
TCP/24608/B P/02127/02 Parish/Name: Ryde

Registration Date: 20/11/2002 - Full Planning Permission

Officer: Mrs. J. Penney Tel: (01983) 823593

Amendments to approved scheme ref: TCP/24608

22 Newnham Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight, PO333TE


The application is being reported at the request of the Development Control Manager.


Application relates to detached property situated on the western side of Newnham Road opposite the Kings Road junction.

The property is within a residential area and the site benefits from some mature tree screening. The property is a modest bungalow with red brick plinth, rough cast render and brown slate roof.


TCP/24608 - Single storey extension to form utility room, lounge and dining areas; alterations to roof including dormer windows to provide accommodation at first floor level; detached garage with storage area at first floor level; conservatory - conditional approval - 10 June 2002.

TCP/24608/A - Amendments to approved scheme, reference TCP/24608 - Approved - 9 December 2002.


This application seeks alterations to the approved schemes to provide a front and rear cropped gabled roof.

The original scheme provided a sizable rear extension for utility room, lounge/diner and conservatory, three bedrooms and bathroom at first floor and a detached double garage within the garden. The hipped roof incorporated dormer windows on the front, rear and southern elevation.

The recently approved roof amendment changed the rear elevation from a hipped roof with a dormer to a cropped gable roof but with no amendments to the front elevation.

This application seeks consent for cropped gables to the front and rear of the building, the applicant having been advised by the roof designers and manufacturers that a cropped roof would be easier to design and more cost effective.

Letter received from applicant via Members of the Planning Committee explaining development proposals.


Policies D1 (Standards of Design) and H7 (Extension and Alteration of Existing Properties) are considered relevant. In particular policy D1 permits development only where it maintains, or wherever possible, enhances the quality and character of the built environment. It further states that planning applications will be expected to show a good quality of design. Applications should respect the visual integrity of the site and the distinctiveness of the surrounding area; be sympathetic in scale, materials, form, siting, layout and detailing; of a height, mass and density which is compatible with surrounding buildings and uses. Policy H7 permits alterations where they are of appropriate size, scale and design to the property.


No Highway implications for amendment.


Not applicable.



None received.


Relevant officer given opportunity to comment but no observations received.


Approved extension and alterations are sizeable addition to this property. In considering proposal it is accepted that compared to approved scheme the proposal has minimum additional impact on any neighbours. In design terms the approved scheme appears as dominant roof on front elevation but comparable with neighbouring property whereas the proposal gives the appearance of a two storey dwelling which is considered to be over dominant and out of character with neighbouring property, original property and character of the area.

In summary, the introduction of a cropped roof to the front is considered to tip the balance from acceptable development to a design out of keeping with the original bungalow, immediate locality in particular when viewed adjacent neighbouring property and Kings Road junction.


In coming to this recommendation to refuse planning permission, consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The impact this development might have on the owners/occupiers of the other properties in the area and other third parties have been carefully considered. Whilst

there may be some interference with the rights of the applicant to develop land in the manner proposed, it is considered that the recommendation to refuse is proportional to the legitimate aim of the Council's Unitary Development Plan and in the public interest.


Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations, it is considered proposal conflicts with policies D1 and H7 in respect of scale and design being out of character with original property and area.

No change to recommendation for refusal.




The proposed amendment to the roof because of the design would be an intrusive addition, out of scale and character with the existing and surrounding dwellings, and have a serious and adverse effect on the visual amenity of the locality and would also be contrary to policies D1 (Standards of Design) and H7 (Extensions and Alterations of Existing Properties) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.