TCP/9150C                                Urban Catalyst Limited, against refusal of reserved matters for demolition of former hospital building; erection of two four storey blocks of 32 flats with associated landscaping and parking and alterations to vehicular access, at former Old Shanklin Hospital, Luccombe Road, Shanklin.


           TCP/21627C                              Mr A H Button, against conditions imposed on approval for demolition of building and proposed two houses with integral garages and vehicular access, site adjacent 139 Pallance Road, Northwood.


           TCP/5528K                                 Mr C J Feeney, against refusal for retention of canopy on front elevation, retention of covered yard area forming toilet facilities and stores and retention of extraction vent, at 9 St Thomas’ Square, Newport.


           LBC/5528L                                 Mr C J Feeney, against refusal of listed building consent for retention of canopy on front elevation, retention of covered yard area forming toilet facilities and stores and retention of extraction vent, at 9 St Thomas’ Square, Newport.


           TCP/6956E                                 Mr Cox, against refusal of outline for bungalow, land adjacent Fennys, Blackbridge Road, Freshwater.


           TCP/22290C                              Mr A H Medley, against refusal for erection of twelve flats, land adjacent Cemoc, Rectory Drive, Wootton.


           TCP/5412D                                Mr G Osborn-Smith, against refusal for outline for dwelling with access off Binstead Road, land rear of 3-5 St Vincent’s Road and rear of Cranford House, off Binstead Road, Ryde.


           TCP/2080E                                 Mr J Parker, against refusal for construction of temporary vehicular and pedestrian access, land adjacent 44 Worsley Road, Cowes.


           TCP/24192                                 Mr M Hamilton, against refusal for formation of vehicular access, adjacent Benham, Whiterails Road, Wootton.





The following is a summary of the latest appeal decisions, a full report will be prepared for the next meeting:


           (a)       TCP/23682A                   Ms L Toogood, against Enforcement Notice relating to the formation of a vehicular access and hardstanding off a classified road, at 55 Fairlee Road, Newport.


                      Appeal Decision:          Dismissed - 18 February 2002. 



           (b)       TCP/4648D                     Mr A E Horton, against refusal for new shop front, at 63 Regent Street, Shanklin.


                       Appeal Decision:          Dismissed - 20 February 2002.



           (c)       TCP/24145                     Centra Estates Limited, against refusal of outline for residential development, on former coal distribution depot adjoining Brading Station, Station Road, Brading.


                       Appeal Decision:          Dismissed - 20 February 2002.



           (d)       TCP/8215B                     Mr A Mapes, against refusal for demolition of existing store and erection of a two bedroom house, at rear of 9 High Street, Sandown.


Appeal Decision:Allowed - 20 February 2002.


           (e)       TCP/12010L, M & N       Mr A Stockman, against refusal of planning permission and Enforcement Notices relating to pergola and decking at rear of vineyard building; tractor/equipment shed; resiting of storage shed; lean-to store for horse feed; use of land for keeping of horse; greenhouse; overspill car park/maintenance area; retention of alterations relocating tea room; additional residential accommodation used as bed and breakfast and external alterations, all at Adgestone Vineyard, Upper Adgestone Road, Adgestone.


                       Appeal Decision:          Allowed in part subject to conditions (pergola and decking, use of land for keeping of horse, greenhouse, retention of alterations relocating tea room, additional residential accommodation and external alterations) - 20 February 2002.


Dismissed in part (tractor/equipment shed, resiting of storage sheds, lean-to store for horse feed and equipment, overspill car park/maintenance area) - 20 February 2002.


                       Application for Costs against Isle of Wight Council:       Refused.

Copies of the full decision letters relating to the above appeals have been placed in the Members’ Room. Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 4572) at the Directorate of Corporate and Environment Services.