





Mr A Thompson against refusal for demolition of car port and garage and outline for a house land rear of 45 Brook Road, Shanklin




Mr D Floyd against condition imposed on planning permission for 5 holiday units comprising pair of semi-detached houses and 2 storey building providing 2 flats at land on corner of Alexander Road and Palmerstone Road, Shanklin. The disputed condition states the holiday flats shall be retained together as one property and none shall be leased or sold off separately.




Miss A Godfrey against failure to determine application for a 2 storey rear extension at 124 Gunville Road, Newport.




Mr & Mrs P Butchers against refusal for demolition of garage and office, alterations and a 1/2/3 storey extension to enlarge accommodation to include replacement garage at 60 Albert Road, Cowes.




Mr P Davies against refusal of outline for a dwelling on land adjacent 36 Sylvan Avenue, East Cowes.









No new dates to report














Dr G Ciccognani against enforcement notice relating to the formation, layout and construction of a means of access onto a classified road at The Orchard, Undercliff Drive, St Lawrence.




Officer Recommendation:


Enforcement action to close the access, rebuild the wall and remove paviors and hardstanding.



Committee Decision:


Enforcement action as above - 12 August 2003




Appeal Decision:


Dismissed – 27 April 2004







Main issues of the case as identified by the Inspector:



·         Whether the access is of inadequate standard that has resulted in serious harm to the safety and convenience of other road users.

·         The impact of the development on the character and appearance of the AONB.



Conclusions of the Inspector:



·         The road is subject to a 60 mile per hour speed limit and requires visibility distances 215 metres in each direction



·          Visibility is limited to 160 metres to the west and 15 metres to the east



·         The situation results in significant danger for an emerging driver and serious harm to the safety of approaching traffic



·         The problems encountered by the appellant with his neighbour in respect of his existing access do not justify the retention of the appealed access



·         The roadside walls are an important element of the distinctive character of this part of the AONB



·         The new access has resulted in the removal of a significant section of the wall



·         The site and the laying of modern block paviors to form a lay by has resulted in an alien feature in the generally wooded landscape



·         The works have seriously harmed the character and appearance of the AONB



A copy of the full decision letter relating to the above appeal has been placed in the Members Room.  Further copies may be obtained from Mrs J Kendall (extension 3572) at the Directorate of Environment Services.