
Use of land for motocross, land opposite Gore Cemetery, south west of Arreton Cross, Downend Road, Newport


Officer                        J Mackenzie

Tel No: (01983) 823567





To note the current position regarding the use of land for motocross racing.




Legal proceedings background


Members will recall that planning permission was sought for the continued use of land at Arreton Cross for motocross racing and that, following reconsideration of the matter, planning permission was finally issued in August 2003.


The decision has since been the subject of a continuing action for a Judicial Review, action which is still continuing.  There is, at present, no date for a hearing but it is understood that further correspondence from Claimant’s Solicitor is awaited.


To remind Members, the planning permission was a temporary one expiring on 30 June 2004.


Proposed 2 day event


When the application was reconsidered on 12 August 2003 Members were advised in the update that the applicants had stated that they wish to hold one event on consecutive weekend days, which conflicted with the recommended condition which required that none of the motocross events should occur on consecutive weekend days (i.e. Saturday/Sunday).  There was a lack of information available in respect of this projected weekend event, and consequently the applicants were advised subsequent to the resolution that the Development Control Committee did not consider the request and that the Motocross Club would need to submit a further request at the appropriate time if they wished to breach the relevant condition.


Details of the weekend event, proposed to take place on the weekend of 29/30 May, have now been submitted.  This event forms one of the 18 venues throughout the world organised as part of the FIM (Federation de Motocyclisme, which is the worldwide body that governs motorcycling sport at the world level).  The Arreton event forms the English contribution to the world championships, and according to the organisers, last year there were audiences of 349 million TV viewers worldwide for the 2003 championship.

Members will recall the instance last year of the National event, which took place at the site prior to the determination of the application.  That was a National event, and it is understood that the World Championship event which is due to take place will comprise fewer races, each including fewer riders but, consistent with its status as a world event as opposed to a national or local event, it is likely to generate significantly higher numbers of spectators.


A plan has been submitted to this office detailing the proposed layout of the site in connection with the projected event on 29/30 May.  This shows the track layout to be revised, the main difference being the removal of the original start position from that area of land close to the bridleway forming the northern limit of the site, the track repositioned below the summit of the south facing slope and with the start positioned in the lowest part of the site. 


The plan indicates the various uses required to operate the event, including service tracks, portable buildings and marquees, and the various compounds formed by temporary fencing for the event.  The plan also shows that the various uses will spill over into that land immediately adjoining to the south which stretches down to Crouchers Cross, the main Newport to Arreton A3056.  This land is shown on the plan to accommodate car parking and paddocks with the remainder of the land used for camping for that period during which the event takes place. 


In addition, a temporary footbridge is proposed to be erected from the site, across the A3056 to the land to the south of Crouchers Cross which, it is understood, would be used on the two days as car parking for spectators.  This footbridge would be erected during the days prior to the event and removed immediately after. 


Within the approved site and land adjoining to the south, tracks of unspecified nature are proposed to be installed, and it is understood that these will either be by the laying of a proprietary brand of temporary “rollout” access tracking or by the laying of hard surface material which would be removed upon cessation of the event. 


It is understood that, in accordance with the governing body’s requirements (FIM), the site must be prepared for their inspection two to three weeks before the event to ensure compliance with their codes of practice.  Following the conclusion of the two-day event the various elements, including the marquees and the portable buildings and enclosures, together with any service track provision, will be removed and the land restored suitable for agriculture.


Restrictive Planning Conditions


Condition 2 of the planning permission issued on 14 August 2003 states:


            The use hereby permitted, namely motocross events, shall be limited to a total of 24 days before 30 June 2004, to include any event days and practice days.  Of these motocross events, no events shall occur on consecutive weekend days, namely Saturday and Sunday.


            Reason: To prevent annoyance and disturbance to the occupiers of neighbouring properties from the noise emissions of motocross events and to comply with Policy P5 (Reducing the Impact of Noise) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Members were aware that it was a possibility that the site might be the subject of a request for a special event and the applicants/operators were made aware at the grant of consent that they would need to approach the Development Control Committee if such an event were to be planned.  In terms of the operation, the national event which took place last year was a large success, was well run and managed and, so far as I am aware, has had no lasting adverse effects.  The currently planned two day event for May is part of a series of world events, likely to result in participants of the highest standard in the sport from all over the world, and the event is intended to be televised also throughout the world.  It is likely to generate significant interest both locally and nationally and, probably, internationally with the likely results of international exposure in the media of the event and, perhaps more importantly, the Isle of Wight.


It is clear that the planned two-day event will breach the Condition as detailed above, but if Members are supportive of this venture, the Development Control Committee may resolve to take no action in this instance should that breach occur.  If the Committee are minded to acknowledge this intended breach and take no action against it, it should be on the understanding that this consideration relates to this occasion, and this occasion alone, and that the land will be restored to its former condition with all due diligence upon cessation of the event.


Permitted Development Rights


I have already referred to land to the south of the authorised motocross site as being used for various associated uses such as paddocks, camping area and for the siting of marquees and portable buildings, and that these uses/structures are proposed to be on land which has not been the subject of a planning permission for the use in connection with motocross racing on the adjoining site. 


Having carried out some investigation and obtained some legal advice, it would appear that the use of this land, albeit associated with the authorised use immediately adjoining, including the siting of portable buildings, camping, the erection of marquees etc, will fall within Part 4 Classes A and B of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and therefore planning permission will not be required so long as the works and uses are removed before the end of 28 days following their commencement.  This will also be applicable to the use of the land to the south of Crouchers Cross which is intended to be used (it is understood) for spectators’ vehicle parking on the days of the event.





That Members note the proposed forthcoming Motocross FIM World Championship two-day event; the fact that the event will breach the Condition 2 on Planning Decision Number TCP/25508 and that, on this occasion, action will not be taken against that breach.  In addition a letter is to be despatched, at the earliest opportunity, to the motocross organisers to advise them of the Development Control Committee’s resolution, but that the resolution is conditional that the authorised site and the adjoining land is restored to a condition which existed before preparations for the event commenced, and that the land to the south of the authorised site is returned to a condition suitable for agriculture.




Head of Planning Services