Committee:                 RESOURCES SELECT COMMITTEE


Date:                           13 MARCH 2002


Title:                            CONNECTING WITH THE PUBLIC TASK GROUP


                                    REPORT OF THE HEAD OF SELECT COMMITTEE SUPPORT






Members will recall that the Resources Select Committee has established several task groups with agreed terms of reference to investigate issues that fall within the Select Committee’s remit.  This report is directed at providing Members with information about the “Connecting with the Public” Task Group and makes recommendations about the Task Group’s future.




1.               The Connecting with the Public Task Group has met on two occasions.  The Select Committee Chairman, Cllr Kendall was appointed Task Group Chairman.  The Strategic Director, Corporate and Environment Services has separately lead an officer group charged with “Opening up the Council”, working in parallel with the Member Task Group.


2.               Common themes have been identified by the two groups.  These themes include:



·         perceived public dissatisfaction with Council response times to telephone calls and correspondence.

·         lack of corporate consistency in relation to voice mail, and consultation mechanisms.

·         access to Council services and buildings/reception facilities.

·         customer care training for appropriate staff.

·         the role of call centres.


3.               The Strategic Director, Corporate and Environment Services indicated to the Task Group that he is pursuing adherence to corporate standards as a line management matter. It was felt that other themes explored by the two groups will require considerable work if best value solutions are to be identified.


4.                Members felt that a best value review during the course of the current year was the most appropriate mechanism for moving forward.


5.                An outline scope for a best value review was discussed by the Task Group.  That scope has three main elements:


·         Contacting the Council – what public face do we want to provide and how should we provide it? 


(i)                        to cover all methods of contact – phone, personal visit, ICT links, via a 3rd party.

(ii)                      to include standards, their application and monitoring.

(iii)                     to involve partners and other organisations which deal with the public.


·       The Council contacting the public – what information we provide and how we provide it (including full range of media) promoting the Council’s image/publicity.


·       Consultation – how we consult with the public (including statutory consultation such as for budgets, and as a part of BV reviews and service improvement).


6.                Task Group Members at the last meeting agreed that it would reduce the likelihood of duplication if Members on the Connecting with the Public Task Group became core Members of a Best Value Appraisal Group.


7.                Members will be aware that it is practice within the authority for Select Committees to scrutinise best value reviews before they are presented to the Executive.  The Resources Select Committee would be the most appropriate Select Committee to scrutinise a “Connecting with the Public” Best Value Review, all Select Committees are however likely to have an interest.


8.                Preliminary arrangements have been made for the “Connecting with the Public” Best Value Review Appraisal Group to meet later this month.




1.                To note this report.


2.                To agree that the work of the “Connecting with the Public” Task Group be taken forward in the form of a Best Value Review.




That options 1 and 2 be agreed.






Contact Point:  Rob Owen, ( 01983 823801




Select Committee Support