
TCP/24676 P/00289/02 Parish/Name: Shanklin

Registration Date: 13/03/2002 - Full Planning Permission

Officer: Mr. J. Mackenzie Tel: (01983) 823567

Demolition of industrial buildings; construction of 7 town houses

Sibden Works, Victoria Avenue, Shanklin, PO376PG

This application was considered by the Committee at the last meeting when it was deferred in order to seek clarification of the rights of access by adjoining property owners.


Highway Engineer points out that access is extremely restricted, approximately 2 metres but requires details of how demolition/construction works will be carried out.

Environmental Health Officer - no adverse comment.

Contaminated Land Officer suspects possible contamination of site and recommends conditions if approved.

Two letters of comment from local neighbours pointing out that some windows in the proposed development open over the access road questioning road safety; questions how emergency services might access the site if necessary, questioning how buildings will be removed and how construction may ensue, both bearing in mind the restrictive access; questioning adequacy of sewerage and questioning the provision of parking and turning on the site and possible obstruction to the rear of properties adjoining.


This is an irregularly shaped site located behind properties fronting the western side of High Street and behind the library fronting Victoria Avenue. A former printing works, the buildings are a mix of red brick with corrugated steel sheeting and only one of the buildings is of good order in terms of its appearance. Access to the site is off Victoria Avenue, a narrow access lane of a minimum of 2 metres in width but metalled joining Victoria Avenue about 20 metres from the junction of Victoria Avenue with High Street. Many of the buildings adjoin the eastern boundary of the site, those properties fronting High Street are tall and abut the eastern boundary of the site and there are two or three small yard areas with access off the application site. The buildings on the application site are no longer in use.

To the east, the library site there is also a rear access yard with vehicular access off Victoria Avenue. The rear of the existing buildings on the application site abut the common boundary.

The proposal is to clear the site and redevelop it with two storey cottage buildings, seven in number comprising kitchen/dining area and lounge on ground floor with two bedrooms and bathroom over, constructed in masonry, finished in facing bricks with some parts of the first floor clad in tiles. The site layout shows the buildings to be laid out in a slightly different form from those they replace covering a slightly reduced area, each dwelling having a private but compact yard area and each looking onto the landscaped and communal courtyard area.

Whilst abutting the western boundary, the buildings do contain some windows serving the kitchen, two bathrooms and a bedroom in two of the units but these windows face into the yard abutting the library rather than any other residential property.

Determining factors are considered to be policy and principle, effect on adjoining properties and matters relating to access and parking.

In terms of policy and principle, this development comprises the redevelopment of a "brown field" site close to the town centre for much needed residential units.

In design terms this is a stand alone development and therefore need not relate directly to adjoining properties but its appearance is quite acceptable, resulting in a compact and intimate residential atmosphere.

In terms of effect on adjoining properties, much of the adjoining is not in residential use and the proposed buildings replace existing although the northern most dwellings are higher than those which they replace. However, the nearest building which might be affected would be the comparatively recently constructed hostel off Victoria Avenue which might be affected by one bedroom window and the possible dominating effect of a two storey building within a distance of approximately 4 metres. This is not considered sufficient to affect the building sufficiently to warrant rejection.

Turning to access, this is narrow and in a position where any increased use could cause a serious traffic hazard, being located at or adjoining the traffic lights in Victoria Avenue. It is anticipated by the developers that access to the dwellings will be via foot only and that there will be no parking provision in this centrally located site. Access presently exists to the rear of some of those properties fronting High Street and therefore it would not be possible to eliminate vehicular access altogether but hard and soft landscaping within the courtyard area could be used to preclude parking allowing only essential access. Adjoining properties have rights of access over the site and therefore the access lane cannot be permanently closed off. It can, however be restricted, by, for example, lockable bollards to enable those with rights of access to gain occasional access to the rear of their properties and for emergencies.

In summary the re-use of this site for residential purposes is considered appropriate and, subject to appropriate conditions, is recommended for approval.

Reason for Recommendation

Having given due regard and appropriate weight to the material considerations as described in the Evaluation section above, the re-use of this brown field site for residential purposes within the town centre is considered appropriate in terms of density and inter-relationship with adjoining buildings consistent with UDP policies regarding housing and the re-use and economic use of land within development envelopes.

                       Recommendation - Approval



Time limit - full - A10


Construction of the buildings hereby permitted shall not commence until a schedule of all materials and finishes to be used for the external roofing and walls of the same has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter only such approved materials and finishes shall be used in carrying out the development.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Notwithstanding the provisions of any current Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no extension, building or structure permitted by Part 1, Classes (A, B, C, D, E, F and G) of the 1995 Order, as amended, shall be erected within the curtilage of the site without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of amenities of the area and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Withdrawn PD right for windows/dormers - R03


No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected. The boundary treatment shall be completed before (the use hereby permitted is commenced) (before the buildings are occupied) (in accordance with a timetable agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority). Development shall be carried out thereafter in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason: In the interests of maintaining the amenity value of the area to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Details of hard and soft landscaping - M10


No (dwelling/building) shall be occupied until space has been laid out within the site (in accordance with the plan attached) for 7 bicycles to be parked and such provision shall be retained.

Reason: To ensure adequate provision for the parking of bicycles and to comply with Policy TR6 (Cycling and Walking) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


No part of the development hereby permitted shall commence until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

a) a desk-top study documenting all previous and existing land uses of the site and adjacent land in accordance with national guidance as set out in Contaminated Land Research Report Nos. 2 & 3 and BS10175: 2001; and, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority,

b) a site investigation report documenting the ground conditions of the site and incorporating chemical and gas analysis identified as appropriate by the desk-top study in accordance with BS10175:2001 - "Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites - Code of Practice"; and, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority,

c) a remediation scheme to deal with any contaminant including an implementation timetable, monitoring proposals and a remediation verification methodology. The verification methodology shall include a sampling and analysis programme to confirm the adequacy of decontamination and an appropriately qualified person shall oversee the implementation of all remediation.

The construction of buildings shall not commence until the investigator has provided a report, which shall include confirmation that all remediation measures have been carried out fully in accordance with the scheme. The report shall also include results of the verification programme of post-remediation sampling and motoring in order to demonstrate that the required remediation has been fully met. Future monitoring proposals and reporting shall also be detailed in the report.

Reason: To protect the environment and prevent harm to human health by ensuring that where necessary, the land is remediated to an appropriate standard in order to comply with Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


No vehicular access shall be provided to the dwellings hereby approved and the existing access corridor from Victoria Avenue shall be closed off to prevent vehicles from accessing the site in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the dwellings are occupied and shall thereafter be retained and maintained.

Reason: In order to prevent congestion and in accordance with the Council's policy concerning parking in town centres.