1.        Purpose of Report


1.1      The purpose of this report is two-fold. Firstly, it sets out the key points arising from the workshop, and secondly, it proposes a timetable for tackling the various issues raised.


2.        Background


2.1      The first of two Development Control Workshops was held at Northwood House on 21 January 2003. Its title was ‘What are the barriers to the Isle of Wight Council being the best local planning authority in the South East Region?’.


2.2      The event was attended by 16 Members and 8 Officers.


3.        Outcomes and Proposed Timetable


3.1      Based around the three sections of the day, the principal outcomes of the seminar are set out below. The dates in brackets propose a timetable for their implementation.

           Strategic Planning Framework


                     Member training on the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Bill and the introduction of local development frameworks (by November 2003).

                     Preparation of design-based supplementary planning guidance (by July 2003).

                     Member invitations to Design Workshop (March 2003).

           Engaging local communities and key stakeholders


                     Members to feedback individual comments to Members on the Best Value Review Group (ongoing).

                     Organisation of training for Members on the Document Imaging Project (May 2003).

                     Organisation of training/information release to consultees on the Document Imaging Project (April 2003).


           Operational Procedures


                     Quarterly reports to the Development Control Committee on planning application performance (including previous year, cumulative performance for current year and most recent quarter) (Ongoing - commenced 25 Feb 2003).

                     Preparation of Enforcement Policy (Sept 2003).

                     Review of delegated system on enforcement (Sept 2003).

                     Review of delegated system for planning applications (including initial identification of Committee items) (May 2003).

                     E-mail notification to Members (May 2003).

                     Establishment of criteria for Members requesting Committee report (May 2003).

                     Establishment of criteria for Committee requests for site visits (April 2003).

                     Preparation of site visits protocol (April 2003)


4.        Possible Options


4.1      Inevitably there are various permutations for the delivery of these improvements. Your officers have carefully considered their resources, and the relationship of the proposals to other planned initiatives (such as the Document Imaging Project). Members will note that one improvement (statistical monitoring) is already in place.


4.2      The option of non-pursuing implementation cannot be recommended.


5.        Future Training


5.1      Members are reminded that the second training event (general planning training/probity/code of conduct) will be held on 27 March 2003 at Northwood House, Cowes.


6.        Recommendation

It is recommended that the Committee


           a)        Note the report; and

           b)        Approve the proposed implementation timetable at Section 3 of this report.



Contact Point:            Andrew Ashcroft

                                   Head of Planning Services      ☎ 4556