Appendix 3


Monitoring the consistent application of corporate standards of good practice


The summarised service plans proposed in this report mean that changes are required to the current format and significant amounts can be dropped to avoid repetition. Nevertheless parts of the current service plans have value as background information and as evidence of good consistent management practice across the organisation.

The areas that it seems wisest to retain are as follows:

1                    links to the Authority's mission, values, corporate objectives etc

2                    links to statutory plans

3                    a more detailed structure chart

4                    the service SWOT analysis


The format of these in future may change but the proposal is that these together with a management checklist similar to that below, form the basis of a folder of information that each Service Head keeps up to date. Some of the information will be relatively static, other pieces will require regular updating. Such a checklist could form part of the personal performance review process and like the service assessment checklists in Appendix 5 the questions can be added to or amended depending on what is found to be most useful. Some of the questions requires some additional guidance notes and these are marked * overleaf





Is there an inventory of key assets for the service that is less than 2 years old?




Is there a current assessment of staff qualifications and training needs?


Have personal development plans been completed for all staff this year?


Have your staff been involved in, and had a direct input into, the preparation of the service plan?




Have you discussed with the Property Services Manager the property requirements for your service in the last year?




Have you considered the issue of workforce planning as part of this service plan*


Have Quality Assessment forms been completed for all the statutory performance indicators listed in this service plan


Have the staff concerned agree the forms with you?




Have you considered the implications of section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act within each of your services responsibilities and have you considered the cost of crime impact upon your budget? *




Does your service plan detail the initiatives you have adopted to incorporate equalities within your service area? * 




Have you incorporated a 2% efficiency saving into your budgetary forecasts as required by the Government?




Have you completed your e-government plans and sent them to the Head of ICT?*


Service Head (Signature)……………………………………..

Directors (Signature)…………………………………………