
TCP/25293/B   P/00737/03  Parish/Name:  Niton

Registration Date:  10/04/2003  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Miss. D. Cooper           Tel:  (01983) 823854


Retention of vehicular/pedestrian access; proposed hard standing/turning area

Bexhill Cottage, Newport Road, Whitwell, Ventnor, Isle Of Wight, PO382QW




Councillor Mrs White was not prepared to deal with this application under the delegated procedure, as she supports the proposal, contrary to the Highway Engineer's advice. 




This is a minor application for which the processing has taken twelve weeks to date, due to waiting for highway comments and the need to prepare the report for the next available committee




Bexhill Cottage is a residential property which fronts onto Newport Road, about 1 mile from the centre of Niton.  To the north is neighbouring semi detached property Ferndale, to the east is open space.  The frontage of the property between the highway and the dwelling is completely open and has been laid to brick paviors.  Some properties in close proximity have similar open frontages used as a parking areas.




TCP 25293A  Refusal of planning permission for retention of vehicular/pedestrian access without the proposed turning area on the 11/03/03.  – The application was enforcement generated after a complaint from highways.  On the 9 May 2003 the applicant was served an enforcement notice to close up the access and reinstate the hedgerow, an appeal against this notice has now been lodged.




Semi detached building.  Proposal is for a vehicular/pedestrian access with turning area. 




The site is well outside the development envelope for Niton.  Policy D1 (Standards of Design), D4 (External Building Works), TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development), C1 (Protection of Landscape Character) and C2 (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan are considered to be relevant


In particular Policy TR7 states that applications will be approved where they take account of matters for highway safety to ensure safe movement and separation of vehicular traffic, buses, bicycles and pedestrians and that any new vehicular access provides safe conditions for all road users.  Policy D4 relates to planning applications minimizing damage to landscape, wildlife, trees and other aspects worthy of preservation.  Policy C1 states planning applications for appropriate development in the countryside must maintain and protect the landscape and should be for the benefit of the people who live there and C2 relates to the need to reduce the impact of development within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.




Highways Engineer has inspected the site and recommends refusal on the grounds of a new access being created and inadequate turning area on site, leading to unacceptable hazard to users of the highway.


AONB Planning and Information Officer considers the new application is not an improvement in terms of impact on the character of the AONB.  The concern about the loss of hedge and the urbanizing of the hamlet made in the previous response remains.




Niton and Whitwell Parish Council recommend approval of this application. 




5 letters of support from local member and residents on the following grounds:


·         Vehicular access will not set any precedent as parking bays exist at other properties in the same road. 


·         To remove a vehicle off the road must be supported, as the road is very narrow with no pavement.


·         In rural areas there is a need for some flexibility since originally these roads were not made with cars or buses in mind. 


·         It would be dangerous for the applicants to walk to their car parked elsewhere as there is no pavement along the road.  There is also no other alternative parking area in close proximity.


·         The vehicular access it is not an ideal location, however it would be safer for the applicants and other road users than if they parked in unsuitable spots.


·         There should be a measure to slow down the traffic.


·         The visibility mirror opposite the parking area provides good vision of other traffic.




No crime and disorder implications anticipated.




The Highway Engineer recommends refusal on the grounds that the property although paved over to provide a hard standing area, is incapable of accommodating a turning area to enable vehicles to enter and leave the highway in a forward gear.  Therefore, vehicles would have to either reverse into or out of the site creating a hazard on the highway located on a bend and a classified road.  Also the new access would add unduly to the hazards of the highway users by virtue of unacceptably poor visibility.  Such development would therefore be contrary to Policy TR7.




There is a mirror erected in the hedge on the opposite side of the road to the access, which does assist an exiting driver to see an approaching vehicle; however, the land that the mirror stands on is not within the control of the applicant and cannot be taken into consideration when determining an application.


Access was constructed prior to the submission of the application and if refused, will need to be subject of enforcement action requiring closure of the access and reinstatement of boundary treatment.




In coming to this recommendation to refuse planning permission consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (right to privacy) and Article 1 of the first protocol (right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.  The impact this development might have on the owners/occupiers of other property in the area and other third parties has been carefully considered.  Whilst there may be some interference with the rights of the applicant to develop the land in the manner proposed it is considered that the recommendation to refuse it proportional to the legitimate aim of the Council's Unitary Development Plan and in the public interest.




Having given due regard and appropriate weight to all material considerations outlined in this report I am of the opinion that the application is contrary to Policy TR7, Policy D4, Policy C1 and C2 of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.







The formation and use of an additional access to the classified road at this point would add unduly to the hazards of highway users by virtue of unacceptably poor visibility and would therefore be contrary to Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.


The site cannot accommodate a turning area to enable vehicles to turn around on the site, and therefore the interests of road safety are compromised and would therefore be contrary to Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations for New Development) of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.




Head of Planning Services