TCP/24747/A                                     Mr A Naylor against refusal of outline for residential development, land adjoining Pine View, Rue Street, Gurnard, Cowes.


           TCP/17850/A                                     Mr D J & Mrs V A Harman against refusal for formation of vehicular access & hardstanding at Brookside, Main Road, Chillerton.


           TCP/25120                                        Mr G Skinner against refusal for two storey rear extension to form lounge and bedrooms, 16 Downsview Road, St. Helens.


           TCP/15133/J                                      Mr R Ruffell against refusal for terrace of four houses with access off Buckingham Road,land adjacent Ryde Court, St. Thomas Street , Ryde.


           TCP/19269/D                                     Mr S Read against refusal for siting of mobile home for use as holiday accommodation, land at Fairfields Farm, Stroud Wood Road, Ryde.




           No new dates to report




           (a)       TCP/1152/E                           Mr A Macleod against refusal for two storey extension at Meadcott, Heathfield Road, Bembridge.


           Officer Recommendation:               Refusal.


           Committee Decision:                       Refusal (Part 1) - 29 October 2002.


           Appeal Decision:                             Dismissed - 23 April 2003.

           Main issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


                     The effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the locality.


           Conclusions of the Inspector:


                     The full two storey nature of the extension and its length and width would significantly increase the bulk and mass of the existing dwelling.


                     The development would not be particularly subservient in relation to the existing dwelling.



                     The building would be an overbearing and incongruous feature in contrast to the relatively modest adjacent bungalow.


                     The proposal is not a matter of statistical calculations but one of judging the visual effect of the proposal and calculations of site coverage do not lend any significant support to the proposal.


                     The main concern is the visual relationship between the appeal property and the adjacent bungalow.


                     The mismatch in terms of scale and bulk between the two properties would be detrimental to the character and appearance of Heathfield Road.



           (b)       TCP/16686/A                         Mr & Mrs K Aptomas against refusal for a dwelling & garage at land between Abbey Oaks & La Casita, Hamstead Road, Cranmore.


           Officer Recommendation:               Refusal.


           Committee Decision:                       Refusal (Part 1) - 27 August 2002.


           Appeal Decision:                             Dismissed - 29 April 2003.

           Main issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


                     The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area with particular reference to the AONB.


           Conclusions of the Inspector:


                     The site is undeveloped land between two dwellings in the AONB.


                     The proposal would result in the opening up of the plot, removing many of the trees and introducing an additional dwelling in this location.


                     The site should be viewed in the context of the whole extent of the “plotland” area.


                     Given the sporadic and scattered form of development in the area, the appeal site is not a small gap in an otherwise built up frontage or group of houses.


                     The proposed development would create a residential curtilage in the AONB and would result in an urbanising effect on the rural scene.


                     Residential development would consolidate the loose-knit settlement pattern which would be detrimental to the rural character of the area.


                     The scheme is not acceptable infilling and would conflict with UDP policies.


Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members’ Room. Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 4572) at the Directorate of Environment Services.