Purpose : For Decision




Date :             25 JUNE 2002


Title :              LBC/20672/C - VECTIS HALL, MELVILLE STREET, RYDE.




To consider the authorisation of a Listed Building Urgent Works Notice against the continuing deterioration of the building known as Vectis Hall, Melville Street, Ryde, a Grade II Listed Building.


Members may recall at a meeting on 14 May 2002, authorisation was given to serve a Listed Building Enforcement Notice under the Planning (Listed Building in Conservation Areas) Act 1990 on Vectis Hall, Melville Street, Ryde.

Upon reflection, and given the rapid deterioration of the building, the Conservation Officer now considers the best course of action is the service of a Listed Building Urgent Works Notice under Section 54 of the Planning (Listed Building in Conservation Areas) Act 1990, prior to the serving of the Listed Building Repairs Notice. The Listed Building Urgent Works Notice will ensure the building is wind and weather proof and safe from collapse, as well as making the building secure from potential vandalism.

If necessary, the Local Authority are able to undertake the works specified in the schedule themselves and seek to recover those costs under Section 55 of the Planning (Listed Building in Conservation Areas) Act 1990.



1.        To authorise a Listed Building Urgent Works Notice under Section 54 of the Planning (Listed Building in Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


2.        Not to authorise formal action and to take no further action on this Listed Building.


Accordingly I recommend that a Listed Building Urgent Works Notice be served under Section 54 of the Planning (Listed Building in Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requiring the following:


1.        To provide such temporary supports internally as are required to hold the roof in a rigid condition and make sure that these temporary supports remain in place and are secure.


2.        To retrieve the tarpaulin and to properly fix this over the area of roof open to the elements, to secure it to prevent it from lifting in high wind and prevent deterioration to the structural elements of the roof.


3.        To remove all the accumulation of cut-down vegetation at present stored in the main hall, as well as any combustible material, to be removed from the site.


4.        Guttering, down pipes and drains should be unblocked and repaired to ensure adequate rainwater disposal and prevent the water ingress.


5.        Appropriate measures should be taken to make the building secure to prevent any vandalism and theft taking place.


6.        For the buildings owner to provide a structural engineers report for a full assessment of the structural components of the building which may necessitate further works.

The reason for this prescriptive action is that it appears to the Council that the amenity of part of the surrounding area and in particular the structural condition of the Listed Building is being affected by either no or inadequate protection of the Listed structure within the Conservation Area.


To authorise the service of a Listed Building Urgent Works Notice under Section 54 of the Planning (Listed Building in Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services