Present :


Mrs M J Lloyd (Chairman), Mr M J Cunningham, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr K Pearson, Mr I R Stephens, Mr D T Yates


Portfolio Holder :


Mr R R Barry


Also Present (non voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A A Taylor



27.              MINUTES


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2004 were confirmed subject to apologies from Mr M J Cunningham being added and Minute 24 should read Parish Charter.




There were no declarations at this time.


29.              FORWARD PLAN


The Portfolio Holder for Resources outlined a number of items of interest to the Select Committee that would be considered by the Executive between October 2004 and January 2005.  He clarified issues relating to the sale of the toilets at Ropewalk, Seaview and development at Cowes Waterfront.  In addition he anticipated that a delegated decision might be required in the near future on the disposal of a property above the old library premises in East Cowes.




The members considered the report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources relating to the Corporate Complaints Procedure.  This had been requested by the Select Committee at its 7 June 2004 meeting arising from information contained in the Quarterly Performance Management Report.


A Complaints Reporting Form had been drafted which attempted to capture relevant basic information for members about Corporate complaints, which could then be scrutinised further if required.  The three stages involved in the Corporate complaints procedure were outlined and it was noted.  The Select Committee discussed the need to identify the reason for a complaint being submitted.  Members believed that consideration should be given to including complaints received by Planning separately.  Whilst there were other formal avenues open as an appeal process this did not allow for complaints made by objectors to applications. 


Additionally the draft form did not allow for year-on-year comparisons to be made with the current quarter being compared with the previous year’s equivalent quarter.  At present there was no mechanism for a member to be informed of a complaint being made by one of their constituents.  It was acknowledged that complainants could be asked if they were willing for their local councillor to be advised of a complaint being lodged.  This might also assist in the drive to improve the Council’s response times particularly in regard to those where the Local Government Ombudsman was involved.


The Select Committee debated the timing of receiving future reports on corporate complaints.




(a)               The reporting form be amended so that the type/reason for complaint is shown, a separate record be inserted of those complaints relating to planning issues and comparative data relating to the previous years quarter being included.


(b)               Subject to the agreement of the complainant the Local Member be advised of any complaint.


(c)               Reports on corporate complaints be considered in conjunction with the Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report.


(d)               A copy of the flow chart illustrating the component stages of the Corporate Complaints procedure be circulated to all members.


31.              SERVICE PLANS 2005/06


(a)               Human Resources


The Head of Human Resources advised the Select Committee that the development of a Workforce Plan would be considered as part of the CPA process.  It was anticipated that the draft Plan would be completed by the end of 2004 and the Select Committee would be asked for comments.


There was a revenue bid for £20,000 which was to enable the department to carry out CRB checks on existing employees who had not been previously checked, the cost was £33.00 per check.


Members asked if they were participating with e-government and were advised of the development of on-line recruitment where job descriptions and applications could be downloaded.  It was hoped that in the near future sickness absence and travelling expenses forms could also be filled in on-line.




THAT the draft Workforce Plan be considered by the Select Committee early in 2005.


(b)               Corporate Policy and Communications


The Head of Corporate Policy and Communication indicated that the next CPA assessment was not due until 2005.  Although he had put forward bids it was unlikely that there would be approval.


It was suggested that the Mobile Library Service could assist with the rolling out of Mobile Help Centres.  With reference to the Isle of Wight Branding Strategy the Select Committee were advised that the Economic Partnership was leading on that and funding from SEEDA would be used.  There would be no additional financial cost to the Council.


There was some discussion with regard to the development of an expanded Community Warden Scheme.  Members asked if it would be Government or Council funded and were advised that it could be both.  The Head of Corporate Policy and Communication indicated that some Government funding was time limited and this could present difficulties in the continuation of any scheme.


During the debate Councillor Ian Stephens raised a question with regard to consultants having been appointed to look at the Print Unit and asked if this was to include the Select Committee’s recommendation relating to Graphic Design.  He originally intended to raise this under Members’ Question Time.


The Head of Corporate Policy and Communications indicated that the review of the Print Unit was to be undertaken by the British Printing Federation, the same consultants that had previously been used.  The review was currently being undertaken and would be completed in November 2004.  He believed the Select Committee had commissioned Internal Audit to look at Graphic Design within the Council and explained that the two areas were separate entities.  Members had discussed this at the September 2004 meeting and had made a separate recommendation, that the review should incorporate Graphic Design.


(c)               Finance and Business Services


The Chief Financial Officer explained that every Section was developing their Business Continuity Plan.  The improvement within the Benefit Service was continuing.  Three bids had been included within the Service Plan one of which was an additional member of staff within Risk Management.


Members asked what the cost of Implementing the Home Computing Initiative was likely to be and were advised it would be cost neutral.  This was because it was a means of providing staff with a loan to enable them to purchase their own computers.


It was anticipated that the draft Financial Plan would be available at the same time as the budget, probably not before February 2005.


(d)               Legal and Democratic Services


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services advised there was a risk created by inadequate Corporate approach to Information Management he believed there was a need to effectively and efficiently use information.


A bid was in place for the refurbishment of the interior of Northwood House and it was believed the cost could be recovered from the income on wedding ceremonies.  Members noted that although grant funding for the internal refurbishment of inside could not be obtained Trustees of Northwood House were putting a case together to apply for Lottery Funding to refurbish the outside.  It was anticipated the Registry Office would move to Northwood House and if the Authority were to invest in refurbishment a rent free period would be asked for.


It was the Council’s policy to implement the Freedom for Information Act prior to January 2005 and members asked if there would be an ongoing cost for this.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services advised there was not a policy to implement the Act early and due to the unknown level of requests which would be generated, he was unsure if there would be ongoing costs.  Members raised the question of data being shredded prior to January 2005 and were told there were destruction schedules.  If a document had to be kept for 6 years it would be, and then destroyed after that date.  There was also a question as to whether a charge would be levied for information supplied.  Statute from Government was awaited on this and it was possible charging could be introduced.  If research and copying were to cost in excess of a figure yet to be set by the Government in relation to any one request, then the request need not be complied with, in those circumstances the approach would be to assist the person making the request to refine and focus their research.


The Select Committee asked if there was a budget for members use which would enable them to get Counsels advice.  Select Committee and Best Value Support had a small budget which could be applied to procuring such specialist advice for the benefit of Select Committee enquiries.


(e)               Property Services


The Head of Property Services advised that he was trying to increase the suitability of assets and reduce building stock.  The backlog of repairs was approximately £18m.  The cost of vandalism for 2003 was £5,000 but it had already reached that amount for 2004.


Members asked about people management and flexible working.  It was suggested that hot-desking within offices could be an option, although other organisations had reported the transition period very difficult.


(f)                 Select Committee and Best Value Review


The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Review advised the Select Committee that the main focus for 2005 was to maintain a robust service and challenging scrutiny.  The Review Team were undertaking a variety of different roles and projects agreed through the Co-ordinating Committee.  They were reporting back to appropriate Select Committees.


The decision taken by the Executive and Directors to downsize the Best Value Team meant that two staff would retire to pay for two new staff in Personnel.


Induction for members was identified as a risk and the Select Committee were advised that after the election due to be held in 2005 any new members would need to have appropriate training.  Members believed that the Induction training for New Members should be a Corporate responsibility and cost.


Members indicated that Independent Scrutiny should be maintained and believed that a bid should be put forward for the replacement of the two staff members that were to be lost, recognising that the health role had also been taken on with no extra resources.




A bid to be included to replace the two members of staff that were being lost in order to recognise the Council’s duties regarding Health Scrutiny.


(g)               Organisational Development


The Head of Organisational Development was unable to attend the meeting and would be invited to attend the November meeting instead. 




The Service Plan for Organisational Development be considered at the 1 November 2004 meeting.




The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support referred to the previous meeting which was recorded on video as a training exercise.  He had sent a copy of the recording to Mark Palmer of South East Employers for initial comment.  The main issue that needed highlighting was that questions needed to be shorter and statements should not be made.  Additionally members had to ensure that if a series of questions were asked satisfactory replies to all these should be obtained.