Annexe A















Service Level Agreement




The Isle of Wight Council




Relate Solent


2002 – 2005















The Council wishes to enable the Provider to provide a counselling service to the public in accordance with the Aims and Principles of the Relate Federation.


            The Provider has agreed to adopt the Service Values and Standards as set out in Schedule 2.


            The Provider has agreed that it will aim to achieve the Targets set out in Schedule 3.




It is accepted that in carrying out this agreement the service provider, as an independent agency, is acting in its own right and not as an agent of the Council.


            It is agreed that Values, Standards and Targets will be monitored by the Policy Team of the Head of Paid Service’s Office or other nominated Department on behalf of the Council as described in Schedule 5.


            The Provider and the Council agree that the Conditions specified in Schedule 5 shall apply to the provision of the Service.


            This Agreement sets out clear expectations which both parties will use their best endeavours to honour.  It is not intended that the terms of the agreement should be legally binding on either party.


            Certification that the foregoing is a correct record of the agreement reached between the parties for the grant:


            Period of Agreement: 1st April, 2002 to 31st March, 2005


            Parties to the Agreement: Isle of Wight Council

                                                                        Relate Solent


            For the Isle of Wight Council For Relate Solent


            Signed: Signed:



            Name: Name:



            Position: Position:


            Date:   Date:













Relate Solent




Members of the Public living, working or visiting within the boundaries of the Unitary Authority of the Isle of Wight.




To ensure that a confidential couple counselling and psychosexual service is available to all adults who require it.




Provision of couple counselling and psychosexual therapy to the public, irrespective of their ability to pay. 


An initial consultation will be offered to clients requesting it and booking forms will be made available for ongoing counselling.


Weekly counselling sessions and psychosexual therapy will be available to all who request it.




The main office of Relate Solent is situated at 3 Kings Park Road, Southampton, SO15 2AT.  This is also the Company Registered office address.


Opening Hours:


A telephone service for booking appointments will be open from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. on Fridays.  An answerphone is available outside of these hours.


Couple counselling and psychosexual therapy will be provided in Newport with a minimum of 6 sessions per week and in outreach centres where appropriate.  3 sessions a week are currently offered at Ryde and Freshwater.  Sessions at other venues may be possible if funding were available. Funding of recruitment and training of additional counsellors would enable additional sessions to be provided.  The Relate Solent Isle of Wight Business Plan (Appendix 4) gives more detailed information.


Appointments will be offered during the evenings as well as during the day.


Every endeavour will be made by Relate Solent to maintain this level of service provision and minimum core hours subject to staff availability.






Relate Solent does not limit service users to a specific catchment area.  However, the majority of its users live/work within the boundaries of the Isle of Wight.




The Council must be kept informed of matters relating to the use of the grant and any proposed changes must only be implemented subject to the approval the approval of the Council’s Link Officer.




                                                                        OPTION 1            OPTION 2            OPTION 3

                                                                               £                            £                            £


            Counsellor Salaries & NI                     5,000       5,000       5,000

            Counsellor Training                                  300          1,000       1,000            Counsellor Travel                                     750          1,000       1,000            Education & Training                                      -                       -               1,400            Education & Training Travel                          -                       -                  300            National Relate Fees                                400             500             800            Advertising                                                300             400             500            Supervision                                             3,400       4,000       4,000            Administration                                                    4,500       4,500       4,500            Administration Travel                                150             150             150            Premises Costs                                     2,500       2,500       3,000


            TOTAL EXPENDITURE                     17,300   19,050   21,650


            Anticipated Income                                8,300       8,800       9,400


IWC GRANT SOUGHT                     £9,000            £10,250            £12,250


Central Funding                                    £4,510   £5,760   £7,760

            Social Services* funding   £4,490   £4,490   £4,490


            * Social Services funding does not form part of this agreement, but is dealt with

             independently by the Social Services & Housing Directorate of the Council.


Salaries: Counsellors

                        Contribution towards costs of 1 x Manager, full time and

                        2 x Admin. Assistants, 20 hours weekly and 18 hours weekly


Travel: expenses are based on 25 pence per mile.


Option 1 – Continuation of current level of service

Option 2 – Recruitment of additional counsellor giving an additional 100 counselling hours in

                   the first year, and a further venue offering increased accessibility

Option 3 – Option 2 plus the recruitment of a trainer to provide Education and Training workshops and courses for the general public and bespoke training. 

                 (For full explanation of Options 2 and 3 and relative benefits please see Relate Solent Isle of Wight Business Plan (Appendix 4) and Options paper (Appendix 5)





1.            SERVICE VALUES


The Isle of Wight Council considers that the following Values are fundamental to all of the services that Relate Solent provides, arranges or supports and the Council expects that Relate Solent will hold to these aims in all of its activities:


Dignity and Independence


Services will be aimed at enhancing the quality of people’s lives, so that they can live as independently as possible, with as little intervention as possible.




Listen to what people ask for and to try to meet those requests by offering a choice wherever possible of services sensitive to the needs and wishes of the people who use them.


Valuing People


The quality of services is heavily influenced by the many staff who provide them.  It is essential to recognise the right to dignity, self-esteem, safety, health and welfare of service users and all those engaged to work with them.


Equality and Rights


Services should be sensitive to the needs and wishes of individual people in the Isle of Wight irrespective of a person’s disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, language or religion.


Local Accountability


Wherever possible, services will be supplied and decisions made at the most local level possible in response to local needs.




Information should be made publicly available about the services, what it is possible and not possible to supply and the ways in which help can be requested.


Working Together


Those providing services will work together with Council staff and staff from other agencies in order to deliver services more effectively and sensitively to service users.






2.1       A response will be made within 5 working days to all requests for a service and some requests will require more urgent action. The response will include information about action which will follow and when.  


2.2       Every client requesting the service will be offered a consultation with a counsellor.  At this consultation the Service User will be informed of the couple counselling and psychosexual therapy service available and given details of appointment times and venues.  If clients then return the booking form, the next available suitable appointment will be offered to them.


            2.3                   Service Users will receive the service agreed and, where appropriate, no service will be withdrawn or changed without consultation with the Service User.


2.4                   The Relate Federation membership policy and guidance documents form the basis of practice and standards which underpin the operation of the Relate counselling service.


2.5                   All matters relating to a client must remain confidential to Relate Solent unless the client specifically authorises disclosure.


3.            STAFFING


The service provider will be responsible for the recruitment and selection of all paid and volunteer staff in accordance with Relate Federation requirements.







Each organisation funded through a Service Level Agreement is required to include targets describing how the involvement of service users in the running of the service is to be achieved and how this is to be monitored (eg to establish a users committee, to carry out user satisfaction surveys, to survey users who cease to use the service etc).


1.1       Level of Provision


1.1.1          Relate Solent will provide the service not only in Newport but also from outreach locations across the Island where appropriate.  Alternative venues are currently offered in Ryde and Freshwater.


1.1.2          Relate Solent will plan resources to offer 500 counselling/psychosexual therapy sessions per annum across Newport, Ryde and other venues where possible.


1.1.3          Relate Solent will open for a minimum of 50 hours per week for telephone contact.


1.1.4    Relate Solent will continue to provide the services as set out in Schedule 1

paragraph 4.


1.1.5          Relate Solent will provide couple counselling and psychosexual therapy to those clients who require it, providing a bursary scheme to assist those clients who are unable to contribute the full cost.


1.1.6          Relate Solent will provide these services within the agreed funding for each year of the agreement.


1.1.7          Relate Solent will endeavour to follow good practice guidelines identified by the Relate Federation.















The Executive and Management Committee Structure and Staffing Structure are detailed in Appendix 2.


User Representation


Relate Solent seeks membership for its Executive Committee from within the community and it actively encourages those groups who are under-represented within the community to participate.

Relate Solent also ensures that there are representatives of the funding bodies on the Committee to provide local accountability.


Relate Solent actively involve members of the following groups in their Executive Committee:


            (1) Representatives of any other organisations on the Island, both professional and voluntary.


                        (2) Elected individuals (clients or ex clients who wish to become involved directly in the management and delivery of the service).


                        (3) Nominated members (for example the I.W. Council nominates one councillor to sit on the management committee).



The process in regard to (1) and (2) is reviewed and new applicants sought on an annual basis, in line with Relate Solent requirements




All staff, on the mainland and on the Island, including volunteers are subject to the Relate Solent Annual Appraisal procedure.


All paid staff on the mainland and on the Island have regular supervision meetings with Relate Solent Manager.


Counsellors, including Island based counsellors, attend Relate Certificate Training in Marital and Couple Counselling which is provided by Relate Central Office in Rugby.  Ongoing Professional Development training days are also available to all counsellors.  Regular clinical supervision is provided by the Supervisor employed by Relate Solent to all counsellors, including those working on the Island.




Details of the Complaints Procedure are followed in line with Relate Federation policy documents.






Statistical information will be provided to the Local Authority on a six monthly basis including:

Numbers of clients

Numbers of sessions provided

Usage at each location




The service provider shall maintain financial accounts in such a form as the Council may reasonably require.  Accounts shall be examined independently annually in the manner prescribed by the Charities Act 1992 and by Common Law.  These accounts and accurate financial statements shall be made available to the Council upon a reasonable request to see them.   Annual accounts will be supplied following Relate Solent Annual General Meeting.


A core budget and details of other sources of funding is attached at Appendix 3


1.6            SERVICE REVIEW


A Business Plan is produced every three years which informs the Development Plan for Relate Solent.


A copy of these documents will be provided to the Council on request.


1.7            ANNUAL REPORT


A copy of the Relate Solent Annual Report will be made available to the Council’s representative as will any other interim reports, etc., relevant to the provision of Relate Solent service detailed in Schedule 1.

























                                                                                                                        SCHEDULE 5





1.1            INSURANCE


The Provider shall maintain with insurers adequate insurances to cover such liabilities as may arise in the performance of this agreement. Public Liability insurance shall be to a minimum level of £5m.


1.2            COMPLAINTS


The Provider shall operate a procedure for dealing with complaints about the service as set out in Schedule 4 of this agreement.  All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that service users are aware of the details of the procedure.




The Provider shall satisfy the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy Statement for the time being in force.


1.4            HEALTH AND SAFETY


The Provider shall have regard to the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, the Electricity at Work Act 1989 and any other legal provisions relating to the Health and Safety of its staff and customers.




The service shall be carried out solely by the Service Provider.


1.6            CONFIDENTIALITY


Relate Solent will adhere to the Confidentiality Policy as required by Relate Federation.  Copies of this policy are available on request.


1.7            QUALITY ASSURANCE


Relate Solent will endeavour to meet the good practice with regard to Quality Assurance as identified by Relate Federation.




Both parties shall together operate the monitoring arrangements set out in Schedule 4 of this Agreement.




This Agreement shall be reviewed every 3 years and the review shall cover all aspects of the working of the Agreement.  The Agreement may be reviewed at such other times as the parties agree.  The Agreement can be varied with the agreement of both parties and  must be recorded in writing.



1.10            TERMINATION


Either party may terminate the Agreement upon giving a minimum of 6 months notice in writing.




This Agreement sets out clear expectations which both parties will use their best endeavour to honour.  Where appropriate, the parties will be able to negotiate variations to achieve necessary and constructive changes aimed at improving service effectiveness.  The Council reserves the right to renegotiate the terms of the Agreement in the event of changes in service demand or policy.  Similarly, the Council recognises the right of the Provider to request a renegotiation of the Agreement terms.


1.12            RENEWAL


The Agreement may be renewed through application and approval in accordance with the formal processes of the Council for the time being in operation.




The agreed amounts in respect of I.W. Council Central Funding for the three years of the agreement are included at Appendix 1. The annual amount in respect of the second and third years of the agreement shall be reviewed and shall be increased or reduced by a percentage equivalent to the increase or reduction, if any, shown by the “All Item” index of Retail Prices since the immediately preceding review date or, in the case of the first review, since the commencement of the agreement. Such increase or reduction shall take effect in respect of the twelve month period commencing on the relevant review date.


Please note carefully that this agreement relates only to Isle of Wight Council Central Funding and specifically excludes the regulation of any grant that may be made by the Directorate of Social Services & Housing. Further, it is understood by both parties that this agreement does not in any way imply that any grant whatsoever will be made by the Directorate of Social Services & Housing.




The Council shall pay the Provider the annual sum agreed each year in respect of Central Funding for the period of the agreement by means of two equal and half yearly instalments. The Provider must keep full records indicating how the funding is used, including audited accounts and an annual report. These must be submitted to the Council on request.


Any sum underspent will be returned to the Council at the completion of the Agreement.  If the organisation is dissolved or, in the opinion of the Council, the organisation ceases to function, part or all of the Funding is to be repaid immediately.  Repayment will not be sought from individuals unless there is evidence of fraud or unlawful action.




The responsibilities of the Link Officer nominated by the Council and named below include.



-            Assisting with assessment of grant applications by the Provider, informed by the  Council’s policies and procedures.

-            Through Monitoring and Evaluation activities to ensure that the Provider is working towards developing and implementing appropriate policies, including Constitution, Equal Opportunities and good management, employment and service delivery practices.


-                      Advising on the development and review of basic targets for showing success in

            achieving the overall aim of the service.


-                      Addressing problems identified by the Provider or/and the Link Officer in the

            management or the delivery of the service.


- Providing advice as to how the Provider can improve service delivery if appropriate.


-                      Ensuring that the Provider has basic financial management arrangements in place

            and is keeping record of its income and expenditure.


Until notified otherwise, the Link Officers for this agreement will be:




                        Julie Stallard


            Relate Solent




            Peter Greenwood

            Corporate Policy Manager

            Isle of Wight Council


            Rosie Barnard

Policy and Research Officer

Isle of Wight Council






































Option 1.  IWC Central Funding












Option 2.  IWC Central Funding












Option 3.  IWC Central Funding











*plus adjustment for inflation




Application has been submitted to the Social Services & Housing Directorate for a renewal of an annual grant in the sum of £4,490 for 2002/03.


Central Funding is complementary to Social Services Directorate Funding in ensuring provision of the overall service on the Island.










             Executive Committee Structure


                        Hon. President


            Officers: Chair*

                        Vice Chair*^

                        Vice Chair*

                        Hon Treasurer*



Elected members of the public


Representatives of Statutory, Professional and Voluntary organisations


            Staff:   3 ex officio: 1 Manager*^

                        1 Supervisor*

                        1 Counsellor Representative*


* form the Management Committee

^ form the Island Management Committee together with 2 Island trustees




                        Executive Committee: three monthly

                        Management Committee: three monthly

                        Island Management Committee: three monthly

                        Annual General Meeting: annually


Staffing Structure:





15 counsellors (part time) – 3 Island based


2 part time Admin


11 voluntary evening receptionists – 2 Island based



             The Supervisor is employed by Relate Federation












             APPENDIX 3



                         Proposed Income 2002/2003 (Option 1)


            Isle of Wight Council (Central and SSD) £9000


            Town & Parish Councils £100


            St Mary’s Trust £Nil


            Client Income £7950


            Donations £200


            Bank Interest £Nil


            Miscellaneous £50


            TOTAL £17300






































Business Plan for Isle of Wight








BACKGROUND                                             PAGE 2


INTRODUCTION                                           PAGE 3


SWOT ANALYSIS                                           PAGE 3


ISSUES OUT OF SWOT                              PAGE 5


CHOICES                                                       PAGE 6


OBJECTIVES                                                 PAGE 7


IMPLEMENTATION PLAN                             PAGE 8


SUMMARY                                                      PAGE 10




APPENDIX 1- BUDGETS                 






























Relate Solent serves the Isle of Wight, Southampton and the surrounding areas.  We operate an outpost in Hythe in the Waterside area, in Ryde and Freshwater on the Isle of Wight, with main offices in Southampton and Newport.  Our clients are drawn mainly from Southampton and the Isle of Wight but we also draw clients from Eastleigh, New Forest and Fareham.


On the Isle of Wight companies such as British Aerospace Defence Systems, GKN Westland Aerospace and Britten-Norman lead the way in manufacturing and technical expertise. They all take advantage of the security on the Island, which allows sensitive businesses to operate with ease. There is also a flourishing maritime industry, including fast ferry builders, FBM Marine.


High-tech industry is well represented on the Isle of Wight. In September 1997, the giant Japanese Yokogawa Electric Company bought Cowes-based control systems and management software company Marex from GKN, with plans to almost double the workforce and increase turnover five-fold.


Alongside these world-renowned companies many other smaller ones thrive, including mail order firms, printers, and circuit-board producers. Cereal and vegetable crops are farmed extensively, and the Island is self sufficient in milk and fresh vegetables.


With over two million visitors a year, tourism is a vital sector on the Isle of Wight. Concerted marketing efforts have been made in recent years to attract visitors all year round, with an emphasis on such things as short breaks and conferences.


Both Relate Southampton and Relate Isle of Wight started in 1947 and celebrated over 50 years in existence.  On April 1st 1999 Southampton and the Isle of Wight merged to become Relate Solent.  Both centres were financially stable at the time of the merger with healthy reserves


The Centre offers Consultations with a Counsellor and appointments are offered within 4/5 working days.  We have a waiting list for ongoing counselling, which is on average 6-8 weeks depending on client availability and psychosexual therapy is also available.


The Education and Training service offers all the courses provided by Relate National and also offers bespoke training to various agencies, as well as working within schools and at an excluded unit.  This service covers the whole of Hampshire with the exception of Portsmouth and we are exploring a joint venture with Relate Bournemouth Education and Training.


Relate offers couple counselling to all adults who require it, irrespective of their ability to pay.

















In May 2000, Relate National voted to become a Federation.  Membership of this Federation is dependent upon a range of services being provided from large Service Delivery Areas including couple counselling, psychosexual therapy and Education and training courses as core services.  Further services, such as additional courses, counselling in primary care and Relateen may also be provided where funding and demand exist. 


The decision to become a Federation was the culmination of years of discussions across the whole of Relate and it was recognised by Relate Isle of Wight that they were not in a position to offer the full range of services and thereby qualify for membership of the Federation.  Also by March 1999, the Island had no Island based counsellors and was using its reserves to purchase counselling from the mainland.  Therefore in April 1999 Relate Southampton and Relate Isle of Wight merged to form Relate Solent, a Relate Centre able to offer the full range of core services with the ability to develop additional services where the need is identified.


The newly formed Relate Solent acknowledged the importance of an Island presence and the post of Assistant Manager was created to administer the counselling function at Newport and Ryde.  The reserves provided by Relate Isle of Wight to the merger continued to be expended by the travelling expenses and salaries incurred by Southampton counsellors travelling to provide counselling in venues on the Island over and above their usual hours, and also in funding the post of Assistant Manager for 25 hours per week.


Recruitment of Island based counsellors was a priority for the newly merged Centre and by January 2000 three counsellors from the Island had been selected and were working in Newport and Ryde.  However, by the summer of 2000 it was decided, with the full agreement of the Assistant Manager, that administration of the counselling would be more efficiently and cost effectively handled from the Southampton office.  The ensuing lack of duties for the Assistant Manager, coupled with the high cost of providing this post to cover only 500 counselling hours per annum, prompted the difficult decision to make the post of Assistant Manager redundant.  This change also ensured that the grants provided by the Isle of Wight Council would be spent on providing counselling rather than administration and management of the service.






Relate has a well deserved reputation nationally and one of our primary strengths is that of being associated with a national organisation which is well known and well respected in the locality.  This reputation has enabled us to rely on core funding from local Councils in all parts of our area.  This same good reputation has equally enabled us to gather resources from other sources and our overall funding is spread over a broad base.


A relatively strong level of demand for our services is being met by an experienced counselling team, with good professional supervision.  This has enabled our reputation to be maintained by providing a viable and professional service, both in couple counselling and in psychosexual therapy.  The front-line work of the counselling is backed by a strong management team and supportive and knowledgeable trustees.


The formation of Relate Solent has proved successful over its first two years in operation.  Good premises in Southampton and the prospect of new premises in Newport, both in central locations, are further important assets.


One of the local current initiatives is the focus on domestic violence, an area where Relate has expertise.  We currently have a counsellor specifically trained to counsel couples where domestic violence is an issue and we anticipate training another counsellor in this speciality in the near future.




Whilst acknowledging that the counselling service is running well on the Island, we are aware that the population in the Sandown, Shanklin, Ventnor and Lake areas need to travel to Newport or Ryde to access the service.  This is both time-consuming and costly for clients to travel by public transport.  However, our current workforce is too small to enable us to provide counselling in any other venues.


There is a range of Education and Training courses and workshops available through National Relate to provide relationship education and training to the community, young people in schools and other settings and the commercial sector.  However, there are no Relate trainers on the Island and we will need to recruit to enable us to provide an active Education and Training function.  Colleges, schools and youth groups on the Island would benefit from the range of courses Relate is able to offer.  There may also be a role for Education and Training in providing services to both the prisoners and prison officers on the Island.


Our financial position on the Island is finely balanced.  The funding we receive from the Isle of Wight Council and its Social Services Department is now being spent on providing the counselling service.  However, it is acknowledged that the Island is not a wealthy area and that support is needed to continue providing the service.  The average client payment per session at £16.08 for 2000/01 is over £8.00 less than the £24.23 received from mainland clients for the same period.  We cannot rely on client contributions meeting the cost of £36 to provide each session.




The chance to find better premises for our operation in Newport will give us the opportunity of providing a more accessible, welcoming venue. 


We have already extended our provision of counselling to include three hours at Freshwater, in a venue which is fully funded.  We would welcome the opportunity to increase provision further by offering counselling in the south-east of the Island.


Creative examination of new sources of funding, such as single regeneration budgets, Community Funding and local initiatives may enable us to provide further services to Island residents, including working in the prisons.


Finally, we can do much more to make our services better known through solicitors, General Practitioners, libraries, churches, leisure centres and other multi-use venues.




There has been a national decrease in clients, and our experience has been in line with this.  There is a public perception that a right to free counselling exists.


Burgeoning competition from a number of other sources, including primary health care services, together with our dependence on too few counsellors could leave us vulnerable.  A lack of awareness among the general public concerning professional standards and the speciality of couple counselling might influence their choice of provision.





Small Counsellor Workforce – Weakness


Relate Solent has identified that its current counsellor workforce is too small to enable us to take advantage of any opportunities to increase counselling provision.  Two counsellors have already increased their hours to cover Ryde and Freshwater.


Lack of Trainer – Weakness


There is no Island based Relate trainer, so that any Education and Training work can only be done by trainers willing and able to travel to the Island.  This necessarily increases the costs and makes it difficult to take up any opportunities which might exist.


Newport Base – Opportunity


It has been recognised for some time that our current base in Exchange House, Newport is not in an accessible area for evening counselling.  The office used in  Exchange House is at the rear of the building, through a maze of corridors. Also the surrounding area is unlit and there is no adjacent car parking.    All of these issues make it an unsuitable venue for evening counselling, particularly during the winter.


Additional Venue - Opportunity


The counselling service has been available in Newport for many years and this was extended to include sessions at Ryde.  With effect from September 2001, counselling sessions are also available in Freshwater, giving access to some of the more remote communities on the Island. 

However, residents of Sandown, Shanklin, Lake and Ventnor currently have to travel to either Ryde or Newport to access the service and it would benefit them to have a locally available, accessible service, subject to a suitable venue being available.


Funding Base – Opportunity


Targeted funding could be sought for specific services on the Island such as domestic violence, utilising national funding bodies, or local initiatives.  This additional funding would provide a wider base from which to operate and also allow service development into appropriate areas.


Marketing – Opportunity


The promotion of our service through solicitors, doctors, libraries, churches and others will ensure that prospective clients are aware of the existence and location of our services.  It will also be necessary to carry out promotion of any new service initiatives to ensure take up.




It is acknowledged that all of the above major issues arising from the SWOT analysis can and should be addressed by the Centre during the life of this Business Plan.


Small Counsellor Workforce


In order to be in a position to take advantage of opportunities to develop our service on the Island, it is essential that a trainee counsellor is recruited in the first half of 2002/03. During 2000/01 we were able to offer 450 hours of counselling but with the addition of the Freshwater venue in September 2001, the hours offered for 2001/02 will increase to 520.  The recruitment of a trainee counsellor would enable us to increase the hours offered in 2002/03 to 700 with a further increase by 2004/5 giving up to 1000 hours of counselling.


Lack of Trainer


It is essential that a trainer be recruited to take up the opportunity of providing education and training courses on the Island.  Courses can be provided for the general public and bespoke training is also available for companies, organisations, community groups, schools and colleges.  It is anticipated that networking would commence immediately after recruitment and the first open access courses, such as ‘New Life, New Challenge’ and ‘Taking Charge of Your Life’ will be offered to the public within 4 months.  The number of open access courses will increase during the second and third years, with bespoke, targeted courses and workshops offered during the second and third years to community groups, commercial organisations and educational establishments.  It is envisaged that by the end of the 2004/5 financial year, over 300 Island residents will have benefited from Relate Education and Training material.


Newport Base


New premises in Newport are currently being sought.   It is essential that these premises are suitable for evening counselling, accessible by all clients and not publicised on the outside so that clients feel ‘stigmatised’ by attending.  We are currently investigating the possibility of using the premises of another organisation for evening counselling with the benefits of multi-use occupation that will bring, but should this not prove possible, we will be seeking to rent suitable premises in central Newport.  We continue to see Newport as the central base for our Island operations, with a majority of our counselling hours offered there, due to its location and accessibility by public transport.  Any new venue will be monitored during its first year of use to ensure suitability.


Additional Venue


Following recruitment of an additional counsellor, it will be possible to investigate suitable premises in the south east of the Island for the provision of counselling sessions.  This will enable us to extend our client base to those living in this area who have difficulty in accessing public transport to Newport or Ryde, either due to cost or disabilities.  Again, we acknowledge that finding the most suitable premises is a major factor in the provision of our service.


Funding Base


Additional funding for service developments, such as work in prisons, education and training courses or services for young people will be sought following research into the requirements of the Island population.  It will also be dependent on recruitment of additional personnel to deliver the services.




It is necessary to maintain a high profile when delivering services to clients.  The target client group of adult couples is large, but those requiring the services of Relate at any particular time are difficult to target in particular.  However, promotion of ‘relationship health checks’ and media promotions by Relate National will help to maintain Relate’s profile in the national arena.  It will also be necessary to ensure adequate publicity for Relate on the Island, and this may involve advertising, speakers at local meetings, displays in local centres and the local press.




·         Increase counselling hours offered by recruiting a trainee counsellor


·         Increase accessibility to counselling by investigating possible alternative venues


·         Recruit a trainer to work on the Island


·         Offer a range of Education and Training courses and workshops


·         Find suitable new venue for counselling at Newport


·         Pursue additional areas of funding, both locally and nationally to support development of initiatives


·         Raise the profile of Relate in general and of new service initiatives in particular












































Lead Person

Colleagues Involved

Measures of Performance

Target Date


Recruit new counsellor


Recruit trainer for Island work



Increase counselling hours offered







Offer a range of open access and bespoke training
















Monitor new premises in Newport



Seek additional   premises in south east


Promotion of Relate services


Centre Manager


Training & Development Manager


Centre Manager








Training and Development


















Centre Manager




Centre Manager



Centre Manager


Supervisor and trustees


Centre Manager



Supervisor and counsellors








Centre Manager and trainer

















Island Trustees





Island Trustees






New counsellor in post


Trainer in post




700 hours offered



800 hours offered



900+ hours offered



Networks formed and 2 open access courses offered


Networking, 4 open access courses  and targeted training for schools (over 100 people attending)


6 open access courses, targeted courses for schools and commercial sector (over 200 people attending)


Suitable premises for evening counselling maintained


Additional venue for counselling



Raised profile and client awareness


June 2002



June 2002




During 2002/03


During 2003/04


During 2004/05


During 2002/03




During 2003/04






During 2004/05






Jan 2001















Relate Solent is currently providing an accessible, cost effective service and will be part of the Relate Federation, with the benefits of service developments, national media coverage and access to Government policy which that will bring.  If Relate Solent continues to receive its current level of grant funding from the Island Council it will continue to provide the basic counselling and psychosexual therapy service in Ryde, Newport and Freshwater.


However, there is the very real opportunity to provide more to the Island residents, particularly those requiring counselling who live in the south eastern areas of the Island and the many people who would benefit from the training courses and workshops that Relate is able to deliver.


Relate is also keen to extend its available counselling hours, enabling more people to take up the service.  Adult couple relationships form the foundations of our society and their breakdown has repercussions across a range of services.  Domestic violence, abusive relationships, separation and divorce affect service provision across the board from housing, police and legal services to social services and schools. 


Government thinking is aimed at prevention rather than cure and Relate has a major part to play in enhancing the quality of couple, parental and family relationships, helping them to withstand the pressures leading to breakdown, and where necessary limiting the damage caused by separation and divorce.


Relate Solent remains committed to providing an efficient, cost effective, accessible service to all Island residents and will continue to work with the Isle of Wight Council, Rural Community Council and other relevant bodies to this end.  Additional secure funding will allow us to increase the range and availability of this service to the benefit of all.































BUDGETS FOR 2002/03, 2003/04 AND 2004/05




                                                                        2002                2003                2004

                                                                           £                         £                         £




Client income                                                    9,000               10,500             12,500

Education and Training Income                             100               1,500               3,500

IOW CC                                                          12,250             11,800             12,250

Fundraising and Donations                              100                       150                       400


TOTAL INCOME                                              21,450             23,950             28,650





Counsellor salaries & NI                              5,000                 8,000               10,000

Counsellor training                                                     800                  500                  500

Counsellor travel                                         1,150                    900                    1,000

Education and Training                                     1,400                 1,000                 1,750

Education and Training travel                              300                       500                    1,000

National Relate Fees                                             150                  175                  200

Advertising                                                           500                    1,000                 1,000

Supervision                                                       4,750                 3,000                 3,000

Administration                                                   4,500                 5,000                 5,500

Administration travel                                            150                       175                       200

Premises costs                                         2,500                 3,500                 4,000


TOTAL EXPENDITURE                                  21,200             23,750             28,150






























The basic counselling and psychosexual therapy service is maintained at a standstill grant with only inflationary uplifts.  The grant required for 2002 at a standstill rate is £9000.  This will allow us to continue to provide approximately 600 hours of counselling per annum across Newport, Ryde and Freshwater.




Recruitment of an additional counsellor will necessitate an increase in the grant of £2,100 over two years.  This will allow us to provide additional hours in the venues currently used, increasing counselling hours to 700 during 2002/03.


Coupled with this is the opportunity to offer the service at an additional venue on the Island, possibly in the southeast.  An additional venue will increase the accessibility of the service and allow the current workforce to increase the number of hours they work, if they so wish.


The cost of this option will include an element for rental of premises for an additional venue which will be ongoing, but may be slightly offset by an anticipated increase in client income.




Take up of this option will ensure the provision of an education and training service on the Island, including open access courses such as ‘New Life New Challenge’ and ‘Taking Charge of Your Life’.  Anger Management and Stress Management courses can also be provided for the general public or tailor-made to organisations’ requirements.  Other bespoke training can be arranged, particularly courses for schools, colleges and prisons etc.


The cost of providing this service is £5,950 over three years but it is anticipated that income achieved by the end of the three years will enable this to be a self-financing service on an ongoing basis.