TCP/16327/G                             Wise Homes, against refusal for four storey block of eight flats with parking area, land between 44 and 46 Westhill Road, Ryde.


           TCP/19322/A                              Christopher Matthews Homes Ltd, against refusal for pair of semi-detached houses at 42 Green Street, Ryde.





           TCP/2508/G                               Mr R Mullins, against refusal for change of use of former football ground to garden centre, at former Fairway Park Football Ground, The Fairway, Sandown.


           TCP/2508/H                               Mr R Mullins, against refusal of outline for ski centre at former Fairway Park Football Ground, The Fairway, Sandown.





No new dates to report.




           (a)       TCP/19153/G                 Mr N Pethick, against refusal for an extension to existing flats, at Norman Court, Quarry View, Camphill.


           Officer Recommendation:       Refusal


           Committee Decision:               Refusal (Part I) - 20 August 2001.


           Appeal Decision:                      Dismissed - 25 June 2002.

           Main issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


                     The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area.

           Conclusions of the Inspector:


                     There is a very marked difference in the character of development on either side of Quarry View.



                     Protected mature trees to the rear of Norman Court provide a pleasant backdrop to the buildings emphasising the impression that this side of the road is the edge of countryside.


                     The proposed extension would obscure these trees and would appear cramped and incongruous.


                     The proposed development would harm the character and appearance of the area.



           (b)       E/9682D                         Mr H Matthews, against Enforcement Notice relating to erection of a two storey wooden chalet, at Fernhill House, Fernhill, Wootton.


           Officer Recommendation:       Enforcement action to remove the building.


           Committee Decision:               Enforcement action.


           Appeal Decision:                      Dismissed - 19 June 2002.


The appellant failed to submit the required information within the time limit of the enforcement appeal regulations. In addition, the appellant failed to show there were any extenuating circumstances which genuinely prevented him from submitting that information.

           The Secretary of State exercised his powers to dismiss the appeal.


Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members’ Room. Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 4572) at the Directorate of Corporate and Environment Services.