Date :              19 NOVEMBER 2002


Title :              NEW DEVELOPMENT REVIEW




As a result of a specific recommendation from the Audit Commission, and in the interests of good practice with the forthcoming Best Value Review in mind, it is proposed to introduce, on a regular basis, what is known as a post-implementation review of new development.

This is an exercise designed for Members of the Development Control Committee but, in my view, should be open to all Members, should they wish, particularly local Members when visiting sites in their area. The intention would be to identify applications which were relatively contentious at the time they were processed and determined, but eventually granted planning permission, and to visit the site to inspect the resulting development making an assessment of the success or failure when reporting back to the Development Control Committee.


These site visits would take place on a dates) to be specified in January 2003, but will not conflict with the Development Control Committee (Site Visits) which take place every three weeks. Consequently, there is a relatively modest expense in terms of transportation and printing costs.



1         That the report be noted and arrangements and site visits be agreed to take place on dates to be specified.


2         That the report be noted and that Members specify alternative arrangements.


This proposal is sound good practice, and I am positive Members will welcome this initiative which will involve visiting and inspecting completed development schemes with the intention of looking at examples of what can be loosely described as ‘good and bad’. Due to the nature of the planning system in this country, I am of the opinion that elected Members will also wish to visit those sites that were the subject of some controversy or considered to be contentious/sensitive at the time of the processing and the determination of the appropriate application.

I would recommend that these visits take place at least once and possibly twice a year.

I would further suggest that the area for the visits be broken down in a similar way to the operation of the development control function within Planning Services, by making one visit to the western side of the Island, this would include Cowes, Newport and Ventnor, and one visit to the eastern side of the Island on separate days. I would suggest that all Members of the Development Control Committee should be strongly urged to attend these meetings, and that an invitation be extended to the local Member, if not sitting on the Development Control Committee, when visiting individual sites.

The intention would be that Members views as to the success of failure of the particular development, should be reported back to the Development Control Committee and may form the basis of discussion and be used as a benchmark in connection with similar future development proposals. Ultimately, when resources permit, Members may wish to broaden the investigations to include seeking comments from applicants/agents, third parties and new residents. The Council may also wish to make awards in connection with particularly successful schemes.

I would suggest that a balanced and most practicable approach to this innovation would be to nominate five sites in each area and that one of those sites should be the choice of this Committee.

In terms of the western side of the Island, I would suggest the following developments:-


                     Residential scheme at the rear of the Public Library in Freshwater


                     Housing association development between Pyle Street and Scarrotts Lane in Newport


                     Redevelopment of Brighstone Tea Gardens


                     Infill site in Princes Esplanade at Gurnard, granted on Appeal


                     Plus one other to be specified by Members

In terms of the eastern side of the Island, I would suggest the following:-


                     High density flatted development known as Napoleons Landing at Sandown


                     Foyer Scheme in George Street, Ryde


                     Four units on the corner of St John’s Road/Orchardleigh Road, Shanklin


                     Infill site close to Binstead Church


                     Plus one other to be specified by Members

Possible dates for these visits will be reported verbally at the meeting. It is my view that the two ‘tours’ should take place relatively close together so that any findings can be discussed at the same meeting of this Committee.




1.        That the report be noted and arrangements and site visits be agreed to take place on dates to be specified.

Contact Point : C Hougham - Development Control Manager, ☎ 823565