Date :              13 MARCH 2002






To consider and make recommendations necessary for the initial implementation of the IW Council’s Healthy Workforce Strategy


We are all aware that sickness absence detrimentally affects the ability of any authority to deliver high quality services reliably, and to achieve Best Value. Along with all other Local Authorities, the sickness levels within the IW Council will be audited and published as one of the key Best Value Corporate Health Indicators. The Government has set a global target of a 30% reduction in sickness absence between 2000 and 2004 for all Local Authorities.

UK and EU legislation has placed upon employers a duty of care regarding the health, safety and welfare of staff. Alongside this employees have developed generally higher expectations of what a good employer should provide in respect of working conditions and benefits. There is a growing body of case law where employees have sought, and obtained legal redress for damage to their physical or mental health at work (Walker v Northumberland Council). The cost of such litigation runs to six figure sums.

The Council is launching a healthy workforce strategy which is aimed at improving the health of our employees and reducing absence within the workforce. One part of this strategy is to encourage employees at all levels to participate in activities which are designed to promote healthy lifestyles and to reduce stress. The strategy therefore benefiting individuals and the Council as a whole.

The Conference on 19 February is the launch of strategy and will serve to introduce the scheme as a whole, together with the provision of ‘taster’ sessions for health-promotion and stress-reducing activities.

The conference and the Healthy Workforce Strategy have both been planned after extensive consultation with senior managers and elected members within the Council and in conjunction with representatives from the Health Authority.

In promoting this scheme, the Council is acting as a good employer, safe-guarding the welfare of staff and in so doing reducing the financial risks to the Council.

All recommendations meet the Government’s requirements for good practice in attendance management.



That the Select committee recommends to the Executive that:


1.        Adoption of the Council Healthy Workforce Standards.


2.        Adoption of all the Healthy Workforce policies and commitment to full implementation across the Council.


3.        Adoption of a series of Healthy Workforce initiatives to promote the health of employees.


4.        Adoption of a series of initiatives designed to promote the emotional health of employees.


5.        Acceptance that training in all aspects of Attendance Management and the Management of Stress, should be compulsory for all mangers within the Council.


6.        Acceptance that attendance management must be a strategic goal of the Council.


7.        Acceptance that Personnel Services take responsibility for the regular monitoring and reporting of all absence statistics.



A reduction in absence levels would lead to savings for the Council. A reduction of only 10% in our sickness absence levels would amount to at least £260,000. Our target is for a 30% reduction by 2004, which equates to £789,042.


The current risk to the IW Council of stress-related legislative claims is growing. If we are found to be culpable we will face huge compensation costs. This strategy is designed to significantly reduce this risk as well as being of benefit our employees.


Healthy Workforce Strategy: Recommendations and Costs

Healthy Workforce Strategy: IW Council Standards

Attendance Management Policy & Procedures

Stress Management Policy

Consultation Process

Contact Point : Annette Bradbury , ☎ 823008


Personnel Services Manager