Page CorporateEnvironment

Performance Indicator Report
BVPI No LPI No IWC 99 / 00 IWC 00 / 01 UA av NUB av Contact Comments
Poor Performance
Stronger Warning
Good Performance
Corporate & Environment
cost per sq km keeping relevant land clear of litter BVPI 85 £85k £112k 101k 56k Wendy Perera Tied into 20 year contract
Cost of waste collection per household BVPI 86 £36 £38 28.88 £30 Wendy Perera
Road safety: pedestrians killed/seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI 99a i 14.96 14.17 15 12.19 Wendy Perera
No. car users killed or seriously injured in road accidents per 100,000 pop. BVPI 99d(i) n/a 35.43 33.27 Wendy Perera
Local Bus Services - passenger journeys per year BVPI 102 6.2m 6.1m 6.5m Wendy Perera
% & tonnage of household waste to recover heat, power, other energy BVPI 82c 13% 2% 0% Wendy Perera
% of total planning applications determined in 8 weeks BVPI 109 51% 60% 63% 61% Wendy Perera
Road safety: pedestrians killed/seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI 99 a n/a 14.96 12.185 Wendy Perera
Road safety: cyclists killed/seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI 99b n/a 7.09 6.46 Wendy Perera
Road safety: 2 wheeled motor killed/seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI 99c n/a 11.81 12.16 Wendy Perera
Road safety: car users killed/seriously injured per 100,000 per population BVPI 99d n/a 35.43 33.27 Wendy Perera
Road safety:other users killed/seriously injured per 100,000 population BVPI 99 e n/a 5.51 4.96 Wendy Perera
No of collections missed collections per 100,000 household waste BVPI 88 35 42 94 99 Wendy Perera
% & tonnage of household waste recycled BVPI 82a 20.20% 23.50% 10.30% 10.00% Wendy Perera
% & tonnage of household waste composted BVPI 82b 6.10% 4.90% 2.10% 2.10% Wendy Perera
Population served by kerbside collection including recycling facility BVPI 91 90% 91% 95% 87% Wendy Perera
% total length of footpaths & other Rights Of Way easy to use by public BVPI 178 n/a 94% F&M F&M Wendy Perera
% standard searches carried out within 10 working days BVPI 179 100% 100% 99% Wendy Perera

Last Modified By: Ms Rosie Barnard
Last Modified On: Friday, May 10, 2002 �11:41:45