12 AUGUST 2003








To inform the Committee about the outcome of the second meeting of the local forum.




Members are reminded that at the meeting held on 20 May 2003 an application for removal/variation of conditions on two separate extant permissions to allow parking of commercial vehicles and trailers across the major part of the marshalling/parking area at Phoenix Yard for a temporary period was refused permission. 


Notwithstanding this decision it was decided to establish a local forum and defer any decision on possible enforcement action in respect of any breaches of planning control on the site.


The initial meeting of the local forum was held at East Cowes Town Hall on 24 June 2003.


The application for village green status on land at Whippingham was considered by the Regulatory Committee on 27 June 2003, where it was decided that the matter should be the subject of an independent inquiry.


Members received a report at the meeting held on 1 July 2003 in connection with the initial meeting of the local forum.  In accordance with the recommendation it was decided to continue with the forum and further delay any decision on possible enforcement action on the basis that there are definite indications of progress and, in these circumstances, agree it would not be prudent to pursue any current breaches of planning control.


The second meeting of the local forum took place on 24 July 2003.


This report was prepared on 30 July 2003.


Red Funnel should have made a presentation to Members on 5 August 2003 about their proposals to develop a trailer park on land off Whippingham Road/East Cowes Road.


A third meeting of the forum was scheduled for 7 August 2003.


Relevant Issues


Discussion focussed on the following areas.


·        Red Funnel confirmed that they had investigated a number of issues arising from the initial meeting of the forum.


·        Red Funnel confirmed that it was their intention to submit an application at Whippingham Road/East Cowes Road by the end of August 2003.


·        Local residents raised a number of points previously discussed at the initial meeting and referred back to the “lack of trust” in Red Funnel in terms of any commitments they may undertake to improve the present situation.


·        Red Funnel produced a written document outlining a possible short term solution to the problem at Phoenix Yard which, in their view, included benefits for the local residents while not seriously compromising their present commercial operations.




Councillor Mrs Muriel Miller, acting as Chairman, obtained the following commitments from those attending the meeting.


·        Red Funnel gave an undertaking to give serious consideration to suggestions put forward by local residents that Trinity Yard should become the main focus of the commercial operation during hours of darkness.


·        Red Funnel would not submit a planning application in advance of the next meeting of the forum, scheduled for 7 August 2003.


·        The local residents would give due consideration to the details of the proposed application produced by Red Funnel.




1.      To continue with the local forum and further defer any decision on possible enforcement action on the basis that there are definite indications of progress as well as the possibility of an amended planning application and, in these circumstances, agree it would not be prudent to pursue any current breaches of planning control.


2.      To abandon the local forum, carry out a monitoring exercise, and if there are any breaches of control identified, take enforcement action through the service of an Enforcement Notice or a Breach of Condition Notice.




Although difficult, progress has been made and there is now the possibility of an amended application which may lead to a short term negotiated solution in terms of the operation insofar as it affects Phoenix Yard.  I maintain the view that the avoidance of a confrontational situation arising from the decision to refuse permission by taking enforcement action, should be supported, and hopefully, this particular decision to get the applicants and the local community “round the table” could serve as a model for future similar cases.


While I accept that these discussions should not be over an indefinite time period I am optimistic that this somewhat innovative approach may well result in progress and possible solutions to the present difficulties.





To continue with the local forum and further defer any decision on possible enforcement action on the basis that there are definite indications of progress as well as the possibility of an amended planning application and, in these circumstances, agree it would not be prudent to pursue any current breaches of planning control.






Development Control Manager