
TCP/25536   P/00701/03  Parish/Name:  Gurnard

Registration Date:  15/04/2003  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. J. Fletcher           Tel:  (01983) 823598


Detached house (revised proposal - reduced length, reduced height) (re-advertised application)

22 Shore Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO318LD




Application subject to a number of representations from local residents, Parish Council and local Councillor, Cllr. A Mundy, and raises a number of issues including design considerations and therefore Committee determination is appropriate.




Application has taken twenty nine weeks to process and is a minor application.  It has taken more than eight weeks because of the extensive level of negotiation, readvertisement and the need to take the application to Committee.




Sloping site situated on the north eastern side of Shore Road, currently accommodating an elongated split level dwelling measuring approximately 15 metres in length by 5.5 metres in width sited off the south eastern boundary.  Existing building, as with other buildings which immediately abut and adjoin to the rear, are of traditional style of seaside architecture being mainly small in size with timber clad finishes under shallow pitched roofs, having in general a holiday chalet type appearance.  The existing building has a maximum height of 4.2 metres (ground to ridge) at its north eastern end reducing to 2.4 metres where it fronts onto Shore Road. 


Existing property stands between holiday style chalet buildings with no.18 Shore Road abutting to the south east and no.26 Shore Road abutting to the north west.  There are also similar chalet properties which abut the lower half of the plot with no.20 abutting the south eastern boundary and no.28 abutting the north western boundary.  Adjoining the rear boundary is property no.24 Shore Road which sits at the base of the valley beyond which is a stream, known  as the Jordan stream.  Beyond the stream is an area used for dinghy parking by Gurnard Sailing Club which attaches to Gurnard Green.








Consent sought for replacement dwelling located in a similar location but measuring 14.5 metres by maximum width of 6.3 metres, reducing to 5.5 metres at the south western end where it faces Shore Road.  The south eastern elevation sits directly on the south eastern boundary over a length of 9.9 metres, however where it directly abuts property no.18 Shore Road, proposed dwelling is set off that boundary by approximately 0.9 metres.  In terms of its relationship with the north western boundary where it abuts no.26 Shore Road, the proposed property is set a distance of 1.1 metres measured off that adjoining property.  In terms of


height the property is single storey in height to the Shore Road frontage and two storey in height to the rear.  The dwelling will have a maximum height of 6.95 metres at its north eastern end (rear) reducing to 4.85 metres at its south western end where it fronts onto Shore Road.


Dwelling to be finished in stained rough sawn timber cladding under painted galvanised steel sheeted shallow pitched roof.  Dwelling to provide three bedroom accommodation on the lower floor level with living, kitchen etc accommodation at upper floor level.  Dwelling also to be provided with a small area of decking on the lower floor with a substantial area of decking across the whole width of the proposed dwelling to the rear end with a smaller area of decking to the front.  Dwelling is approximately 0.6 metres shorter than the length of the existing dwelling but is approximately 0.7 metres wider than the existing dwelling.


Additional comments have been submitted by architects acting on behalf of applicant as follows:


"When the application was first lodged there were a number of complaints from people living in the area.  Responding to these complaints and suggestions from the Planning Officer, the proposals have been changed or amended so that the proposal is now:


·         Reduced in overall size.


·         Lower in overall height.


·         No closer to its neighbours than the existing building.


·         Creates no additional overlooking.


·         Sits comfortably in the street scape.


We have tried hard to produce a scheme which has the same feel as the surrounding collection of close built buildings but which provides decent family accommodation."




The relevant policies of Unitary Development Plan are considered to be:


G4 - General Locational Criteria for Development


G7 - Unstable Land


D1 - Standards of Design


D2 - Standards of Development within the Site


H5 - Infill Development


Site is within the development envelope as defined on the Unitary Development Plan.




Highway Engineer raises no comment (no change is circumstances, existing car parking space to be retained).


Environment Agency raises no objection.


Application was subject of a site report by a structural engineer which has been vetted by the Council's consulting geotechnical engineer who is of the opinion that "the recommended foundations, i.e. the whole building, should be piles taken down at least 8 metres plus the depth required to provide adequate bearing resistance and with low friction sleeving over the top 8 metres, should fulfill the requirements of PPG14 provided that the piles are substantial and designed to withstand some lateral movement of the ground, i.e. are robust, of reasonable diameter say a minimum 450 mm and are fully reinforced."


Engineer suggests that if the base of the proposed building is lower than the adjacent buildings then the foundation should be investigated and a construction method developed to ensure support throughout the construction period.




Both the initial proposal and the readvertised revised proposal have been before the Town Council and on both occasions the Council objected to the proposal.  Their comments in respect of the revised proposal are quoted as follows:


That the Parish Council strongly objects to the application on the grounds that the proposal amounts to overdevelopment of the site. 


That there are land stability concerns in the area. 


That the proposals are out of character with the surrounding dwellings and would result in a serious loss of neighbouring amenities.


The Parish Council also comments that the plans again seem not to accurately portray the proposed development and little seems to have been changed to effectively address the concerns and objections previously made in May.  The Parish Council, therefore, is strongly opposed to the proposed development.




Initial application attracted nine letters of objection, eight from residents of Shore Road and one from resident of The Avenue, along with objection from local Councillor and Isle of Wight Society.  Following readvertisement of the application a total of eleven letters of objection received, nine from residents of Shore Road, one each from resident of Solent View Road and The Avenue and a letter from Isle of Wight Society.  Points raised are summarised as follows:


Dwelling too large and will appear cramped, therefore represents overdevelopment.


Dwelling fails to respect slope of site and will appear excessively massive when viewed from the north east (Gurnard Green).


Generally it is considered that the size of the dwelling is out of keeping with the prevailing character of small scale dwellings in the area.


Concern expressed that ground conditions will be incapable of supporting the development and that the foundations will unduly impact on neighbouring properties.


Proposals could cause flooding problems.


Proposal may have an adverse impact on existing drainage systems.


Proposal will result in loss of privacy and light with reference to overlooking and from the proposed balcony in respect of the immediately adjoining dwellings, particularly the adjacent dwellings either side of the plot.


Concern that the height of the dwelling where it is being built off the south eastern boundary which will have an over dominant effect on the adjoining property no.18 Shore Road.


Concern that the building is likely to encroach beyond the boundaries of the plot.


Some objectors questions the accuracy of the plans.


Some objectors refer to applicant's contention that the proposal will not result in loss of trees.


Construction works will cause substantial disturbance due to the constraints of the size of the site and its narrowness.


An objector suggests that the proposal is contrary to the UDP policies D1, H5, G4 and G7.


The revised proposal which was readvertised set the building a distance of 0.9 metres off the south eastern boundary where it directly abutted the dwelling no.18 Shore Road.  However, applicant indicated the building to be directly abutting the property on the adjoining boundary no.26 Shore Road.  This revised siting attracted a specific letter of objection from the owner of that property expressing concerns relating to fire hazards, inability to maintain the adjoining property.


Copy of a letter has been received from one of adjoining property owners which was circulated to all Members of the Development Control Committee.  This letter raises no new issues which have not already been covered by the report.


A letter has also been received from the Local Member, Councillor A Mundy, suggesting that the problems with regard to access to adjoining property could be solved by reducing the width of the proposed building.  This would have the effect of taking the property away from the adjacent properties on either side and give some symmetry to the building.




Firstly it is important to appreciate that in terms of the relationship with the two adjacent properties, nos. 18 and 26 Shore Road, the proposed dwelling now being considered indicates a gap either side of those two properties.  This is contrary to the initial and revised proposal which showed the proposed dwelling either directly abutting no.18 and in the case of the revised proposal directly abutting no.26 Shore Road.  The 0.9 metre gap now being indicated adjacent no.18 clearly assists in providing the passage of light to the existing bay window which is located directly on the party boundary.  Similarly the 1.1 metre gap now being indicated both from the curtilage and particularly the property itself no.26 Shore Road, removes the immediate concerns of the owner of that property.


It is important, however, to stress that both adjoining property owners continue to express concerns regarding the overall height and mass of the property emphasising its adverse effect on the general pattern and development in the area.


Members will note that this application has been the subject of a number of design adjustments which applicant considers addresses some of the immediate concerns of neighbouring properties, however, I am of the view that this is as far as the applicant is


willing to go and considers that the overall scale of the dwelling, although larger than the existing, will sit comfortably on this site.  This, I suggest, is the overriding issue which Members will need to consider carefully.


Two factors which Members need to consider is the comparison of the proposed dwelling to the existing and whether the increase in scale, with reference to height and mass, is acceptable.  With regard to the later issue, the resultant impact of the proposed dwelling on the general pattern of development in the area when viewed particularly from Shore Road and from the northern area Gurnard Green etc is particularly important.


Whilst recognising the subjective nature of this particular issue I am of the view that the size of the dwelling is not excessive in this case and it sits on a plot which is certainly larger than most in the area and because of its location I do not consider it will be excessively dominant. 


I certainly consider that the reduction in width referred to above has provided that element of space, particularly when viewed from Shore Road, and has overcome any potential for this proposal to appear cramped.  I also consider that when viewed from the Green it sits reasonably comfortably between the various properties  which surround.


With regard to immediate effect on the neighbouring property, with particular reference to the adjoining property no.18 Shore Road, it is important to appreciate that the existing property stands directly on the boundary.  Therefore whilst there will be an increase in height there will be no change in the situation apart from the effect that the increase in height may have on that adjoining property.


In terms of any potential overlooking and loss of privacy, particularly in respect of proposed balconies, it is noted from the site inspection that there are a number of balconies attached to adjoining properties, all of which generally overlook one another.   This apart, however, I consider any potential overlooking from the proposed balconies/decking to this dwelling could easily be overcome by the imposition of a condition requiring screening to the sides of those features.  I would suggest an appropriate condition if Members are mindful to approve the application. 


With regard to other issues, the question of ground stability has been adequately addressed by the submission of an appropriate report and Members will note the comments of the Council's Consulting Engineer.


With regard to any flooding effect, the Environment Agency has raised no objection and in terms of drainage this proposal will merely discharge into the drainage which serves the existing dwellings.


The applicant has deliberately designed the dwelling in terms of material finishes to pick up on the pattern of development in the area in terms of the seaside architectural appearance.


Whilst I fully acknowledge the concerns being expressed by local residents I consider the dwelling for which consent is now being sought is acceptable and while having an impact on the area I do not consider that impact will be sufficiently excessive to justify a recommendation for refusal.  I therefore do not consider there are any reasonable planning objections to this proposal.


Issues raised by the Local Member have been addressed in the revised plans submitted by the applicants and are covered in this report.




In coming to this recommendation to grant planning permission consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.  The impacts this development might have on the owners/occupiers of the other property in the area and other third parties have been carefully considered.  Whilst there may be some interference with the rights of these people this has to be balanced with the rights of the applicant to develop the land in the manner proposed.  Insofar as there is an interference with the rights of others it is considered necessary for the protection of the rights and freedom of the applicant. It is also considered that such action is proportional to the legitimate aim and in the public interest.




Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations referred to in this report I am satisfied that the negotiations and design adjustments have resulted in a dwelling which will sit comfortably within the essentially random nature of the development in the area and will not adversely impact on the general character of the area.  Impact on  neighbouring properties has now been addressed either by the adjustments themselves or by appropriate condition and concerns regarding ground conditions and foundations have been fully addressed.  I am satisfied, therefore, that the development to this site as indicated is acceptable and that the impact on neighbouring properties will not be such as to warrant a refusal of the application.




2.   RECOMMENDATION - That letter be sent to the applicant reminding him of his responsibility in respect of the Party Wall Act 1996 which requires the adjoining owners to be notified of intentions with regard to party walls and party boundaries.





The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission.


Reason:  To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


No development shall take place until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the area and in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.


Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 or any order revoking and reenacting that order, with or without modification, no windows shall be constructed in the south east elevation.


Reason:  In the interest of the amenity of the adjoining property and in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


Prior to occupation of the dwelling hereby approved a 1.8 m high screen of opaque finish shall be erected on the south east facing and north west facing sides of the two deck areas on the rear elevation as indicated on the applicant's drawing no. 1000-020 revision E.  Such screen shall be of agreed design and shall be retained and maintained thereafter.


Reason:  In the interest of the amenity of the adjoining properties in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


Notwithstanding the provisions of any current Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no extension, building or structure permitted by Part 1, Classes A, B and E of the 1995 Order, as amended, shall be erected within the curtilage of the site without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of amenities of the adjoining residential properties in compliance with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.




Head of Planning Services