The processing and determination of all applications and related submissions is delegated to the Director of Environment Services/Head of Planning Services/Development Control Manager (or other appropriate nominated officers) with the following exceptions:


1.                  Applications for residential development schemes in excess of 50 dwellings on land allocated for residential purposes in the Unitary Development Plan (or on sites in excess of 1 hectare where the number of dwellings is not indicated).


2.                  Applications for residential development schemes in excess of 20 dwellings on land not allocated for residential purposes in the Unitary Development Plan (or on sites in excess of 0.5 hectares where the number of dwellings is not indicated).


3.                  Applications for industrial/commercial development in excess of 2500 square metres floor space (or on sites in excess of 1.0 hectares where a floorspace is not indicated).


4.                  Applications for retail development in excess of 1000 square metres floor space (or on sites in excess of 0.5 hectares where a floorspace is not indicated).


5.                  Applications which by their nature need to be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (or Environmental Statement) as a requirement of the Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 or any future such Regulations.


6.                  Applications submitted by or on behalf of a Member (or their spouse/partner) or by any officers (or their spouse/partner) employed in Planning Services or any other areas of the Council where the individual may be involved in the planning process.


7.                  Applications where the proposed development is for Council purposes or involves Council owned land or property (except where the application is for minor works to existing property, where the use is not to be changed and where there is no consequent proposal to dispose of the property).


8.                  Applications for listed building consent (or the associated planning application) proposing the complete demolition of a listed building.


In addition to these types of application the following proposals (not capable of identification at registration stage) will also be reported to Development Control Committee:-


9.                  Applications where an elected Member has submitted a written request for determination by the Development Control Committee.  This request should be accompanied by relevant and sustainable reasons as to why, in the view of the Member, the application should not be determined by Officers without reference to the Development Control Committee.


10.              Applications which in the opinion of the Director of Environment Services/Head of Planning Services/Development Control Manager (or other appropriate nominated officers) need to be determined by the Development Control Committee on the basis that it is a contentious/sensitive issue arising from the scale and nature of third party representation/consultation responses and (potential) conflict with national and/or regional and/or local planning policies.