





Mr J Woolfenden against refusal for the removal of condition preventing sale of take-away food at 7 Church Street, Ventnor.




Island View Holidays against condition limiting occupation of replacement pair of semi-detached holiday bungalows to six weeks in any rolling year and to not be sold off separately, sub let or otherwise disposed of separately from the main holiday complex at Island View Chalets, Fort Warden Road, Totland Bay.




Mr and Mrs Scott-Hake against refusal for conversion of hotel into care home with alterations and single storey extension at Westfield Hotel, 17 Broadway, Sandown.




Mr M Watson against refusal for retention of front boundary fence at 89, Alvington Manor View, Newport.




Island Securities against Enforcement Notice relating to the construction of building not in accordance with approved plans at land at corner of Pyle Street and Town Lane, Newport.









Mr and Mrs Boyce against refusal of outline for two flats, land rear of 40 Place Road, Cowes.










No new dates to report














Mr and Mrs Adduono against refusal of outline for a bungalow and garage, land adjacent 3 Plover Close, Sandown.



Officer Recommendation:




Committee Decision:

Refusal (Part 1) – 8 July 2004. 



Appeal Decision

Dismissed – 1 July 2004



Main Issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·         The effect of the development on the character and appearance of the area.



Conclusions of the Inspector:


·         The proposed new dwelling would have an unduly small and restricted amenity area with limited space around it.


·          The development would result in cramped development which would be detrimental to the appearance of the locality.


·          The new dwelling would have windows facing towards the existing dwelling and there would be unacceptable mutual overlooking and consequent loss of privacy.


·          Fencing or planting would lead to an unacceptably oppressive and enclosed outlook.


·          The land rises and the development would result in a new house which would be unacceptably overbearing in outlook from the adjacent dwelling.


·          The proposed access would pass between two existing dwellings and the vehicular movements along the access would create unacceptable noise and disturbance to the occupiers.


·          The development would conflict with policies of the UDP.










Mr M Sheasby against refusal for two storey extension to provide additional living accommodation and two storey extension to form an end of terrace house with vehicular access at 4 Westhill Cottages, Westhill Road, Shanklin.



Officer Recommendation:




Committee Decision:

Refusal (Part 1) – 1 December 2003



Appeal Decision

Dismissed – 2 July 2004



Main Issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·          The effect of the development on the existing trees, two of which are the subject of a TPO.


·         The effect of the development on the character and appearance of the area.



Conclusions of the Inspector:


·         The development would result in the loss of one of the preserved trees and would be likely to lead to significant pressure to lop and fell two other trees, one with a TPO.


·         The trees are in good health and are important to the visual amenity of the locality and the effect of the development in relation to the trees would be unacceptable.


·         The development would not appear to be subordinate to the existing dwelling and would be significantly harmful to the character and appearance of the locality.


·         The existing dwelling would have no garden area which would lead to unacceptably restricted and confined living conditions for the occupiers.


·         The development would conflict with the objectives of the UDP.






Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members Room.  Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 3572) at the Directorate of Environment Services.