Present :


Mrs M J Lloyd (Chairman), Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J F Howe, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr K Pearson, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor (deputising for Mr R A Sutton), Mr D T Yates


Apologies :


Mr R A Sutton


Portfolio Holder :


Mr R R Barry


Also Present (non voting) :


Mr A C Barlett, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr R C Richards



69.              MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2004 be confirmed.




There were no declarations at this stage.


71.              POLLING PLACES REVIEW


The Democratic Services Manager advised the Select Committee that to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Polling Stations had to be accessible to all members of the community.  Consultation had been undertaken with Town and Parish Councils, members of the Isle of Wight Council whose areas were affected and Community Forums.  Additionally an Official Notice had been placed in the local paper and a press release issued to the local media.  Problems had been highlighted with some venues, and where possible alternative facilities had been identified.  The Democratic Services Manager highlighted the areas where alternative sites would be used.


Members voiced their concerns regarding the safety aspect of using Fishbourne Garage.  The Electoral Services Officer advised the Select Committee that the garage was the most central location and had disabled access.  Insurance through the returning officer was also available.  Members also suggested the possible use of mobile libraries as polling stations.


The Select Committee asked what the cost of hiring premises, for use as polling stations was.  The Democratic Services Manager advised members that under the legislation costs for Isle of Wight Council local elections fell on the authority whilst National and European elections costs were reimbursed by central government.


Although a close eye was kept on costs members asked that these be made available to them.


Members believed that signs should be displayed on previously used venues advising that the polling station had been moved to an alternative site.




THAT the report be noted.




The Principal Policy Officer advised the Select Committee that the Performance Management report for the third quarter had been considered by the Executive on 24 February 2004.  The report covered the period 1 October to 31 December 2003 and gave the Select Committee the opportunity to monitor and review key aspects of the Council’s performance against its objectives.  Although directors had also been fully consulted on the content, Heads of Service had supplied the information.


The Select Committee discussed various aspects of the report, which included Women into Management, completion of land transactions and staff capacity constraints in the Corporate Policy Team.  Members questioned the appointment of an E Government Manager within IT and were advised that the post would be filled from in-house.  The Committee asked that they be advised of the cost of vandalism to Council property and believed the public should be made aware of this.  They also asked if any trends were emerging with regard to Crime and Disorder.


The Portfolio Holder advised members that savings would be made by restructuring and he could not see a problem why this should not be looked at by the Select Committee.  The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support advised that a report on the New Council Structure was to go to the Executive in March 2004.  In future, the Human Resources Committee that was now in place would clear all new appointments.


Members noted that operating costs per employee appeared to be rising and asked for a report to be brought to a future meeting of the Select Committee.  This should include cost per employee or full time equivalent.




THAT the report be noted.




The Head of Human Resources presented his report on Workforce Information.  The Committee were advised that women make up ¾ of the workforce with the majority being part time.  The figures for women who were in the top 5% of earners excluded schools.  Members noted that there were no female employees in the top 5% of earners within Environment Services, with Corporate Services only having 2.  Although members believed that the best person for the job should be appointed whether they be male or female, they hoped to see an improved position when these figures were examined again.


There had been a slight increase in sickness absence since 2002.  Social Services had the lost the most days to sickness per employee, although is was highlighted that homecare staff who spent time in the homes of vulnerable peoples had to be careful not to spread germs.  Stress related illness had been the biggest area of sickness in 2003 and the Council were applying Health and Safety Executive guidelines.  The Select Committee were advised that employees could self-certify for the first 7 days of illness, but a doctor’s certificate was needed for anything longer than that.  There were trigger points in place to monitor levels of sickness absence.




(i)                  THAT the report be noted.


(ii)                THAT a further briefing note be sent to members of the Select Committee to enabled them to understand what workforce strategies are now in place to continuously improve its workforce performance.


74.              MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


Mr I R Stephens asked why Heads of Service had not attended the Select Committee meeting for the Quarterly Performance Management Report.