Purpose: For Decision



Date:               9 MARCH 2005






                                                IMPLEMENTATION DATE: 21 March 2005





1.         To approve the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Sandown, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No1 2004.




2.         A number of amendments of the yellow line waiting restrictions were advertised during September 2004 after consultation with the police and the following representations have been received.




3.         The recommended Orders will contribute to the delivery of targets under Theme 1 of the Community Strategy (Guaranteeing the quality of life and sustainability) and particularly targets 1.24, to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in road accidents by 40% by the year 2010 and 1.41, to cut the number of short car journeys.




4.                  Consultation has been undertaken in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, and the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996.


5.                  Copies of representations received during the statutory consultation period are attached to this report.




6.                  The costs associated with the introduction of the proposed Order have been identified, and are to be covered as part of the Highways capital allocation for Island wide Minor Traffic Management Schemes.




7.                  The relevant powers are contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1994, as amended. The procedure for introducing Traffic Regulation Orders is set out in the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996.


8.                  In so far as the imposition of restrictions on road use represent restrictions of the human rights of individuals under Article 8 and Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, those restrictions are proportionate to the legitimate objective of enhancing the ability of other road users to safely exercise their rights to pass and re-pass along the highway.


9.                  The recommended Traffic Regulation Orders are, in part, designed to increase road safety by reducing both the incidents of traffic crime and consequences to other road users of traffic crime. The recommendations are made with regard to the duty to reduce incidents of crime and disorder contained within s17 Crime and disorder Act 1998.  However consideration needs to be given to some of the objections raised by residents.  Vehicle speed is likely to show a marginal increase when on-street parking is removed and where appropriate, measures should be taken to address this.  Consideration should also be given to the impact on surrounding roads, as displacement of parking is likely.  If natural surveillance or street lighting is not to the same standard this may result in a higher level of vehicle crime, or a reduction of vehicle crime if natural surveillance and or street lighting is improved.




10.             Royal Crescent, Sandown – No Waiting at Any Time


11.             On the west side from point 13.7 metres south of its junction with Melville Street to a point 7.6 metres north of its junction with Beachfield Road.


12.             Objections


13.             One letter of objection has been received from the owners of Carisbrooke House Hotel, who have expressed concerns that the introduction of the proposed restrictions would migrate parked vehicles on to Beachfield Road, which would increase congestion and the probability of vehicles being vandalised.




14.             The proposed restriction was advertised in an attempt to address congestion in the road as a result of parking being available, on the west side of the road, from 1st October to 30th May each year.


15.             Royal Crescent, Sandown is a residential road that is located between Beachfield Road and Mellville Street and by definition is curved over its entire length. A significant number of hotels are located along the route, particularly on the west side, most of which have large open frontages with off street parking.


16.             With the exception of a 13.7 metre section at either end, parking is permitted, all year round, on the east side of the road, with a seasonal no waiting restriction on the west side on the road.


17.             As a result of the extended summer season and the subsequent increase in vehicle movements, the road is subject to congestion as a result of vehicles parking on the west side of the carriageway. The proposed alteration, changing the seasonal restriction to one that applies all year round, is designed to address congestion and improve road safety in the area.


18.             Following the above representation a further inspection of the site has been undertaken and as a result of this it is proposed to amend the extent of the proposed restrictions and create two unrestricted parking spaces, on the west side of the carriageway, outside the Carisbrooke House Hotel.


Royal Crescent, Sandown – view from Beachfield Road






19.             It is recommended that the proposed restriction be implemented with the following amendments.


20.             Royal Crescent on the north-east side from its junction with Beachfield            Road to a point 13.7 metres north thereof


21.             Royal Crescent on the east side from the junction with Melville Street to a point 7.6 metres south thereof


22.             Royal Crescent on the south-west from the junction with Beachfield Road to a point 13.7 metres north-west thereof


23.             Royal Crescent on the west side from a point 23.7 metres north of its junction with Beachfield Road to its junction with Melville Street





24.             Beachfield Road, Sandown – Implement Limited Waiting of 30 minutes in any hour from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm


25.             On the north-west side from a point 47.2 metres north-east to a point 73.2 metres north-east of its junction with Royal Street


26.             Objection


27.             One letter of objection has been received and the grounds for the objection are that the proposed restriction will not allow sufficient time to complete transactions in the post office and other areas of the town.




28.             The proposed restriction was advertised following a request from the operators of the post office who have asked that the existing one-hour restriction be reduced to 20 minutes.


29.             As is the case across the Island, the Post Office in Avenue Road Sandown has been closed down, with all the trade in the area being redirected to the Post Office in Beachfield Road. This has resulted in a significant increase in customer numbers and a subsequent demand for parking, albeit for short periods of time.


30.             There would, however, seem to be a difference of opinion between the operators of the site and the gentleman who has raised objection to the proposals. The letter of representation refers to the fact the increase trade at the Post office has resulted in longer delays, and that transactions often take in excess of half an hour to complete. In contrast the operators of the Post Office feel that it is essential to reduce the waiting period so that a higher turnover of parking spaces is achievable.


31.             The proposed restriction of 30 minutes forms a compromise between the opposing views, which enables most transactions to be undertaken whilst maximising the potential to park out side the Post Office.


Beachfield Road, Sandown – outside Post Office





32.             It is recommended that the proposed restriction be implemented as advertised.


















33.             Esplanade, Sandown – Implement No Waiting at Any Time


34.             On the north-west side from its junction with Pier Street to the south-western corner of the Esplanade


35.             Esplanade, Sandown – Revoke No Waiting at Any time between 1st May to 30th September


36.             On the north-west side from its junction with Pier Street to the south-western corner of the Esplanade


37.             Objection


38.             One letter of objection has been received, with the grounds for the objection being that the proposed restriction would reduce the ability for residents to park outside the main summer season, and enjoy the local surroundings.




39.             The proposed restriction was advertised as a result of a number of concerns that have been expressed by the police regarding the obstruction of through traffic as a result of indiscriminate parking outside the Napoleons Landing development. This has been compounded by the construction of a new footway on the landward side of the Esplanade.


40.             The remaining carriageway width is such that parked vehicles prevent those opposite from being able to enter and exit the parking spaces and restricts access for through traffic. 


Esplanade, Sandown – outside Napolean’s Landing







41.       It is recommended that the proposed restriction be implemented as advertised.


















42.             Avenue Road, Sandown – Revoke Limited Waiting of 1 hour in any 2 hours from Mondays to Saturdays 8.00 am to 6.00 pm


43.             On the east side from its a point 27.4 metres south to a point 36.6 metres south of its junction with Fort Street


44.             Avenue Road, Sandown – Revoke the No Waiting at Any Time between 1st May to 30th September


45.             On the east side from a point 9.1 metres north of its junction with Crescent Road to a point 36.6 metres south of its junction with Fort Street


46.             Avenue Road, Sandown – Implement No Waiting at Any Time


47.             On the east side from a point 27.4 metres south to a point 66.5 metres south of its junction with Fort Street


48.             On the east side from a point 88.5 metres south of its junction with Fort Street to a point 9.1 metres north of its junction with Crescent Road


49.             Avenue Road, Sandown – Implement Limited Waiting of 30 minutes in any hour from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm


50.             On the east side from a point 66.5 metres south to a point 88.5 metres south of its junction with Fort Street


51.             Objections


52.             Four letters of objection have been received. The main points raised are:


53.             The proposed restriction will make it more difficult to load and unload. (2)


54.             The proposed restriction will make more difficult to park, particularly in the summer months. (1)


55.             Residents parking should be introduced (2)


56.             Alternative measures such as a one way system should be introduced. (2)


57.             The proposed restriction will devalue properties in the area.




58.             The proposed restriction was advertised following representations from a local resident, the local bus operators and the police.


59.             Avenue Road forms part of the main route from Ryde to Sandown town centre and carries in the region of 6700 vehicle movements per day (May 2004). It is also the main bus route in and out of the town.


60.             No waiting at any time restrictions are currently in place on the western side of the carriageway, over its entire length, and either side of each of the junctions on the east side of the road. The remaining area is currently covered by a seasonal, no waiting restriction, with exception of five spaces in the area of the, now closed down, Post Office.


61.             As a result of the extended summer season and the subsequent increase in vehicle movements, the road is subject to congestion, particularly during the autumn and spring. The proposed alteration, changing the seasonal restriction to one that applies all year round, is designed to address congestion and improve road safety in the area.


62.             The existing five on street parking spaces will be retained, albeit some 47 metres further to the south, which will provide better parking for the adjacent convenience store, and improve road safety in the area. In addition the removal of parked vehicles from the inside of the long left hand bend, will address the restrictions to forward visibility, and improve road safety.


63.             The problems in Avenue Road have been debated for some time, with a number of various options considered to address the various traffic management and road safety deficiencies. To date all other options have been discounted, no least of all because of the constraints of the highway infrastructure. The issue of pavement parking was also considered, but was found to impracticable as a result of the number of trees, private vehicle accesses and existing street furniture.


64.             The proposed change in restrictions is considered to be the most appropriate to address the existing traffic management and road safety issues.



Avenue Road, Sandown – view from Fort Street






65.       It is recommended that the proposed restrictions are implemented as advertised.

















66.             Letters of objection addressed to the Director of Executive Services, copies of which are attached.


67.             Contact Point: Kevin Burton – Traffic & Transportation Tel: 823777 / Email: [email protected]





Head of Engineering Services




Portfolio Holder for Transport