Purpose : for Decision



Date :              21 MAY 2003











1.         To approve the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Cowes, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No1 2003.




2.         A number of amendments of the yellow line waiting restrictions were advertised in March 2003 after consultation with the Police to address a number of road safety issues in Cowes, and the following representations have been received.        




3.         The recommended Orders will contribute to the delivery of targets under Theme 1 of the Community Strategy (Guaranteeing the quality of life and sustainability) and particularly targets 1.24, to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in road accidents by 40% by the year 2010 and 1.41, to cut the number of short car journeys.




4.                  Consultation has been undertaken in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, and the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996.


Copies of representations received during the statutory consultation period are attached to this report.


Consultation has also been undertaken with representatives of Cowes Town Council Traffic Sub-Committee, the local Traffic Warden, the Police, and Cowes Business Association.


Consultation regarding the proposed restrictions in Bellevue Road/Moorgreen Road has been undertaken with representatives of the local businesses and residents of the road, together with Cllr Fox, Portfolio Holder for Transport, members of Cowes Town Council, Mr K Burton, Senior Traffic Engineer and Mr R Ainge from Cowes Business Association. 




5.         The costs associated with the introduction of the proposed Order have been identified, and are to be covered from the existing Highways revenue budget.




6.         The relevant powers are contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1994, as amended. The procedure for introducing Traffic Regulation Orders is set out in the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996.


In so far as the imposition of restrictions on road use represent restrictions of the human rights of individuals under Article 8 and Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, those restrictions are proportionate to the legitimate objective of enhancing the ability of other road users to safely exercise their rights to pass and re-pass along the highway.


The recommended Traffic Regulation Orders are, in part, designed to increase road safety by reducing both the incidents of traffic crime and consequences to other road users of traffic crime. The recommendations are made with regard to the duty to reduce incidents of crime and disorder contained within s17 Crime and disorder Act 1998.  However consideration needs to be given to some of the objections raised by residents.  Vehicle speed is likely to increase when on-street parking is removed and where appropriate, traffic calming measures may address this.  Consideration should also be given to the impact on surrounding roads, as displacement of parking is likely.  If natural surveillance or street lighting is not to the same standard this may result in a higher level of vehicle crime, or a reduction of vehicle crime if natural surveillance and or street lighting is improved.




7.         Bellevue Road – No Waiting at Any Time


On the southwest side from a point 13.71 metres southeast to a point 66 metres southeast of its junction with Moorgreen Road.


On the southwest side and south side from a point 24.5 metres northwest to a point 8.5 metres east of its junction with Seaview Road.


On the north and northeast side from a point 7.5 metres northwest of its junction with Coronation Road to a point 10 metres east of its junction with Mill Hill Road.


On the south side from a point 10.5 metres west to a point 34.5 metres east of its junction with Mill Hill Road


Moorgreen Road – No waiting at Any Time


On the southeast side from its junction with Upper Moorgreen Road to a point 13 metres northeast thereof.


Upper Moorgreen Road – No waiting at Any Time


On both sides from its junction with Moorgreen Road to a point 15.5 metres southwest thereof.


Forty-nine letters of objection plus two petitions have been received of objection together with two further letters supporting the proposals. The main points raised are as follows:


The proposed restriction will have a negative impact on the ability for residents to park on street.   

(42 & petition)


Recommend that a One Way System is introduced.



The proposed restriction will have a negative impact on disabled parking.



Residents parking should be introduced



The restriction will have an impact on the ability to park in adjacent roads

(21 & petition)


The road should be stopped up to through traffic



The existing bus stops should be moved



The existing Bus Route should be re-routed



The proposed restriction will increase vehicle speeds



Traffic calming should be introduced         



An alternative car park should be provided



The proposed restriction will have a negative impact on local business




Upper Moorgreen Road junction with Moorgreen Road



Bellevue Road towards Mill Hill Road







8.         The proposed restriction was advertised following a number of concerns from the local bus operator, residents, and other users of the road, who had highlighted the potential for impact with buses and oncoming vehicles, as well as restrictions to forward visibility caused by indiscriminately parked vehicles, both in Bellevue Road and at the various junctions in the area. Further concerns were raised regarding the level of parking on footways and the delays caused to the scheduled bus services, delivery vehicles and emergency services vehicles. 


The extent of the proposals was determined after detailed consultation with Cowes Town Council, the local traffic warden and the Police.


Following a number of concerns regarding the proposals a site meeting was held with representatives of the local business, the residents, the Town Council, Cowes Business Association, Officers and Cllr Fox. After consultation its was agreed by all parties that the majority of the proposed restrictions were essential on road safety grounds but that some amendments could be made to proposed restrictions between Coronation Road and Alexandra Road, with a further relaxation of the proposals between Coronation Road and Moorgreen Road.


It is, therefore, recommended that the proposed restrictions be introduced with the following amendments:


Bellevue Road - No Waiting at Any Time


On the southwest side from a point 33.5 metres southeast to a point 66 metres southeast of its junction with Moorgreen Road.


On the northeast side from a point 7.5 metres northwest to a point 4 metres southeast of its junction with Coronation Road


On the north and northeast side from appoint 8.5 metres northwest of its junction with Alexandra Road to a point 10 metres east of its junction with Mill Hill Road.




That the restrictions are implemented with the above amendments.












9.         Crossfield Avenue – No Waiting 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

On the southeast side from a point 31 metres southwest of its junction with Ward Avenue to a point 10 metres northeast of its junction with Mountbatten Drive.


Two letters of objection have been received, one from Cllr Effemey and one from a resident of Winston Road. The grounds for the objections are that the proposed restriction is considered to be a waste of time and money and not required to address a problem that primarily occurs at school times. Cllr Effemey has also recommended that the school buses should be relocated further west in Crossfield Avenue opposite the Green and that the duration of the proposed restriction should be reduced in time.       


Crossfield Avenue junction with Mountbatten Avenue





10.       The proposed restriction was advertised following representations of from the Head teacher of Cowes High School, local bus operators, the Town Council, the local traffic warden and the Police.


The extent and time duration is considered to be the most appropriate to address the road safety problems in the road without having a serious impact on residents and visitors in the area. It is not considered either appropriate or practicable to relocate the bus stops further west as to do so would incur an unnecessary cost and be in contravention of the Council’s, policy to promote local bus operations.



That the restriction is implemented as advertised.




11.       Crossfield Avenue - No Waiting at Any Time

On the southeast side from a point 13.72 metres southwest to a point 31 metres southwest of its junction with Ward Avenue.


On both sides from a point 10 metres northeast to a point 10 metres southwest of its junction with Mountbatten Drive


On both sides from a point 10 metres northeast to a point 20 metres southwest of its junction with Churchill Road


Mountbatten Avenue - No Waiting at Any Time

On both sides from its junction with Crossfield Avenue a point 10 metres southeast thereof.


On both sides from a point 11.5 metres northwest to a point 13 metres southwest of its junction with Edinburgh Close.


On both sides from a point 64 metres southwest to a point 89 metres southwest of its junction with Edinburgh Close.


Churchill Road - No Waiting at Any Time

On both sides from a point 7.5 metres southeast to a point 9 metres northwest of its junction with Churchill Close


On both sides from its junction with Crossfield Avenue to a point 10 metres southeast thereof.


On both sides from a point 8 metres north to a point 5.5 metres south of its junction with Charles Road


On the west side from a point 32 metres north to a point 22.5 metres south of its junction with Winston Road.


On the east side from a point 10 metres north to a point 32 metres north of its junction with Winston Road.


(Access between 8 & 10) on both sides from its junction with Churchill Road to a point 9 metres east thereof.


Charles Road – No Waiting at Any Time

On both sides from its junction with Churchill Road to a point 8 metres east thereof.


On the northwest side from a point 108 metres southwest to a point 143 metres southwest of its junction with Edinburgh Close.


Winston Road – No Waiting at Any Time

On both sides from its junction with Churchill Road to a point 8.5 metres west thereof.


Churchill Close – No waiting at Any Time

On both sides from its junction with Churchill Road to a point 7 metres northeast thereof.


Edinburgh Close – No Waiting at Any Time

On both sides from its junction with Mountbatten Avenue to a point 8.5 metres southeast thereof.


Three letters of objection have been received. One of which refers to those lines proposed at the junction of Churchill Road and the access road to the parking area located between No’s 8 & 10. The second objection refers to the proposed restrictions at the junction of Churchill Road and Churchill Close, and the third objection, from Cllr Effemey refers to the proposed restrictions in Churchill Road, except for those on the northwest corner of Charles Road. He also objects to those at both Church Road/Crossfield Avenue and Mountbatten Avenue / Crossfield Avenue. The main grounds for the objections are that they are considered to be excessive.


Charles Road outside No 4





12.       The proposed restrictions were advertised following a written complaint from a resident of Charles Road who, as a regular user of the local bus service, has been dropped off in Crossfield Avenue, due to the fact the bus could not gain access through the estate as a result of the indiscriminate, on street parking. The extent of the restriction was determined after consultation with the Town Council’s traffic liaison group and a site meeting with the Police.


Crossfield Estate has a meandering network of narrow roads which when vehicles are parked on either the bends or at the junctions severely restricts access for large vehicles, including the local buses and the emergency service vehicles. The proposed restrictions are designed to reduce the potential for the restrictions in access without having an impact on the ability for residents to park. The length of the restrictions reflect the minimum requirements of paragraph 217 of the Highway Code, which states that you should not park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction.



That the restriction is implemented as advertised.







13.       Baring Road – No waiting at Any Time

On the south side from a point 23 metres west to a point 29 metres west of its junction with Ward Avenue


On the south side from a point 5.5 metres west of its junction with Baring Drive to a point 65 metres west of the junction with Ward Avenue.



Three letters of objection and a petition have been received with the main grounds for objection being:


The proposed restriction will increase vehicle speeds in the area

(2 & petition)


At least 4 to 5 car parking spaces should be retained



The current parking should be transferred to the north side of the road




Baring Drive junction with Baring Road





14.       The proposed restriction was advertised following the receipt of three letters from residents of Baring Drive expressing their concerns regarding the safety of the access from Baring Drive onto Baring Road caused by westbound vehicles using the north side of the road, immediately adjacent to the junction of Baring Drive, as a result of passing the parked vehicles opposite.


The extent of the proposed restriction has been designed to address the particular road safety concerns of the residents of Baring Drive and to allow 7 parking spaces to remain. This will accommodate the demands for residential on-street parking, improve visibility from the junction of Ward Avenue and retain the natural traffic-calming feature that on street parking provides.  They may, however, have been some confusion with regards to the extent of the proposed restriction as a restriction to prevent coaches parking in the area in question was simultaneously advertised and displayed on the public notice.



That the restriction is implemented as advertised.







15.             Arctic Road – No Waiting at Any Time

On the north side from a point 7.62 metres east of its northern junction with Newport Road.

One letter of objection has been received from the owner of the corner property who is concerned that the proposed restriction will have an adverse effect on his ability to park in close proximity of his property, which may expose him and his family to a greater risk of being involved in a road traffic accident if forced to park further away.


Arctic Road junction with Newport Road





16.       The proposed restriction was advertised following a site meeting with representatives of the Town Council, and the local traffic warden and is designed to reduce the potential for conflict for motorists that are entering Arctic Road from the junction of Newport Road, who them continue around the bend on the wrong side of the road, without the benefit of an adequate level of forward visibility.


Vehicles displaced from the area should be able to park in Newport Road, where the introduction of new Bus Borders will result in a net gain in on-street parking spaces.



That the restriction is implemented as advertised.





17.       Pelham Road – No Waiting at Any Time

On the west side from its junction with Bridge Road to a point 54 metres north of its junction with South Street.


One letter of objection has been received from a resident of Pelham Road who is concerned that the proposed restriction will have a negative impact of her ability to park on-street. In addition one further letter has been received in support of the proposed restrictions.


Pelham Road outside No 23





18.       The proposed restriction was advertised following a site meeting with representatives of Cowes Town Council and the local traffic warden and are designed to address the existing problem of parking on the footway, which impedes access for pedestrians and puts them at risk as they are often forced to walk in the carriageway as a result of the footway being obstructed.


The existing carriageway width is such that its does not allow for parking on both sides of the road, whilst retaining sufficient space for larger vehicles and emergency appliances to pass. In an attempt to mitigate the deficiencies in carriageway width, motorist park on the adjacent footway.


Displaced vehicles could, in part, be accommodated by the creation of additional on-street parking spaces in Bridge Road.



That the restriction is implemented as advertised.







19.       Pelham Road – No waiting at Any Time

On the west side from appoint 37 metres north to a point 84 metres south of its junction with South Road.


Six letters of objection have been received from residents of the Cul-de Sac end of Pelham Road, who are concerned that the proposed restrictions will have a negative impact of their ability to park on street.


Pelham Road south of South Road





20.       The proposed restriction was advertised in an attempt to reflect the discrepancies between the existing traffic regulation Order and the markings on site, in so far as that the existing Order indicates that a No waiting at Any Time restriction applies on the west side of the Cul-de Sac, where as the markings on site indicate an No Waiting restriction 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday.


Regrettably a further discrepancy has appeared as a result of rewriting the Order, which has indicated an intention to introduce a No Waiting at Any Time Restriction in the road, which is contrary to the 8am to 6pm restriction required.


As a result, I would recommend that the proposed restriction be implemented with the following amendments:


Pelham Road - No Waiting at Any Time

On the west side from a point 37 metres north to a point 7.5 metres south of its junction with South Street.


Pelham Road – No Waiting 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday.

On the west side from a point 7.5 metres south to a point 84 metres south of the junction with South Street.




That the restriction is implemented with the above amendments.






21.       Letters of objection addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and Strategic Director of Environment Services, copies of which are attached.  (letters 1)  (letters 2)




22.       Hampshire Constabulary have written in support of the proposed restriction.


Contact Point: Kevin Burton – Traffic & Transportation.

Tel: 823777 / Email: [email protected]




Chief Executive Officer

and Strategic Director

Environment Services




Portfolio Holder for Transport