
TCP/06662/D P/02090/01 Parish/Name: Ryde

Registration Date: 28/11/2001 - Full Planning Permission

Officer: Mrs. J. Penney Tel: (01983) 823593

Change of use of ground floor from a shop to a flat

108, Monkton Street, Ryde, PO331JN


Highway Engineer considers there to be no highway implications.

Environmental Health raise no objections.

Environment Agency raise no objection in principle but advises applicant regarding flood proofing measures.

One letter of objection from two properties on grounds of loss of retail and subsequent effect on existing retail premises.

Policy R2 refers to planned proposals for new retail development but also includes "applications involving the loss of local shops and pubs will not be approved where it is shown that this will have a damaging impact on the local community".


The application relates to a property sited within the Ryde Conservation Area approximately 20 metres south of the junction where Monkton Street meets The Strand. Permission is sought for the change of use of the ground floor from a shop to a flat. There are a mix of uses in the area including residential to the north and a cafe to the south. The application site is a three storey property with vacant retail unit at ground floor formerly used as hairdressers and residential above. Accommodation to be provided is a living room, bedroom, kitchen, hall, lobby/utility, bathroom, conservatory and the access will be off Monkton Street. There is a small communal area at the rear of the property for drying area, bin area and rear pedestrian access. Changes to the front elevation are minimal, a new front entrance is proposed, double glazed windows and new rendered wall to enclose the forecourt.

Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan states that development will be permitted only where it maintains, or wherever possible enhances the quality and character of the built environment. In particular the development shall provide adequate daylight, sunlight and open aspects to development and adjoining uses; should not detract from the reasonable use and enjoyment of adjoining buildings; or adversely affect the visual amenity of occupiers of the same building or site.

Policy G10 (Potential Conflict Between Proposed Development and Existing Surrounding Uses) states that the Council will take into account the potential for conflict between existing, adjoining or surrounding development and activities.

Policy R2 (New Retail Development) is targeted primarily at village shops and in particular the loss of the last village shop/facility and it acknowledges that these shops play a vital role in rural areas as they provide an alternative to shopping in the main towns as well as a much needed service for the less mobile. This includes the elderly, people with disabilities and those who do not have access to a car or convenient public transport. It is further acknowledged that the village shop also plays an important part in the social network of the settlement as a meeting place, notice board, post office and general hub of village life.

Quite clearly this is not applicable in this case as this shop is adjacent to other shops, some of which are closed down, and the area is quite accessible by public transport and the town centre is not a great distance away.

It would appear in this instance that the market is the best judge of whether the running of a shop in this area is viable or not as is evident by the closure of other shops. I do not feel the closure of one shop will unduly influence the activity in this area. The suggested alternative use is acceptable within a residential/commercial area.

The proposal is within a Conservation Area and in an area with retail units supporting the local community, but is not sited within any town centre boundary and in principle there is no policy objection to the change of use.

Determining factors in considering the application therefore are whether there is any potential conflict of uses in the surrounding area and whether the proposal provides adequate accommodation.

This is a vacant shop which can easily be converted to residential in a mixed use area. In terms of potential conflict, the Environmental Health Officer confirms that as there is already residential development in the vicinity, he would not object to proposed use as any potential conflict would be dealt with under Environmental Health legislation. The accommodation proposed is to an acceptable standard, providing housing need.

Regarding concerns relating to loss of retail, it should be noted that in policy terms there is no sustainable reason to withhold consent.

Reason for Recommendation

Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, I am of the opinion that the application represents an appropriate use of the building and recommend accordingly.

                       Recommendation - Approval



Time limit - full - A10


Matching materials - S01