
TCP/03999/H   P/01138/02  Parish/Name:  Niton

Registration Date:  02/07/2002  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Miss. L. Myall           Tel:  (01983) 823550


Use of land for parking of 4 historic single deck buses in private collection

Melbury, Newport Road, Niton, Ventnor, Isle Of Wight, PO382DB


This application was to be determined by the delegated system but it is before the Committee at the Local Member's request.




Highway Engineer has no comments.


Environmental Health Officer has no adverse comments.


Niton and Whitwell Parish Council recommend approval of the application and that the number of single deck buses should not exceed four. 


Two letters of objection have been received with the following concerns:






Two letters of support were received accompanying the application:




Following comment from the local Member; "I understand from a supporter of this application that there is more than just the parking of these vehicles, that they are to be brought up to date and used for ferrying tourists around the Island, I applaud anyone wishing to further tourist related businesses however, Newport Road is a very narrow road already very busy with diverted traffic from the Undercliff, I would wish the Committee to be aware what the proposal is."




The application site is on the western side of Newport Road to the rear of Melbury, a Grade II Listed Building.  The garden area associated with the house forms a triangular shape, extending out to form a square shaped plot, which is where the four historic buses are currently located.  Access to the site is via track from Newport Road.


Planning permission was recently granted for a covered area to an existing outbuilding (TCP/03999/F), which contained a condition restricting its use to purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house.  The applicant has indicated in a covering letter that he intends to use this covered area to store the buses.


The garden area is bounded by one metre high walls and was formerly used as a vegetable garden with a number of fruit trees remaining.  The south and east boundaries of the site are bounded by rear gardens of adjacent properties.  There are views northwards towards Niton Down.  On the western side, there is an old bakery building, which formed the basis for the previous application.   Four buses dating from the 1930s are currently stored on the site and are parked in pairs; two are covered by blue tarpaulin.  The applicant plans to restore the buses as a hobby over a period of two or three years and then to display them at local shows.  The applicant states in his covering letter that restoration work would include ‘general carpentry and painting and occasional use of electric tools’.   The four buses are presently not visible from the public vantage points within Niton and storage under cover will ensure that they are kept in one place on the site. 


Relevant policies are considered to be Policy D1 ‘Standards of Design’, Policy B2 ‘ Settings of Listed Buildings’ and Policy C1 ’ Protection of Landscape Character’ of the IW Unitary Development Plan.   Policy D1 seeks to ensure that development does not detract from the reasonable use and enjoyment of adjoining buildings, while Policy B2 will not permit proposals which adversely affect the appearance, setting and/or curtilage of a Listed Building.  Policy C1 ensures that proposals must maintain and protect the landscape whether viewed from the land or sea.  Given the repair work to the vehicles is of a low key nature and that using the covered area to store the vehicles will ensure that any visual impact will be minimal, it is considered that the proposal conforms with the above policies.  There are no highway objections to using the existing access to the site.   In addition, the land to be used is approximately 40 metres from the Listed Building and so it is considered that its character is not affected.


Reason for Recommendation


The use of land for the parking of buses is compatible with a residential area due to the limited nature of the repair activities and I consider that at its present level, the use would not detract from the amenities of neighbouring properties or the quality of the surrounding landscape, however, the number of buses should be restricted to four in total in order to protect the amenities of neighbouring properties.


Recommendation              Approval





No more than four buses shall be kept at the site at any one time without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the adjoining properties and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



The use hereby permitted shall be used only for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house as such and shall not be used for any business, commercial or industrial purposes whatsoever.


Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.