TCP/20232/F                              Mr D Meek, against refusal of outline for two detached houses and formation of two vehicular accesses, land between 59 - 71 Noke Common, Newport.


           TCP/13477/D                             J A Dempsey, against refusal of outline for dwelling, land adjacent Hemmingfold, Borthwood Lane, Borthwood.


           TCP/19690B                               Island Fork Lift Hire Ltd (Mr A Walker), against refusal of outline for residential development, land adjacent Gembrook, Grove Road, Wroxall.


           TCP/16040E                               Mr W V Dempsey, against refusal for retention of stream culvert, land between 16 and 20 Church Road, Shanklin.


           TCP/16040F                               Mr W V Dempsey, against Enforcement Notice relating to the installation of stream culvert, land between 16 and 20 Church Road, Shanklin.


           TCP/17048A                               R F and P Osman, against refusal for alterations and conversion of storage building to form dwelling, farm machinery building adjacent Dexter Cottage, Brambles, Freshwater.


           TCP/24377                                 Mr and Mrs S Granville-Hastings, against refusal for demolition of garage; construction of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension, at 24 Gordon Road, Cowes.




No new dates to report.




           (a)       TCP/2430                       C Meagher/S Rose, against refusal for continued use of premises as flat on ground floor and house in multiple occupation on first and second floors; retention of storage shed at 50 Carter Avenue, Shanklin.


           Officer Recommendation:       Approval


           Committee Decision:               Refusal - 16 October 2001.


           Appeal Decision:                      Allowed - 22 March 2002.


Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


                     The effect of the proposals on the living conditions of adjoining occupiers with particular reference to visual impact, privacy, noise and disturbance.

                     The effect on highway safety and free flow of traffic on Carter Avenue.


Conclusions of the Inspector:


                     Shed will have the appearance of a double garage and will not have a materially adverse visual impact when viewed from no. 48.


                     The external appearance of the dwelling has not changed.


                     The use of rooms on first and second floors would not materially increase the overlooking of adjoining premises.


                     Noise and disturbance from use of upstairs rooms would be no greater impact than if premises were in single family occupation.


                     The use of the shed will be consistent with its location within a rear domestic garden.


                     Substantial on-street parking is available in vicinity and would be sufficient to meet any additional parking needs.



           (b)       TCP/24292                     Mr S Darch, against refusal of outline for dwelling and garage on land rear of Taverners and 2 Church Road, Havenstreet.


           Officer Recommendation:       Refusal.


           Committee Decision:               Refusal (Part 1) - 3 September 2001.


           Appeal Decision:                      Dismissed - 22 March 2002.

           Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:


                     The impact of the proposal on the form and setting of the settlement of Havenstreet and the surrounding rural area having regards to policies and provisions of the UDP.


                     The effect of the proposal on the living conditions of adjoining occupiers with particular reference to privacy, noise and disturbance.

Conclusions of the Inspector:


                     Development of this site would extend Havenstreet into the surrounding rural fringe and would be contrary to UDP policies and PPG7.


                     The erection of a dwelling on this site would inevitably have some impact in terms of privacy of occupiers of adjoining properties.


                     The proposal would effectively double the vehicular and pedestrian use of Ivy House and would materially increase the noise and disturbance which would be detrimental to the living conditions of adjoining residents.


Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members’ Room. Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 4572) at the Directorate of Corporate and Environment Services.