

Public Speaking at Development Control Committee

June 2002





The Council has a scheme which allows members of the public and Parish/Town Councils as well as applicants/agents to come to meetings and speak about individual planning applications which will be determined at the meeting.


This leaflet gives a brief explanation as to how the Council deals with planning applications, and answers the questions which are most often asked by people who want to speak at the Development Control Committee.


This leaflet explains:


        How a planning application is considered and decided.


        How you can make comments on a planning application.


        About speaking on a specific planning application.


        The "Do’s and Don’t’s".


If you think there is any likelihood of you wishing to address the Development Control Committee, please take a few moments to read this leaflet to help you make the most effective use of this opportunity.



C S Hougham

Development Control Manager

Isle of Wight Council

Seaclose Offices Fairlee Road

Newport Isle of Wight

PO30 2QS




General Information



Q:  What does the Development Control Committee do?


A:   The Development Control Committee has the power to decide a number of issues relating to planning control, these include:

               planning applications;

               lawful development certificates;

               advertisement consents;

               listed building consents;

               conservation area consents;

             prior notification submissions;

               enforcement action


Q:  What happens to a planning application when it is submitted?


A.   The Council operates an extensive scheme of delegated powers to the professional officers. This is to make the decision making process as quick and efficient as possible and means that only a small proportion of planning applications are reported to the Committee for a decision.


The Government expects that 90% of decisions on planning applications should be delegated to professional officers.


When the Council receives an application, details are published in the County Press, all Parish/Town Council’s are notified and a notice placed on the site and/or a neighbour notification exercise is carried out. These advertisements and notices all give a date which anyone wishing to comment should contact the Council. These comments must be in writing or by e-mail. Throughout this period, the planning application is available for inspection by members of the public during normal office hours from Monday to Friday at Seaclose Offices, Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight. PO30 2QS


Q:  How are planning applications decided?


A:   Once the consultation period has closed, the application site will be visited by the case officer and a decision will be taken on whether the matter needs to be reported to the Development Control Committee.


The receipt of comments objecting to an application, where it is proposed to grant permission, or supporting an application, where it is proposed to refuse permission, does not automatically that the matter will be referred to the Development Control Committee. The approved delegation arrangements allow senior planning officers, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee and the Local Member to deal with applications where objections are not sustainable or relevant or can be satisfactorily dealt with by way of a condition. Alternatively, support for an application does not justify an exception to national or local planning policy.


Q.  How will I know that a planning application is going to be considered by the Development Control Committee?


A:   As soon as the agenda has been finalised, and it is known which applications will be going forward to the Development Control Committee for determination, the Support Team Leader will write to everyone who has made a written representation on those planning applications. These letters will normally be sent out ten days before the meeting.





Q:  Who should I talk to if I want to speak at a meeting?


A:   Please contact the Support Team Leader, Sue Thompson on direct line (01983) 823562.


Q.  Does everyone have the right to speak?


A:   For planning applications it is essential that the decision making process remains balanced and fair. For that reason we have to make sure that completely new information is not brought up at the last moment. Therefore, only those people connected with the application or those who have already written to the Council about the application, by the time the agenda is finalised, will be allowed to speak.


Q:  Must I always register in advance if I want to speak at a meeting?


A:   Yes, we need to know that you want to speak by noon on the Wednesday before the Tuesday meeting. As the practical time limit is three speakers from each group, to avoid disappointment it is best to register your wish to speak with the Support Team Leader as soon as possible.


Q:  If I have not had the chance to write to the Council by the time the agenda is finalised, can I speak?


A:   No. There are, however, other options available to make your views known to Members of the Development Control Committee, such as making written representations to the Development Control Manager, your Local Member and/or Members of the Committee.


Q:  Can I ask someone else, for example a professional agent or a friend, to speak on my behalf?


A:   Yes, of course. Some people prefer not to speak in public, and we would not want them to be disadvantaged. While you may prefer to be represented by a professional agent, it can be very effective for a group of local residents to nominate a spokesperson. This may be the best way for you to make sure your viewpoint is heard.


Q:  What happens if I did not register my wish to speak in sufficient time or I am not available on the day of the meeting?


A:   If you wish to make a particular point on a planning application, you need to contact someone else who has successfully booked a slot to speak on that item and ask them if they would be willing to make additional points on your behalf. The Support Team Leader will make every attempt to put people in touch with each other to make sure that everyone’s views can be heard.


Q:  When will I speak during the meeting?


A:   You will be given an allotted time to speak prior to the consideration and determination of the application you are interested in.


Q.  When are meetings held?


A:   Meetings are held once every three weeks on a Tuesday evening, starting at 4.00pm, with public speaking starting at 5.00pm.


Q:  Where are the meetings held?


A:   Normally in the Council Chamber at County Hall, High Street, Newport.

Q:  Do I have to let anyone know when I arrive at the meeting?


A:   Yes, you will have to register as a visitor at the Customer Service Centre at County Hall. You will then be directed or escorted to the area adjacent to the Council Chamber where you will be met by the Support Team Leader or someone else assisting on that particular day.


Q.  How will I know when I should speak?


A:   When your item is about to start, you will be directed to some reserved seats in the Council Chamber. The Chairman will invite each person, in turn, to speak to the Development Control Committee.


Q:  How long can I speak for?


A:   For the items which are on the agenda, the time is divided into three groups. For planning applications these are:


               the applicant/agent/supporters of the application;

               objectors to the application; and

               Parish/Town Councils.


Each of these groups will have up to three minutes. A maximum of three people can speak for each group, and the time is divided equally between them. The speakers will be the first three people from each group who register with the Support Team Leader at Seaclose Offices.


Q:  Is there anything I can’t say?


A:   This is your opportunity to emphasise the points that you, and your fellow supporters or objectors, have already made in writing. Please be aware that you will be speaking in public, and press reporters may be present. Please do not say anything that you would not wish to be reported. Also, particularly on sensitive or controversial items, be aware of the need to be factually correct in what you say.


The Chairman is in overall control of the meeting. He or she has the right to decide whether anyone (including Councillors) may speak at a meeting. He or she also has the right to say that any question or statement is not appropriate, and will not be accepted.

The Support Team Leader will make every attempt to put people in touch with each other to make sure that everyone’s views can be heard.


Q:  Can I give the Councillors a written statement, plans, diagrams or photographs during the meeting?


A:   No, as the Council has to make sure that all parties have an equal right to respond to the points that others may be making; it is not possible to introduce new information at the meeting. You can, however, ask for the planning officers display materials to be shown during your presentation if that would help you. It is usual to have a copy of the plan displayed and, in the near future, digital photographs.


Q:  Will I be at the meeting for a long time?


A:   A timetable is worked out to try and minimise the amount of time that people have to spend at the meeting. The Support Team Leader will advise you, before the meeting, of the earliest time at which your item will be considered. We will not deal with your item before that time.



Q:  If I will not be speaking at a meeting, can I still attend?


A:   Yes, members of the public are always welcome to attend to listen to the debate on the majority of items that the Committee considers. The press and public are only excluded on very rare occasions when the Council must, for reasons which are defined and restricted by law, consider something in private. There is a separate public gallery overlooking the Council Chamber where those members of the public, not speaking at the meeting, will be directed on the day.


Q:  Do the Councillors always debate every planning application?


A:   No. If the Councillors agree with the officer’s recommendation set out in the report and they do not have any questions, they will not ask to speak. The Chairman will go immediately to the vote on the officer’s recommendation or move directly to the next item.


Q:  Who are the Councillors on the Development Control Committee?


A:   We keep a list, please ask for a copy.


Q:  Why are the rules for speaking at the Development Control Committee different from other meetings of the Council?


A:   The way in which the Council determines planning applications must, at all times, be fair and balanced, giving all parties an equal opportunity to make representations to the people who take the decision. For this reason, the rules which apply to public speaking on planning applications must be stricter than those which apply to other issues. The people who may speak, are therefore, restricted to the applicant/agent or those who have already written to the Council about the application by the time the agenda is closed (at least ten days before the meeting).


Q:  Who can I speak to if I need additional information not covered in this leaflet?


A:   Please contact Sue Thompson, Support Team Leader, Seaclose Offices, Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2QS or telephone her on (01983) 823562.




Procedure for Dealing with Planning Applications and Other Related Submissions Submitted to the Development Control Committee



1.   The Chairman will announce the agenda item by reading out the application number, a brief description of the application, and state that a member of the public, Parish/Town Council representative or the applicant/agent wishes to speak.


2.   The Chairman may ask a planning officer to introduce the item.


3.   Where there are people wishing to speak the Chairman will invite:


              the applicant/agent/supporters’ representations

               objectors’ representations

               Parish/Town Council observations

             Each category of speaker can have up to three minutes to address the Committee


4.   The Chairman will invite the planning officer to respond to any point made as necessary.


5.   The Councillors, including any local ward Member not on the Development Control Committee but present, will debate the application in the normal manner.


6.    Councillors entitled to vote on the application will be Members of the Development Control Committee. If the local Member in a particular case is a Member of the Development Control Committee he/she is not entitled to vote.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Committee will either:


                approve the application; or

                refuse the application; or

                authorise the Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services to approve the application following the completion of legal agreement(s); or

                defer the application for a site visit by Members; or

                defer a decision for further information or negotiations with the applicant/agent.