New legislation which came into effect on 5 September 2003 reduces the time limit for appeals from six months to three months.  This change in the time limit shall not apply to planning applications made before 5 September 2003.





TCP/25595                                          Mr C Piper and Mrs P Bonsu against refusal of outline for detached house and formation of vehicular access, land adjacent Marshlands, Afton Road, Freshwater.


TCP/25353                                          Mr and Mrs G Hernes against refusal for two storey side extension at 4 Chapel Road, Binstead, Ryde.


TCP/25361                                          Mr M Darch against refusal of outline for house, land rear of 7 Upper Hyde Lane, Shanklin.


TCP/25621                                          Mr J Foreman against refusal for alterations and first floor and two storey extensions, at 3 Moon Close, East Cowes.


           TCP/13631/B                                       The Eaton Partnership against refusal for two storey building to provide five flats including one flat within roof space and parking and formation of vehicular access, land adjacent 17-18 Winchester Close, Newport.                                                              





No new dates to report                                               





(1)               TCP/25355                              Mr R Taylor against refusal for the formation of a vehicular access at 6 Garfield Road, Ryde. 


Officer Recommendation:                 Refusal


Committee Decision:                  Refusal (Part 1) - 21 February 2003


Appeal Decision:                                Dismissed - 18 August 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect of the proposed development on highway safety


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the Ryde Conservation Area



Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The use of the proposed hardstanding would cause hazard to road users because of the absence of turning facilities on site


·                      Proposal would be contrary to Policy TR7


·                      The hardstanding presents a utilitarian surface to the front of the house obscuring any features of interest


·                      The proposed development would be visually damaging to the street scene and detract from the overall appearance of the Conservation Area


·                      The proposed development would neither preserve nor enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and would be contrary to Policy B6



(b)       TCP/1458/H                             Ryde Golf Club against refusal for a mobile home for employee of Golf Club on land at Ryde Golf Club, Binstead Road, Ryde  


Officer Recommendation:                Refusal


Committee Decision:                        Refusal (Part 1) - 6 November 2002


Appeal Decision:                               Dismissed - 21 August 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      Whether the proposal conflicts with policy to protect the countryside from inappropriate development.


·                      If so, whether there are any material considerations sufficient to outweigh such conflict.


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The proposal would introduce a substantial domestic element into the group of buildings whose appearance is compatible with their grounds management function and thus the rural setting


·                      Without special justification the proposal would conflict with UDP Strategic Policy S4


·                      The golf course is particularly vulnerable to unauthorised incursion


·                      There would only be very limited views of the vulnerable areas from the site of the proposed mobile home


·                      The deterrent effect of the presence of a staff member within the proposed mobile home would be limited


·                      Random patrols of the golf course would be more effective and could be undertaken without a person living at the site


·                      Whilst the proposal is small in scale and ancillary to the existing golf course use there is no evidence that alternative measures have been considered


·                      The proposal is not essential and necessary to the successful operation of the golf course


·                      The proposal would conflict with UDP policies H9 and G5



(1)               TCP/24747/A                          Mr A Naylor against refusal of outline for residential development, land adjacent Pine View, Rew Street, Cowes


Officer Recommendation:                 Refusal


Committee Decision:                  Refusal (Part 1) - 20 November 2002


Appeal Decision:                                Dismissed - 21 August 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect the proposal would have on the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the safety of users of Rew Street


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The proposed residential cul-de-sac would have a suburban character at odds with the rural nature of the surroundings


·                      The existing open gap between the dwellings to the north and south of the site would be substantially diminished by the introduction of the proposed buildings, roadway, parked cars and domestic paraphernalia


·                      The development would consolidate the present sporadic development in the immediate area and diminish the rural character


·                      The site is not a small gap in an otherwise built-up frontage and the proposal does not meet any of the specific policy requirements for development outside development boundaries


·                      The proposed development would unjustifiably harm the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside and conflict with UDP policies


·                      Visibility southwards along Rew Street from the proposed access may well become inadequate


·                      There would be an unacceptable risk to the safety of users of Rew Street and the proposal would conflict with UDP Policy TR7



(4)               TCP/19269/D                                      Mr S Read against refusal for the siting of a mobile home for use as holiday accommodation at Fairfields Farm, Stroud Wood Road, Ryde


Officer Recommendation:                 Refusal


Committee Decision:                  Refusal (Part 1) - 8 November 2002 


Appeal Decision:                                Dismissed - 21 August 2003




Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      Whether the proposal conflicts with policy to protect the countryside from inappropriate development


·                      If so, whether there are any material considerations sufficient to outweigh such conflict


·                      Whether the proposal would create a precedent for similar proposals and if so the cumulative effect of such development on the area


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The proposal is small scale and ancillary to the existing agricultural enterprise and the retention of the development for holiday use could be controlled by a planning condition


·                      There is no evidence of a clearly identified and unsatisfied demand or necessity for the holiday accommodation


·                      The proposal would be of no benefit to the rural economy or rural employment


·                      The proposed mobile home would appear incongruous with the existing farmhouse and associated agricultural type buildings and would reduce the quality of the landscape


·                      There has been no adequate demonstration that the use would be essential to the operation of an approved tourist use


·                      Although the proposal would accord with Policy T3 this would be outweighed by it being in contrary to G5, H9 and T9 of the UDP


·                      The proposed development would not have set a precedent of sufficient weight to inhibit the determination of another planning application on its own merits



(e)      TCP/2210/B                             N W Corbin Ltd against refusal for demolition of existing bungalow and new residential development of two detached and ten semi-detached houses with parking and access at 33 Newport Road, Cowes


Officer Recommendation:                Refusal


Committee Decision:                        Refusal (Part 1) - 28 February 2003


Appeal Decision:                               Dismissed - 22 August 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the living conditions of the occupiers of adjoining properties in terms of outlook and overlooking


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The appeal site takes its character from the adjoining bungalows, most of which have fair sized gardens


·                      The proposed development of three storey houses would be inappropriate in this context and amount to considerable overdevelopment of the site (estimated to be sixty six units per hectare)


·                      The proposed development would seriously harm the character and appearance of the area and be contrary to Policy D1


·                      The proximity of the proposed development to neighbouring properties would result in an unacceptable degree of overlooking and overshadowing


·                      Whilst recognising a need for higher residential densities this should not be achieved at the expense of the living conditions of existing residents


·                      Three storey development on this site would be overbearing to a degree which recent nearby development is not


·                      The proposed development would have an unacceptable effect on the living conditions of occupiers of adjoining dwellings in terms of outlook and overlooking and would be contrary to policies B1 and H6



(6)               TCP/17270B                           Mr D Ruddell against refusal for demolition of garage and the erection of two detached houses and garages on land to the rear of Avalon, Heathfield Road, Bembridge


Officer Recommendation:                 Refusal


Committee Decision:                  Refusal (Part 1) - 29 January 2003


Appeal Decision:                                Dismissed - 22 August 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area


·                      The effect on the living conditions of the occupiers of adjoining properties in terms of outlook and noise


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The established character of the area is one of single storey dwellings in large plots


·                      The proposed development would comprise two fairly large two storey houses on relatively small plots


·                      The tandem two storey development would be inappropriate in itself and would compromise any future planned development of the area between Steyne Road and Heathfield Road


·                      PPG3 - Housing encourages the most efficient use of previously used land but this must be considered in conjunction with the need to respect the character and appearance of the existing residential areas


·                      The proposed two storey development would be out of keeping with the surrounding area and contrary to policies G4, D1 and D2 of the UDP


·                      The proposed houses would be excessively overbearing in relation to the rear gardens of the properties to either side


·                      The proposed access passing the side of Avalon would cause disturbance and nuisance affecting the occupiers of this property and the neighbouring property of Elstead


·                      The proposed development would have an unacceptable effect on living conditions of the occupiers of adjoining properties in terms of outlook and noise and would be contrary to Policy D1



(g)       TCP/25388                              Mr and Mrs M Price against refusal for two storey extension to provide additional accommodation at 26 Oxford Street, Northwood, Cowes


Officer Recommendation:                Refusal


Committee Decision:                        Refusal (Part 1) - 21 February 2003


Appeal Decision:                               Dismissed - 27 August 2003


Main issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding urban area


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The street scene on the northern side of the road is predominantly made up of Edwardian style semi-detached houses


·                      The spaces between these properties are wide and approximately the same in size


·                      The spaces give the street scene a striking and attractive rhythm and create an open spacious appearance


·                      The proposed development would be in part of the gap between 24 and 26 Oxford Street


·                      The proposal would seriously detract from the present sense of spaciousness of the street scene


·                      Given the general uniformity of the gaps in the street scene on the northern side of Oxford Street it would be difficult for the Council to resist applications for similar developments were the appeal to be allowed


·                      The proposal would seriously harm the character and appearance of the surrounding urban area and be contrary to UDP policies G4, B1 and H7



(h)       TCP/15133/G                          Mr R Ruffell against refusal for a terrace of four houses with access off Buckingham Road, land adjacent Ryde Court, St Thomas Street, Ryde   


Officer Recommendation:                Refusal


Committee Decision:                        Refusal (Part 1) - 29 January 2003


Appeal Decision:                               Dismissed - 27 August 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The likely effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and the setting of nearby Listed Buildings


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      Despite the somewhat neglected appearance, the site makes a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area and to the setting of the nearby Listed Buildings by way of the views that are afforded across the site and the feeling of spaciousness


·                      The stone boundary wall is a characteristic feature of the area


·                      The proposed terrace would appear both intrusive in the views across the site and uncomfortable and out of place in its relationship with the Listed Building at Ryde Court


·                      Much of the boundary wall would be lost and its alignment along Buckingham Road would be changed


·                      These alterations would be regrettable in respect of their effect on the character of the area


·                      The proposed scheme would be in conflict with policies G1, D1, D2, B2 and B6 of the UDP


·                      There would be overlooking between Ryde Court and the proposed new terrace which would not be wholly satisfactory


(i)         TCP/3756/B                             Mr G Palmer against refusal of outline for alterations and single storey extension to existing bungalow and alterations to vehicular access with four detached bungalows, garages, parking and access road, land at and the rear of Tintern, Alverstone Road, Apse Heath


Officer Recommendation:                Refusal


Committee Decision:                         Refusal (Part 1) - 20 November 2002


Appeal Decision:                               Dismissed - 2 September 2003


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area


·                      The effect on the living conditions of the occupiers of adjoining properties


·                      The effect of the proposal on highway safety


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The proposal would result in backland development at a relatively high density which would have a suburban character out of keeping with the appearance of the area


·                      No justification has been put forward for the exceptional consideration and the proposed development does not meet any of the criteria for new residential development which might exceptionally be permitted


·                      The proposed development would have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the area having regard to restrictive policies relating to development in the countryside


·                      Despite the proposed landscaping measures, the noise and disturbance caused by traffic generated by four dwellings would impact considerably on the adjoining property to the north east and would detract from the occupiers reasonable enjoyment of that property


·                      A long narrow driveway would be likely to result in hazardous situations where a vehicle attempting to enter the driveway would be forced to wait on the highway for another vehicle attempting to emerge from it


·                      Despite the long sight lines it would not be possible to provide a visibility splay on the north east side with resulting hazard for road users, particularly pedestrians using the footway


·                      The present location of a bus stop adjacent to the driveway and another on the opposite side of the road compounds the potential dangers


·                      The proposed development would cause hazard to road users and be contrary to policies D1 and TR7



(j)         TCP/20230/E  

CAC/20230/F                          Mr C Brougham against refusal of planning permission  and Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a four storey building to provide eight flats, two three storey buildings to each provide three flats (fourteen flats in total), site of garage/car repair/car sales fronting both  The Strand and East Street, Ryde


Officer Recommendation:                Refusal (both applications)


Committee Decision:                        Refusal (both applications) (Part 1) - 13 February 2003


Appeal Decisions:                             Dismissed (both appeals) - 4 September 2003


Main issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·                      The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the Ryde Conservation Area and the adjoining Grade II Listed Buildings


·                      The effect on the living conditions of future occupiers


Conclusions of the Inspector:


·                      The wall along the appeal site frontage is of some historic and visual interest in the views along The Strand and provides some continuity between the buildings on either side.


·                      The proposed scheme would not appear comfortable in itself or as part of the street scene


·                      The blocks fronting The Strand would be overdominant in their relationship to the buildings on either side


·                      The harmful effect would be emphasised by details of the design such as the pointed  features on the roof of the four storey block and the UPVC windows


·                      The development would also have a somewhat cramped appearance in the relationship between the blocks fronting onto The Strand and that facing onto East Street


·                      The outlook from some rooms would be very restricted, there would not be ready access to the refuse store and there would be very little amenity space around the blocks for the use of future occupants


·                      The proposals would constitute an unsatisfactory overdevelopment of the site, harmful to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, the setting of the nearby Listed Buildings and the amenities of future occupants


·                      The approval would be contrary to UDP policies D1, D2, B2, B6 and H6


·                      Although not raised in the objection by the Council, the development would be likely to contribute significantly to parking difficulties in the area



Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members Room.  Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 4572) at the Directorate of Environment Services