Date:               14 MAY 2002






To consider a new proposed standardised reporting system for applications to be determined at the Development Control Committee.


Having reviewed the arrangements for applications dealt with under the delegated procedure and the manner in which they are reported to Members it is considered appropriate to now examine how the more contentious applications are actually reported to the Development Control Committee.

Members will know that the former Part 1 is now divided into two parts, Part 1A and Part 1B. Part 1A are applications dealt with under the delegated procedure where there were no conflicting representations and Part 1B are the applications dealt with under the delegated procedure where there were conflicting representations which were either not sustainable or dealt with by condition but nevertheless in consultation with the Local Member and the Chairman of the Development Control Committee. A weekly report of the applications dealt with under the delegated procedure is circulated to Members.

This report relates to the 15 - 20% of applications which are reported to the Development Control Committee. There are a variety of reasons as to why an application needs to be reported to Committee but normally it will relate to the nature of the development and/or the contentious/sensitive nature of the proposals promoting detailed representations from consultees and third parties which, in some cases, may conflict with the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

The information included in the main heading or title was reviewed relatively recently but the section headings have not been reviewed for a considerable period of time. Members of this Committee will be very familiar with the format which for a Part II report comprises:


Site and Location

Relevant History

Details of Application

Development Plan Zoning and/or Policy



Reasons for Recommendation



Part III reports simply comprise:




Reasons for Recommendation



The present system has a number of drawbacks and, in my view, can potentially result in some information being overlooked, or, more commonly, not given sufficient coverage as well as resulting in unnecessarily long reports where it is difficult for the reader to identify key issues.

When giving due regard to these shortcomings and the constantly changing considerations which combine together to assist in the determination of a planning application a review of how these reports are presented to Members is long overdue.


Minimal. Although in the longer term increased delegation combined with a consistent reporting format is likely to reduce the overall size of the report which will mean modest cost savings, although much will depend on workload.



1.        That the report be noted and Members accept the introduction of the new report format at the earliest possible date.


2.        That the report be noted and Members accept the introduction of the new report format with amendments/additions/deletions, at the earliest possible date.


3.        That the report be noted but Members prefer to continue with the existing reporting format until further notice.


At the recent development day for Members/Officers of the Development Control Committee I believe that there was a consensus view that we should introduce a standardised and more detailed reporting format for applications to be determined by the Committee.

Attached to this report as an appendix is the suggested format for all reports on applications to be determined by this Committee.

Although potentially this could result in the abolition of the Part II/Part III system as we presently know it I would still advocate that the Development Control Manager and his colleagues should identify those applications which are for major developments or and/or which have proved to be especially contentious within the Part II section of the report with other applications featuring in the Part III section of the report and continuing with the Part IV section which relates to items other than current planning applications. In my view there are significant advantages to be gained from identifying major applications and/or those which are genuinely contentious and dealing with those on the earlier part of the agenda. The alternative would be simply to have a Part I which deals with applications dealt with under the delegated procedure, a Part II which is applications to be determined by the Committee and a Part III which is issues other than current planning applications. Members instructions would be welcomed on this particular point.

Members will note that there are a number of alterations and, more importantly, additions to the proposed standardised reporting system.

In terms of the main heading it has been decided to include the name of the applicant(s). This is a matter for debate but, in my opinion, it is a practice adopted by most authorities and it assists Members with possible declarations of non-pecuniary/pecuniary interest.

In common with other authorities it has also been decided to identify the reason for Committee consideration, which in the vast majority of cases will be identified by the Case Officer.

It has also been decided to break down the area formerly headed as Representations into three constituent parts to assist Members with their deliberations. This will comprise the detailed results of consultations with statutory and non-statutory consultees both inside and outside the authority; a separate section dealing with the observations of the Parish/Town Council and a third section concentrating on the representations from interested third parties.

Arising from recent legislation and increased awareness on crime and disorder issues there will be a separate headed section dealing with this matter and, where appropriate, recording the comments of the Architectural Liaison Officer.

In similar terms it is my considered opinion that any structured report, having evaluated all the key issues, should deal with the matter of Human Rights before formulating a recommendation and clearly this section, prior to the justification for the recommendation, will include an assessment of the various relevant articles with, where necessary, comments from the Planning Solicitor.

It is considered that the proposed amendments and additions will lead to a properly structured, well balanced report which will serve the primary purpose of assisting Members in the determination of the application while also enabling other interested parties to fully appreciate all the factors that have to be taken into account in deciding key development issues as well as serving as a tool where they may be future challenge or litigation such as an appeal under Section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


That the report be noted and Members accept the introduction of the new report format at the earliest possible date.


Contact Point:            C S Hougham, Development Control Manager ☎: 823565


Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services


Agenda Item No.





Reg. Date

















                                 REASON FOR COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION


                                 LOCATION AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS


                                 RELEVANT HISTORY


                                 DETAILS OF APPLICATION


                                 DEVELOPMENT PLAN/POLICY


                                 CONSULTEE RESPONSES


                                 PARISH/TOWN COUNCIL COMMENTS


                                 THIRD PARTY REPRESENTATIONS


                                 CRIME AND DISORDER IMPLICATIONS




                                 HUMAN RIGHTS


                                 JUSTIFICATION FOR RECOMMENDATION



