TCP/20320/A Mr C J Pavey against refusal for
demolition of garage and outline for a dwelling, land rear of 1 and 3 Garfield
Road fronting Brook Road, Shanklin.
TCP/6507/B Mr and Mrs
S Howe against refusal for demolition of dwelling and outline for two detached
houses at 314 Gunville Road, Newport.
TCP/13690/D Mr R J
Squire against refusal for detached house, land adjacent 116 Victoria Avenue,
TCP/3664/V Mr P
Roberts against refusal for demolition of garages and outbuildings, removal of
caravans and outline for ten dwellings at Mountfield Holiday Park, Norton
Green, Freshwater.
TCP/5746/H Wadham
College against refusal of outline for residential development and associated
access at land between Weeks Road and Ashey Road, Ryde.
The appellants failed to submit
correct documentation within the six month deadline and therefore the appeal
has not been accepted by the First Secretary of State.
E/21034/E Dr J A
Parsons against Listed Buildings Enforcement Notice relating to the
installation of UPVC windows in a Grade II Listed building at West Billingham
Farm, Billingham, Newport.
The appeal was submitted out of time
and the First Secretary of State has no
power to accept a late appeal.
TCP/12323/M Mr and Mrs P J Colson against
refusal of outline for a dwelling and vehicular access at Part OS parcel 9000,
East Lane, Merstone, Newport.
hearing is to take place on 13 January 2004.
TCP/23380/B Mr G L A
Osman against refusal of outline for residential development and alterations to
vehicular access at Ivylands Holiday
Park, Broadway, Totland Bay.
hearing is to take place on 27 January 2004.
TCP/20073/A Mr
and Mrs T Warren against refusal for the demolition of stables and hay store and
the construction of a detached house with attached garage and stable block,
formation of vehicular access on land adjacent Stockbridge Cottage, north side
of Slay Lane, Whitwell, Ventnor.
Recommendation: Refusal
Decision: Refusal
(Part 1) - 10 January 2003
Decision: Dismissed
- 21 July 2003
issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:
The effect of the proposed development on the character and
appearance of the area.
The effect of the proposed development on highway safety.
of the Inspector:
The appellants desire to retire and be on-hand for the management of
their horses does not amount to the exceptional circumstances required to
justify a new dwelling in the countryside.
The proposed development would be a substantial building which would
intrude into the open countryside and lead to an unacceptable consolidation of
the built environment.
The proposal would be detrimental to the rural character of the area
and contrary to UDP policies S1, S4, G1, G4, G5, H9 and C1.
Slay Lane is a bridleway and is narrow, poorly constructed and has
few opportunities for passing.
Currently the appellants visit the site four to six times a day
generating eight to twelve vehicle movements.
A new dwelling is
likely to generate six vehicle movements a day leading to a reduction if the
appellants were to reside on site.
The present use of the land for grazing and stabling of horses may
at some time cease thus reducing the number of vehicle movements in the lane.
A dwelling would be permanent and would attract a consistent number
of vehicle movements.
There would be opportunity for conflict between users of the lane
and the proposal would be detrimental to highway safety and contrary to UDP
Policy TR7.
A copy of the full decision letter
relating to the above appeal has been placed in the Members Room. Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J
Kendall (extension 4572) at the Directorate of Environment Services.