.0 -3.4 0.0% 24.6 2.0 The annual cost of running elections is committed at the year-end as a contribution to the Elections Fund. Expenditure to date relates to Council & Parish By-elections (Income is to be received from Parishes towards these costs).
Local Land Charges 171.0 106.4 62.2% -709.3 -492.1 69.4% -538.3 -385.7 Expenditure budget on target. Based on previous years trends, the income target is likely to under-achieved by approximately £20,000.
General Grants, Bequests & Donations 370.0 201.0 54.3% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 370.0 201.0 Budget for corporate grants is on target to date. Figures also include non-domestic rate discretionary relief for which entries are made at year-end
Support Services - Financial Services 1,636.0 1,136.9 69.5% -68.7 -49.8 72.5% 1,567.3 1,087.1 This heading includes central and seconded Financial Services, Audit, Procurement and Exchequer Services. Expenditure is on target to date.
Support Services - ICT 2,286.2 1,516.5 66.3% 0.0 -0.7 0.0% 2,286.2 1,515.8 The expenditure figures include ICT Strategy which is being partly funded from designated reserves arising from on-going projects which commenced in previous years. The budgeted contribution from reserves to meet existing commitments is £503,000.
Support Services - Property Services 553.2 389.6 70.4% -11.5 -8.4 73.0% 541.7 381.2 Overall, budget on target.
Support Services  - Council Properties 156.5 127.4 81.4% -500.5 -461.5 92.2% -344.0 -334.1 Overall, budget on target after taking into account Non-Domestic Rates which have been paid for the whole year, and incomes which are received towards the beginning of the financial year.
Administrative Buildings 733.6 472.2 64.4% -100.9 -67.7 67.1% 632.7 404.5 Budget on target to date apart from Non-Domestic Rates which have been paid for the year. Income has been received from various sources in advance to fund expenditure on the Councils Access System & Members AVT.
Support Services - Legal Services 76.6 40.2 52.5% -9.2 -5.7 62.0% 67.4 34.5 The costs of Legal Services are recharged to client services quarterly in arrears under the terms of Service Level Agreements. The third quarter recharges are due at the end of December.
Support Services - Human Resources & Training 899.1 584.6 65.0% -64.8 -43.3 66.8% 834.3 541.3 Budget on target to date. The expenditure figure includes commitments relating to member and officer training.
Best Value Support 157.8 98.8 62.6% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 157.8 98.8 The Best Value Review Unit provided corporate help and advice to Council services in carrying out their Best Value reviews. The budget is on target to date.
Support Services - Communications 280.1 137.6 49.1% -6.2 -5.6 90.3% 273.9 132.0 Expenditure is underspending due to savings in hand yet to be utilised. Most Wight Insight advertising income has now been received for the year.
Support Services - Corporate Services Directorate 211.2 133.9 63.4% 0.0 -0.1 0.0% 211.2 133.8 The costs of the Director of Corporate Services and the associated secretarial support are included in this budget. The budget is on target to date.
Organisational Development 242.1 209.4 86.5% -4.1 -2.8 68.3% 238.0 206.6 This includes the costs of Postal Services and Customer Service Centre. Postal Service recharges for November have not yet been actioned.
Help Centres 204.5 123.5 60.4% -11.6 -6.0 51.7% 192.9 117.5 Budgets on target to date. Income from the sale of refuse sacks has already exceeded the income budget.
Premises Development 52.5 40.5 77.1% -173.5 -147.1 84.8% -121.0 -106.6 Overall, budget on target after taking into account Non-Domestic Rates which have been paid for the whole year, and incomes which are received towards the beginning of the financial year.
Community Forums & Development 529.6 333.5 63.0% -132.4 -87.5 66.1% 397.2 246.0 Budgets on target to date. Previously outstanding SRB funding for relating to quarter 2 has now been received.
Building Maintenance 1,206.9 775.0 64.2% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 1,206.9 775.0 Spending across the whole authority is on target.
Report Total 13,088.6 8,578.2 65.5% -2,694.8 -1,979.6 73.5% 10,393.8 6,598.6