
TCP/00886/J P/00899/02 Parish/Name: Wootton

Registration Date: 29/05/2002 - Full Planning Permission

Officer: Mr. P. Stack Tel: (01983) 823570

Outline for a pair of semi-detached bungalows; single storey extension to shop; vehicular access and parking; 2 storey side extension to shop to provide 1 bed flat ( amended description) (readvertised application)

land at and rear of 25 and 27, High Street, Wootton Bridge, Ryde, PO33


In respect of the originally submitted application the following comments were received.

Parish Council object to application on grounds that proposal represented over development of site, proposal overlooks next door garden and use of existing veterinary surgery car park could result in loss of successful village business. Furthermore vehicle users visiting vets would put more strain on existing lay bys in High Street which would lead to highway hazards for road users and pedestrians.

Veterinary practice which operates from 27 High Street (within application site) considered development is inappropriate for site. They advise that they have long lease on property and require full usage of proposed development site as car park for customers.

One letter has been received from local resident commenting as follows:


           1.        proposed scheme represents over development of site.


           2.        Insufficient details submitted with application particularly in respect of size and details of proposed properties.


           3.        Concern that existing trees and hedges remain.


           4.        Detrimental impacts and over dominance given difference in site levels with adjoining property.


           5.        Total loss of customer parking space for vet practice which will cause more congestion in High Street layby parking with dangerous implication for pedestrians and traffic alike on extremely busy main road.

Revised scheme incorporating pair of bungalows in lieu of pair of dwelling has been readvertised and original objectors re consulted.

Environmental Health Section raise no comment in respect of this application.

Highway Engineer request standard conditions be imposed on any consent.

One further letter has been received from local resident raising concern over possible loss of hedges and screening to site and potential loss of privacy.

One writer advises that previous objections still stand in respect of revised scheme.

Parish Council objections remain in respect of loss of parking spaces, whilst Members note that their concerns regarding overdevelopment and overlooking have been addressed.


Application relates to detached property and its associated rear parking area situated on southern side of High Street almost directly opposite junction with Red Road.

Application site comprises detached building currently used as veterinary surgery with residential accommodation above. Site is served by gravelled access road which leads off existing layby area to rear gravel parking area which is used in connection with customer parking for veterinary practice.

Originally submitted application sought consent for two storey side extension to existing vet practice to provide one bedroom flat over arched way car park entrance and further single storey extension rear of existing commercial premises together with construction of pair of semi-detached houses.

Following negotiation with this office application has been revised to incorporate pair of bungalows to rear of existing premises with proposal incorporating seven off street parking spaces between existing and proposed development. Illustrative plans indicate three spaces will be available for residential accommodation above and to side of existing vet practice with four spaces available for customer parking. Other proposed extensions remain part of application.

This is outline application with siting and access to be considered at this stage. Revised plans show two two-bedroomed semi-detached bungalows sited to rear of existing development fronting High Street.

Bungalows will be located minimum distance of approximately two metres from east and west boundaries of site with distance to rear boundary averaging some 6 metres.

Given that site lies within development envelope for Wootton as shown on adopted Unitary Development Plan main planning considerations relate to more detailed matters of impact on locality and surrounding residential property in particular and highway matters together with potential loss of some off street parking.

Whilst land level of application site is slightly higher than adjoining residential curtilage to rear and side site is relatively well screened and revision of scheme to bungalows will substantially reduce potential for loss of privacy by reason of overlooking. Furthermore distances to boundary and height of the proposed structures will be unlikely to have overdominant effect on amenities of surrounding residential occupiers.

The construction of the two storey side extension and further addition rear of the existing premises are considered appropriate and unlikely to impact on locality or adjoining residential occupiers.

With regard to highway safety access to the site is gained via wide gravelled access track which due to construction of arched extension will be reduced in width and central parking area will allow off street parking for both residential units and four parking spaces allocated for the commercial premises use. Whilst proposal results in reduction of potential parking veterinary practice parking provision is considered reasonable given type of operation and its location within village centre where proportion of customers will inevitably arrive on foot. Use of existing vehicular access to site is considered appropriate and has the support of the Highway Engineer.

Members should appreciate that whilst planning was refused in July 1990 on this site for terrace of three houses and dismissed on appeal current proposal involves lesser density and provision of single storey accommodation removing the potential for overlooking which was judged by Inspector to be of serious concern on previous proposals.

Reason for Recommendation

Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations as described in the evaluation section above it is felt that on balance proposal represents appropriate opportunity to provide additional residential units within existing settlements in accordance with aim of PPG 3 'Housing' and will be consistent with policies G1, D1 and H4 of the Unitary development Plan.

           Recommendation - Approval (Revised Scheme)



The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of 2 years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later.

Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Time limit - reserved - A02


Approval of the details of the design and external appearance of the building(s), and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced.

Reason: In order to secure a satisfactory development and be in accordance with Policies S6 (Standards of Design), D1 (Standards of Design), D2 (Standards of development within this site), D3 (Landscaping), TR7 (Highway Consideration for New Development) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


The existing hedge and tree along the southern boundary of the site shall be retained and reinforced where necessary to a minimum height of 1.8 metres and to a standard consistent with good arboricultural practice.

Reason: To ensure the maintenance of screening to the site and to protect the appearance and character of the area and to comply with Policies D3 (Landscaping) and C12 (Development Affecting Trees and Woodland) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Retention of parking - K08


Provision of turning area - K40


Any gates to be provided shall be set back a distance of 7 metres from the edge of the carriageway of the adjoining highway.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to comply with Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.