
TCP/24838 P/00886/02 Parish/Name: Ryde

Registration Date: 17/05/2002 - Full Planning Permission

Officer: Miss. J. Garvey Tel: (01983) 823571

Formation of vehicular access & hardstanding

112 Marlborough Road, Ryde, Isle Of Wight, PO331AW


Local Member has requested that application come before Committee for decision.

Highway Engineer comments that Marlborough Road is an A classified road which carries a significant volume of traffic. It is acknowledged that similar accesses exist onto Marlborough Road with inadequate turning areas, the majority are quite old and established, any further inadequate accesses which result in vehicles reversing onto the highway can only add to the hazards of the highway users.

Highway Engineer recommends refusal on the grounds that the site cannot accommodate adequate facilities to enable vehicles to turn on the site and so enter and leave the highway in a forward gear.


Application relates to a semi-detached property located on the western side of Marlborough Road approximately ten metres south of its junction with Marlborough Close.

Permission is sought for the formation of a vehicular access and hardstanding to the front of property.

Determining factors in considering application is whether the proposal would be acceptable in terms of highway safety.

Relevant policy is considered to be TR7 of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.

Policy TR7 relates to highway considerations for new development and states that planning applications for new development will be approved where they take account of the following matters for highway safety:

(a) That proper provision of facilities within the development has been made so as to ensure the safe movement and separation of vehicular traffic, buses, bicycles and pedestrians.


(b) That any new road layout, including vehicular access, road junctions and crossing points are constructed to provide safe conditions for all road users, particularly the needs of the more vulnerable, such as cyclists, pedestrians and the disabled.


Property is at an angle to road with a maximum depth of 7.2 metres at the greatest point reducing to 6.3 metres. The site is shown to be approximately 7 metres wide. The front garden is too small to accommodate a turning space. Consequently it will be necessary for a vehicle to reverse either into or out of the highway.

Whilst it is appreciated that there are a number of dwellings on the same side as no. 112 Marlborough Road that have arrangements similar to the proposed scheme, each case is to be considered on its individual merits, available space to the front of the property, position of the property in relation to junctions and the fact that a number of access points along this road are longstanding.

Taking the above points into consideration the interests of highway safety are considered to be of paramount importance and I therefore have no other option than to recommend accordingly.

Reason for Recommendation

Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations outlined in this report I am of the opinion that the application is contrary to Policy TR7 of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan as the development does not accommodate space to allow a vehicle to enter and leave the highway in a forward gear.

                       Recommendation - Refusal



The site cannot accommodate adequate facilities to enable vehicles to turn on site and so enter and leave the highway in a forward gear, therefore, the interests of highway safety are compromised and the development is contrary to Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.