





Mr K Blamey and Mrs K Woolfenden against refusal for the terrace of three houses land adjacent Halberry House, Halberry Lane, Newport.




Mrs S Hicky against refusal for the demolition of existing dwelling and the construction of a new dwelling at Durrants Farm, Colemans Lane, Porchfield.




Mr T Smith against Enforcement Notice relating to change of use from agricultural land to Motorcross site at Gore Basin Motorcross Circuit, Down End Road, Newport.




Mr A Thorne against refusal for vehicular access and hard standing at 44 Yarborough Road, East Cowes.




Village Developments against refusal for demolition of dwelling and construction of two storey building to provide four flats and alterations to vehicular access and formation of parking area at 1 Mayfield Road, East Cowes.




Mr P Waterhouse against refusal for first floor extension to existing detached garage/storage building to form snooker room and two storey extension to form entrance lobby with stair access and glazed link at Southford Mill, Southford Lane, Whitwell.




Mr H A Pritchard against refusal for the conversion of three flats into a single dwelling at 30 John Street, Ryde.




Ms K Mellor against refusal for construction of raised deck area at 36 – 38 Albert Street, Ventnor.




Mr M Pittard against refusal for single storey extension to existing detached guest accommodation at Palmers Brook House, Park Road, Wootton.




Mr P Blow against refusal for detached garage with store over at Newholme, Langbridge, Newchurch










Mr K Cox against refusal for demolition of garage and outline for two bungalows on land adjacent Fenneys, Blackbridge Road, Freshwater










No new dates to report.










Mr J W Sandell against refusal for demolition of outbuilding and outline for a detached holiday bungalow on land at the rear of Wisteria Cottage, High Street, Newchurch



Officer Recommendation:




Committee Decision:

Refusal (Part 1) – 4 May 2004.



Appeal Decision

Dismissed – 17 February 2005.



Main Issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:


·         The effect on highway safety and free flow of traffic on the High Street arising from the proposed access arrangements.



Conclusions of the Inspector:


·          Visibility is restricted to 10 metres to the right and 8 metres to the left at 2.4 metres back from the edge of the highway.

·          It would not be possible to improve the existing access to provide and control an acceptable visibility splay.

·          The additional vehicular traffic would need to negotiate the site access and would be detrimental to highway safety and the free flow of traffic on the high street.

·          The development would be contrary to TR7.







Mr M Cass against refusal for front boundary picket fence at Three Ways, Morton Old Road, Brading.



Officer Recommendation:




Committee Decision:

Refusal (Part 1) 30 June 2004. 



Appeal Decision:

Dismissed – 17 February 2005. 



Main issue of the case as identified by the Inspector:

·          The impact of the proposal on the form and setting of the surrounding area and on the AONB.


Conclusions of the Inspector:

·          This is an open plan estate where hedges and other forms of landscaping have enclosed the front gardens

·          This “soft” form of enclosure is consistent with the area’s location within the AONB and the historic garden to the north west.

·          The erection of a substantial length of fencing at this prominent corner location around the full extent of the front garden would appear incongruous.

·          The introduction of a “hard” form of enclosure would not comply with the original open plan design concept of the area and would not maintain the landscape quality of the AONB.

·          The development does not comply with D1, G4 and C2.



Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members Room.  Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 3572) at the Directorate of Environment Services