
TCP/04748/C   P/00601/04  Parish/Name: Sandown  Ward: Sandown North

Registration Date:  17/03/2004  -  Full Planning Permission

Officer:  Mr. C. Boulter           Tel:  (01983) 823575

Applicant:  Mr & Mrs A Ayres


Chalet bungalow; vehicular access

land adjacent 1, Vinings Road, Sandown, PO36




Report requested by Local Member, Councillor Ms Humby, following consultation under the Part 1B procedure, who is concerned that the majority opinion is that proposal would lead to loss of privacy to adjoining occupiers.




This is a minor application, the processing of which has taken 11 weeks to date. It has gone beyond the prescribed 8 week period for determination, which expired on 12 May because the Local Member requested Committee consideration.




Site of 11 metres frontage to west side of Vinings Road, mid way between Vinings Gardens and Queens Road. Site depth of some 17 metres.


Within a residential area, containing a mixture of dwelling types, bungalows adjoining to north, with mostly two storey to west and south. Nearest adjoining dwellings are a bungalow some 9 metres north of the site and the rear of the two storey dwellings fronting Queens Road are dome 18 metres to the south.




TCP/4748/B – Single storey extension to form annexed accommodation and proposed garden shed at 1 Vinings Road, Approved with conditions 27 August 2002.




Two bedroomed dwelling proposed, building measuring 5.8 metres frontage by 7.4 metres depth, in form of chalet bungalow. Ground floor to contain lounge, dining room, kitchen, hall and stairway, with two bedrooms and bathroom in the upper floor roof area, lit by front and rear facing single dormer windows. Parking area and new vehicular access onto Vinings Road on northern side of site, whilst rear garden area (including patio) would be some 6 metres deep by 11 metres wide. Site is presently garden area to number 1 Vinings Road with a 1 metre brick wall surmounted by larchlap fence to total of 2 metres, on back of footpath.




PPG3 (Housing) encourages efficient use of land in urban areas by promoting higher densities while also stressing the need for good design in new housing developments in order to create attractive high quality living environments in which people would choose to live. Site is situated within the development envelope and parking zone 3 as identified on the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan (UDP). Relevant policies are as follows:


            S1 –     Development Concentrated in Urban Areas;

            S6 –     High Standards of Design;

            G1 –    Development Envelopes for Towns and Villages;

            G4 –    General Locational Criteria;

            D1 –    Standards of Design;

            D2 –    Standards for Development Within the Site;

            H5 –     Infill Development;

            TR7 – Highway Considerations for New Development; and

            TR16 –Parking Policies and Guidelines.




Highway Engineer recommends conditions if approved.








6 letters received from local residents (3 from the same address) objecting on grounds summarised as follows:


·         Loss of light;

·         Outlook from lounge and bedroom will be onto huge brick wall;

·         Overlooking of garden from upstairs window and garden;

·         Overshadowing and loss of sunlight;

·         If suitable for dwelling would have been built in 1850’s with rest of estate;

·         Will be of out of keeping with area as all other properties this side of road are bungalows;

·         Inadequate amenity space;

·         Proposed dwelling in front of building line;

·         Area at capacity for parking and road width often restricted by inconsiderate parking;

·         Construction traffic/deliveries will hamper residents living in proximity.


Despite raising issues as above, one correspondent indicates that in principle he has no real objections to the building plans put forward.



No crime and disorder implications are anticipated.




Size of site compares favourably with plots opposite and fronting Vinings Gardens and Queens Road. Proposed building is some 2.2 metres in front of building line of 1 Vinings Road but this will not be significant in the street scene. Garden depth is not as great as adjoining properties but this will not be significant in the street scene. Proposal complies with S1 and G1.


Dwelling proposed is small (5.8 metres frontage by 7.4 metres depth) and will fit comfortably on the site. It will be somewhat smaller than those nearby; two storey dwellings opposite and a longer frontage bungalow to the north. However area has no specific theme or character and street scene would not be unduly damaged by proposal. Materials were facing bricks and concrete tiles are appropriate for the area. Design is simple, with roof ridge parallel with road and dormer window in front roof plain. Complies with S6, G4, D2 and H5.


Rear wall will be 6 metres from boundary with rear garden of nearest property in Vinings Gardens but only windows in upper floor are bedroom and bathroom. Comments of neighbour are noted but I do not believe overlooking from these windows would be so significant as to warrant refusal. Windows looking towards the rear of Queens Road properties are bathroom and landing. No significant overlooking sufficient to warrant refusal will occur. Details of boundary fencing will need to be agreed to ensure maintenance of privacy to adjoining gardens at ground floor level. Property is of limited mass and will not over dominate adjoining rear garden to such a degree as to substantiate refusal. No adverse effects are seen on 1 Vinings Road which will be left with adequate amenity space. Complies with D1 and H5.


Highway Engineer requires visibility splay over part of garden of 1 Vinings Road; this can be achieved by condition as that property is shown to be in the applicant’s control. One parking space is provided and there is space for another in the grounds of 1 Vinings Road which can be provided if necessary under permitted development. No turning space necessary. Complies with TR7 and TR16.


Whilst noting objections from nearby residents, proposal makes best use of urban land and should be approved.




In coming to this recommendation to grant planning permission, consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The impacts this development might have on the owners/occupiers of the other property in the area and other third parties have been carefully considered. Whilst there may be some interference with the rights of these people this has to balanced with the right of the applicant to develop the land in the manner proposed. Insofar as there is an interference with the rights of others it is considered necessary for the protection of the rights and freedom of the applicant. It is also considered that such action is proportional to the legitimate aim and in the public interest.




Having given due regard and appropriate weight to the material considerations as discussed in this report, I am of the opinion that the scheme under consideration is an acceptable form of development, making best use of urban land and without serious adverse effect on adjoining occupiers such as to warrant refusal. The proposal therefore accords with the aims and principles of the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.







Time limit - full   -   A10



Submission of samples   -   S03



No structure or erection or natural growth, plants, shrubs, etc, exceeding 1 metre in height above existing road level shall be placed or permitted within the area of land as shown coloured yellow on the plan attached to and forming part of this decision notice TCP/4748/C.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to comply with Policy TR7 (Highway Considerations) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.



Vehicular access   -   J30



No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected.  The boundary treatment shall be completed before the building hereby permitted is occupied.  Development shall be carried out thereafter in accordance with the approved plans.


Reason: In the interests of maintaining the amenity value of the area to comply with Policy D1 (Standards of Design) of the IW Unitary Development Plan.







Head of Planning Services