TCP/25943/A   P/00573/04 

Siting of mobile catering unit/kiosk land at The Promenade, Totland Bay, PO39


Officer:   Ms S Gooch                                  Tel:  (01983)  823568


This matter was considered at the meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 11 May 2004 when the application was deferred at the request of officers in order that they may discuss with the applicant’s agent possible alternative locations and design of the kiosk and to clarify with the Highway Engineer matters relating to highway safety arising from the proposal.




This application is regarded as being contentious having attracted a large number of representations.




This is a minor application the processing of which has taken 14 weeks to date. The processing of this application has gone beyond the prescribed 8 week period for determination of planning applications because of the need for Committee consideration.




Proposal is sited on Totland Promenade north west of Madeira Road. The area in general is a concrete promenade providing vehicular and pedestrian access to dwellings, business premises and parking facilities. North of the proposal is an existing beach café and to the south is a public convenience. Proposal is intended to sit within a parking bay area and will occupy three car parking spaces. Totland beach is west of the promenade at a slightly lower level and is divided by a simple design black iron railing. Proposal is outside the development envelope and is located within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.




TCP/25943 – Siting of mobile catering unit/kiosk, land at The Promenade, Totland Bay – Withdrawn in order to facilitate further discussions in respect  of proposal.




Consent is sought to site a mobile catering unit measuring 6 metres in length by 2.5 metres in width. Kiosk is a traditional catering trailer style and includes the addition of showman style opening with recessed customer shelf and one additional end hatch. It is the applicant’s wish to site this catering unit on a temporary basis from 1 April to 31 October in each year.





Relevant policies of the plan are considered to be as follows:


            S4 – The Countryside will be Protected from Inappropriate Development


            S6 – All Development will be Expected to be of a High Standard of Design


            G4 – General Locational Criteria for Development


            G5 - Development Outside Defined Settlements


            C1 – Protection of Landscape Character


            C2 – Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty


            P1 – Pollution and Development


            TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Development




Highway Engineer initially made no comment but subsequently advised that they had been contacted by the Local Member (Councillor Howe) expressing concern that children queuing at the kiosk would be in danger from vehicles negotiating the sharp left turn manoeuvre at the bottom of the slope, to drive in a southerly direction along The Promenade. They commented that even though the kiosk would not protrude out into the traffic flow as much as the cars often parked there, there is a possibility that a carelessly driven vehicle could potentially collide with an unsupervised child and for this reason it may be proven to reconsider the kiosk’s location.


Subsequent to the  meeting held 11 May 2004 the Highways Engineers have revisited the site and are of the opinion that, although there are numerous other locations in which the kiosk could be sited where it would be further away from manoeuvring vehicles, they do not feel that there are sustainable grounds for recommending refusal to this application, as it stands.  Consequently Highways recommend that a minimum of four panels of portable Crowd Control Barriers could be placed in a line approximately 2 metres away from the kiosk which would prevent unsupervised children from straying into the path of vehicles and could be moved when necessary if they obstruct the path of any large service delivery vehicle.


Environmental Health commented that the proposal was small enough and far enough away from residential uses and will not result in loss of amenity from noise or odour.


AONB has no adverse comments.




Totland Parish Council object on the following grounds:


·         The siting of the kiosk presents an obstruction to vehicles turning in an already confined area;

·         The proposed kiosk obstructs three parking places and will lead to further congestion;           

·         There are potential waste disposal and hygiene problems;

·         Proposal is out of keeping with the character and plans for improvement of the area.




15 letters of objection were received (12 were duplicate letters) and petition containing 489 signatures from local residents and visitors to the Island, in some cases 2 letters/signatures have been received from the same household, objecting to application on grounds which can be summarised as follows:


·         Siting of proposed kiosk would present a severe obstruction to vehicles turning;

·         Siting of kiosk would add to an existing parking problem in the summer months;

·         Proposal is out of keeping with the character of the area;

·         Concerns over the disposal of rubbish;

·         Emergency vehicle access would be severely obstructed.




No crime and disorder implications are anticipated.




Determining factors in considering application are whether proposal is acceptable in principle, whether the kiosk is of appropriate size, scale and design, in keeping with the surrounding area, particularly having regard to location of site within the designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and whether its siting as proposed would create a hazard to users of The Promenade.


Although site is outside the development boundary, proposal falls within category of development which may exceptionally be permitted outside defined settlements and is therefore considered to be acceptable in principle.


Siting of the kiosk on Totland Promenade will be temporary starting 1 April and ending 31 October in any rolling year. Agent has confirmed that it is the applicant intends to use the kiosk for sale of confectionary, ice cream and drinks. Concerns were raised on potential noise pollution by installing a generator and whilst this is an Environmental Health issue agent has advised that it is their intention to connect the kiosk to a main power system, eliminating any noise.


Regarding the subject of highway safety implications, I am of the opinion that due to the steepness of Madeira Road it will restrict drivers from driving at excessive speed and the curvature of the road would also reduce this. After liaising with the Highways department they accept that the kiosk would not protrude out into the traffic flow, therefore proposal will not add unduly add to the hazards of the highway users. An objection has been received on grounds that kiosk could potentially cause an obstruction to emergency vehicles.  However, the Highways Engineer does not share these concerns, as the mobile catering unit would cause less obstruction on The Promenade than the four vehicles that are often parked there.


Whilst the siting of the kiosk could result in the loss of three parking spaces, given that the area is privately owned, I do not consider that this could provide a justification to withhold consent. In any event, it is considered that there are adequate parking facilities along The Promenade and on the nearby public highway.


Concerns were raised that unsupervised children would be at risk from vehicles using The Promenade at this point. However, with the facilities already available along The Promenade I believe that the proposal would not add any greater risk. Proposal will incorporate a removable protection barrier to persuade visitors of the kiosk to uniformly queue in front of the facility, confining them to a certain area.


Further discussions have taken place with the applicant regarding the location of the kiosk.  I am advised that the proposed location of the kiosk was chosen due to availability of an existing electricity and water supply.  Further response from the Highways Department confirms that they raise no objection to the kiosk’s proposed location and to maximize the safety of unsupervised children request a condition is imposed to site Crowd Control Barriers in front of the kiosk.


Any potential hygiene problems will be addressed by the Environmental Health department should the need arise and after consulting with the department, they raise no objection to the proposal. With regard to issue of disposal of waste water, specification of the catering unit includes an internal water plant which will need to be removed and manually disposed of into a drain.  I am of the opinion catering equipment required would be minimal and would not cause an excessive amount of waste water. Matters relating to disposal of litter and commercial waste can be addressed by conditions, should Members be minded to approve this application.


The design of the proposed kiosk is of typical design and although it has been suggested that this would be out of character with the predominant development in the area, it is of a style sympathetic in nature to the seaside location. No adverse comments have been received from AONB Officer and I am satisfied that proposal will not have detrimental effect on the landscape character of the area.


Members requested further discussions took place regarding the design of the kiosk and on reviewing different styles I am of the opinion that they are all similar in construction and general appearance and are what would be expected in a seaside location.




In coming to this recommendation to grant planning permission, consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The impacts this development might have on the owners/occupiers of the other property in the area and other third parties have been carefully considered. Whilst there may be some interference with the rights of these people this has to be balanced with the right of the applicant to develop the land in the manner proposed. Insofar as there is an interference with the rights of others it is considered necessary for the protection of the rights and freedom of the applicant. It is also considered that such action is proportional to the legitimate aim of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan and in the public interest.




Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, I am satisfied that the proposal would not have excessive or unacceptable impact on the environment or neighbouring properties and would not detract from the visual amenities and character of the locality. Furthermore, I do not consider that refusal of application on grounds that kiosk would create highway hazard would be justified.  In view of the above the proposal is considered to satisfy policies of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan, particularly S4, S6, G4, C1, C2, P1, TR7.







Time limit - full   -   A10



This permission authorises the siting of the mobile catering unit/kiosk only during the period form 1 April to the 31 October in each year unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: The use of the site for permanent stationing of the kiosk is not acceptable and in the interests of general amenity and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.



Colour treatment to be agreed   -   S22



The kiosk hereby approved shall be used for the sale of confectionery, ice cream and refreshments  and for no other purpose, including any other purpose in Class A3 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, or in any provision equivalent to that class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area in general and nearby residential occupiers and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.



The kiosk hereby permitted shall not open to customers other than between the hours of 0830 and 1900 hours daily.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and the occupiers of nearby properties and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.



A refuse receptacle shall be provided outside the premises to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and retained there during opening hours.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and the occupiers of nearby properties and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.





The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a specification of the provision to be made for the storage and disposal of refuse following the commencement of the use hereby permitted has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the implementation of such provision for refuse has been completed in full accordance with such an approved specification and such provision shall be maintained thereafter.


Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Prior to the use hereby approved commences a minimum of 9 metres of Crown Control Barriers shall be located alongside the kiosk during trading hours only, details and siting of which are to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the kiosk being positioned on site and thereafter retained and maintained in accordance with the agreed details while the kiosk is open to the public.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with Policies D1 (Standards of Design) and TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.






Head of Planning Services








TCP/25508 – P/00628/03

Use of land for motocross, upgrading of track and facilities, land opposite Gore Cemetery





In light of the Consent Order to quash the temporary planning permission which was due to expire on 30 June 2004 Members are asked to reaffirm their decision that one additional major event should be allowed to take place on site in September 2004.




A short term conditional temporary planning permission was granted in August 2003 to use the land for motocross purposes.


This decision was the subject of a challenge by judicial review by solicitors acting on behalf of the former owners of Arreton Manor.  The matter was due to be heard on High Court on 8/9 July 2004.


However, having taken advice from Counsel, both parties, the claimants and the defendant (IWC), have signed a Consent Order which in simple terms means that the aforementioned temporary permission will be quashed.  Planning Solicitor has advised that since both parties are in agreement the Court is unlikely to raise any objection and the hearing will be cancelled.


It would seem that the Consent Order is unlikely to have any direct effect on the applicant as the permission was due to expire at the end of the month.


The local Members and Members of this Committee were briefed on the latest situation after site visits on 11 June 2004 and should by now have received a copy of a letter that the Development Control Manager has sent to the local promoter of the recent round of the World Championships on the site.


This Committee, believing that they were dealing with an extant planning permission, agreed several months ago to an additional event taking place in September 2004 following the expiry of the planning permission.  Since we are no longer dealing with an extant permission, Members are asked to reaffirm that decision at this meeting.  Effectively this means that we have agreed prior to the event taking place to take no enforcement action despite the fact that the use has no valid consent.  Of course, this would be on the understanding that the land will only be used on this one occasion between now and the date of the event.




There are no direct financial implications for the Council.




  1. Notwithstanding the likely quashing of the temporary planning permission Members reaffirm their earlier decision to allow the use of the site for motocross purposes for one further occasion in September 2004.


  1. Members take the view that the signing of the Consent Order to quash the temporary planning permission is significant in this particular context and request the applicant/promoter to submit an application for the single event due to take place in September 2004.




Members have previously agreed to the holding of a single event outside the period of the temporary planning permission.  The likely quashing of the temporary planning permission, which was due to expire in just over a week, does not appear to make any significant difference to the situation.


However, the use of this land, even on a very limited basis, has proved to be a locally contentious issue and I think that the change of circumstances warrants a new resolution from this Committee to support the holding of the event in three months time with the advantage that there is an audit trail to show that this particular issue was considered both before and after the signing of the Consent Order to quash the temporary planning permission.


On this basis I am recommending Option 1.




  1. Notwithstanding the likely quashing of the temporary planning permission Members reaffirm their earlier decision to allow the use of the site for motocross purposes for one further occasion in September 2004.















Head of Planning Services