
TCP/24730/A   P/00100/03  Parish/Name:  Bembridge

Registration Date:  17/01/2003  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mrs. J. Penney           Tel:  (01983) 823593


Alterations & extension at 1st floor to form 2 bedrooms, en-suite bedroom & bathroom; alterations to main roof Waypoint, Swains Road, Bembridge, Isle Of Wight, PO355XS




Report requested by local Member as he is not prepared to agree to the application being dealt with under the delegated procedure.




This is a minor application.  The processing of this application has taken eleven weeks to date.  The processing of this application has gone beyond the prescribed time limit, this being the first available meeting following local Member's request for Committee consideration.




Waypoint is on the southern side of Swains Road in a substantial plot in a residential area with mix of properties in the locality.  The property has previously been extended at ground floor to the front and rear.




TCP/2615/E - Extension to form double garage and conversion of existing garage to games room, Waypoint, Swains Road, Bembridge.  Conditional approval June 1987.


TCP/24730 - Extension at first floor level to form two bedrooms, bathroom and an en-suite bedroom.  Withdrawn May 2002.




Proposal is for alteration and extension at first floor to form two bedrooms, en-suite bedroom and bathroom and alterations to the roof.  The existing garage and playroom extend as a single storey element projecting forward of the main property and the proposal is to raise the ridge of this element by 1.4 metres to provide additional accommodation.  The roof alterations involve changing the design of the existing dwelling from a hipped and cropped gable end to a symmetrical gable ended roof.  It is proposed to change the external appearance from red brick to buff self colour render.




Site is within the development envelope for Bembridge and policies D1 (Standards of Design) and H7 (Extension and Alterations of Existing Properties) are applicable.




Parish Council recommend approval.




Four letters of objection (from three properties) on grounds of; out of scale to existing and adjacent properties, loss of privacy, presents overlooking, dominates neighbouring property self contained extension in front of building line with separate access, loss of light, precedent, visual impact considerable from all aspects.  Concern also expressed that digital photographs are misleading as is description and proposal will lead to depreciation on neighbouring property value.


In favour removal of leaded windows, prefer gable ends to roof (as long as no additional windows) and anything to soften its exterior appearance but too large; effectively creates two houses at right angles to one another.


Concern with way support letters obtained.


Twenty one letters have been received in support of the application commenting proposal improves appearance, minimal impact on surrounding properties, well designed building much more sympathetic to character of Bembridge village, enhances quality and character of environment.  Further comments footprint is unchanged, not impair neighbour's view, no loss of light, no increase in traffic, no precedent, no affect on neighbour's property, no affect on adjacent access.


Six letters of objection/comment/concern with design and standards (policies D1(C), D1(G), D1(H), D1(4F) - Housing Extensions and Alteration of Existing Properties), size, scale, inappropriate, possible second unit, overdevelopment of site, cramped appearance, negative impact on adjoining properties, oversized at first floor virtually resulting in two houses, size and scale not akin to surrounding properties, loss of sunlight and daylight, visual impact, double in height dominating every house nearby, digital photograph does not portray the size of the plot (the  missing fence has now been replaced showing the closeness of the boundary), the boundary between the two houses approximately one metre to the right of the southwest wall of Waypoint.


Two letters withdrawing support, one of which objects


Letter from agent enclosing a report to the Planning Committee in support of the proposal.  This report outlines the revisions that have taken place on the previous application that was withdrawn.  Report quotes Standard of Design Policy D1 arguing that the proposal will unquestionably enhance the appearance of the property, the form and height of extension and new roofline is sympathetic in scale with the buildings in the surrounding area, the proposed extension will have a negligible effect on the daylight and sunlight received by adjoining buildings, the building stands  in a large site and the proposed extension increases the cubic capacity of the house by approximately 10%.  Do not believe that this can constitute overdevelopment.  The supporting document also refers to Policy H7 (Extension and Alteration of Existing Properties), scale is entirely appropriate to a house of this size, additional dwelling has not been created, the impact of the neighbouring properties is negligible.


In addition a series of photographs are submitted.


Request from applicant to defer the determination of this application as she is not available to publicly speak.




No crime and disorder implications anticipated.




Main policy considerations are whether or not the extension is considered appropriate in terms of size and design and impact of proposed extension on amenities of surrounding residential occupiers and area. 


Proposal introduces two storey element forward of main dwelling which, together with increase in height of existing garage/playroom roof and overall alterations would result in significant addition to property which is considered to present adverse impact compared to scale of dwelling that exists. 


It is relevant that there are a mix of properties in the locality and that Waypoint is set back from the road, however, nothing in the immediate vicinity presents with two storey element projecting forward of the main building.  It is also relevant that the neighbouring property to the northeast is a modest sized bungalow and the north eastern and north western elevations of the proposed extension will be visible from the street scene. 


The previous scheme was withdrawn during processing.  Windows have been arranged in this scheme to minimise any potential overlooking to the property to the northeast, proposed windows on the southwestern elevation, although some distance from boundary will, in my view, present adverse impact. 


With regard high level of supporting letters on this application, it should be borne in mind that of the twenty one received, only six are from residents within Swains Road.


In considering effect on amenities and character of the area in general, application is within a large plot but is, in my view, out of scale with the existing dwelling, will present adverse impact on visual amenity of area and the design is not in keeping with the street scene or original property.  The proposal is therefore contrary to policy.


The extension is clearly too large and does not read as a supporting element to the main dwelling.  The recommendation is for refusal.


With regard public speaking, opportunity has been given for public speaking.  The same argument could be used by the objectors, Parish Council etc.  Application should follow normal procedure.




In coming to this recommendation to refuse planning permission, consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.  The impacts this development might have on the owners/occupiers of the other property in the area and other third parties have been carefully considered.  Whilst there may be some interference with the rights of the applicant to develop the land in the manner proposed, it is considered that the recommendation to refuse is the proportional one to the legitimate aim of the Council's Unitary Development Plan and in the public interest.




Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report, it is considered proposal conflicts with policies D1 and H7 in respect of scale and design and effect on amenity of area.


            RECOMMENDATION  -  REFUSAL          





The proposal, by reason of its position, size, design and external appearance, would be an intrusive development, out of scale and character with the existing and prevailing pattern of development in the locality, and have an adverse effect on the visual amenity of the locality and would also be contrary to policies D1 (Standards of Design) and H7 (Extension and Alteration of Existing Properties) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.



M J A Fisher

Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services